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Stop Making Clantech Buyable.


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You're free to have that opinion, but I'm not talking about why I choose to play or not to play this game; that's not really the subject at hand here. Do you really feel that DE's business model of paywalls and timewalls is something you're okay with? Do you really feel like your time is rewarded in any stroke for playing this game? WF is becoming more action MMORPG by the day (seriously, check out the latest livestream if you haven't yet), and in those games I love having the sense of accomplishment of getting a certain drop or an item because the core game tends to be solid and fun with ways to break up the monotony. Here? We get events that are more of the same game because there IS nothing else. Some schmuck can buy a weapon and use it instantly with no effort that takes people time and effort to get from clantech. Doesn't that feel disingenuous?

no because we can choose to play whatever way we want. Timewalls is kind of a stupid phrase does ps4 players have a massive time wall because we get things first?

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no because we can choose to play whatever way we want. Timewalls is kind of a stupid phrase does ps4 players have a massive time wall because we get things first?

I'm not talking about PS4, and I see that I'm not getting anywhere here. You didn't address anything I mentioned beyond trying to play semantics with me over "paywalls." I didn't make up the darn phrase. I'm sorry I brought anything up in the first place.


You and everyone else on this forum can just go about your business not listening to reason and just blindly accepting what they're given. Shouldn't you feel like the game is lacking a feeling of accomplishment? I do.

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Bottom line, without plat sales this game dies, that is the essence of the free to play model; the developers have to keep injecting items into the economy, items that can be purchased with real currency, it is a simple concept. If you do not want to pay for an item and would rather grind, the choice is there, but without a constant revenue stream there will be no game to play.


The game doesn't survive because folks want to spend every waking moment playing, it survives on the wallets of those buying and spending plat. If someone really wants to sit in the same spot until their brain is as numb as their arse, they can play a Korean grinder, one with a subscription model to keep it afloat.


Warframe is free to play, and that means micro transactions, and anyone that does not like it should probably find another title as they are not going anywhere.

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Prime access only applies to Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime as well as an exclusive shiny syandana and Titan Prime. No other Prime weapon or weapons are in the bundle.

Those are STILL Prime weapons which can be bought.

And correction, the only prime weapons in the bundle for now.

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It's true some people don't have the time to farm up stuff or wait.


However. As of U12 and now this item, EVERY weapon has been both Clantech  AND plat purchaseable.


This is horribly inconsistent as well as:


Not okay.


A clantech weapon shows either you're part of a clan/and have contirubted to that clan.


Kind of a cool 'unattainable' item unless you were in a clan. DE now you're making EVERYTHING in the game buyable? Resources weren't enough to make people spend real life dollars on?


Come on.


On another front this can discourage some people from contributing to their clantech- if they can avoid the wait and adding their 'hard earned' resources but have plat to spare?


Either you make ALL Clantech weapons buy-able or NONE of them, DE.


How did you not see backlash coming from this marketing decision?

Let me tell you the same thing I've told everyone else.


You seem upset at DE being able to have more money faster.


Everyone get's the weapon eventually, and would you rather wait for a week or so before someone said:"Yeah, it's good. Go ahead and farm up for it." or "Nah, don't bother," Or would you rather wait a couple minutes for that answer? Take your pick, because I would love to be able to know if it's worth going for the instant it comes out rather than waiting a week, then starting my farm, or going through a week of farming just to find out  it's bad.

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how is everyone forgetting one factor with Platinum now? it's another form of Credits since players having spent no money at all can rake in thousands. 


so Platinum is Credits. 


basically then, Weapons can either be researched or built in the foundry using Resources and Credits.... or you can use these different colored Credits to buy it. 




as for actually selling Clantech, it's a lack of consistency, and that's disgruntling. not to mention it's again, proving outright statements from the past of 'the best stuff in the game will not be for sale' were a complete lie. the first time i was disgruntled, now i'm a little more disgruntled. if what you say won't be true, don't say it. but don't lie to us. 




and would you rather wait for a week or so before someone said:"Yeah, it's good. Go ahead and farm up for it." or "Nah, don't bother," Or would you rather wait a couple minutes for that answer? Take your pick, because I would love to be able to know if it's worth going for the instant it comes out rather than waiting a week, then starting my farm, or going through a week of farming just to find out  it's bad.

what if... you don't sit around in chats, waiting for people to tell you what the most min/max guns are, and instead, you aqquire that equipment to see if you like it, since enjoying it is what's important.

Edited by taiiat
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The problem isn't about money. It's that the effort, time, and patience that goes into researching and building a clantech weapon is utterly invalidated by the fact that some scrub with 8 dollars and no brains can blow it all on a single weapon because they can.


I have said this since day one and I will say it as much as I have to to get this point across:


I want to feel like I EARNED my weapons. I don't want to boot up the game and feel like it's work because there's no fun to be had. Monster Hunter, for example, does virtually the same this this game does in terms of resource gathering, killing the same enemies over and over to get loot drops, etc. But you know what that series has over this? The core gameplay is FUN and CHALLENGING and goes beyond Wave 50 Grineer garbage.

Then don't buy weapons with plat. I have a one person dojo and I've only spent plat on cosmetics, but I don't mind clan weapons being available for purchase. I'm not going to buy them, but if someone does, good for them. I don't feel like the enjoyment I have in playing is invalidated by someone else being able to buy weapons. Besides, I have enough Warframe trophies nobody can buy already, as do you if you've been around long enough to play the events.

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Then don't buy weapons with plat. I have a one person dojo and I've only spent plat on cosmetics, but I don't mind clan weapons being available for purchase. I'm not going to buy them, but if someone does, good for them. I don't feel like the enjoyment I have in playing is invalidated by someone else being able to buy weapons. Besides, I have enough Warframe trophies nobody can buy already, as do you if you've been around long enough to play the events.

Then what's the whole point of making ones own clan-tech weapon? It once meant that a person is in a clan and therefore has access to otherwise unobtainable weapons. 

In the future, which looks like it'll happen again, now when/if I am using a clan-tech weapon..everybody is gonna automatically assume that I bought it with plat instead of earning this marvelous weapon through days and days of grinding and research.

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how is everyone forgetting one factor with Platinum now? it's another form of Credits since players having spent no money at all can rake in thousands. 


so Platinum is Credits. 


basically then, Weapons can either be researched or built in the foundry using Resources and Credits.... or you can use these different colored Credits to buy it. 




as for actually selling Clantech, it's a lack of consistency, and that's disgruntling. not to mention it's again, proving outright statements from the past of 'the best stuff in the game will not be for sale' were a complete lie. the first time i was disgruntled, now i'm a little more disgruntled. if what you say won't be true, don't say it. but don't lie to us. 






what if... you don't sit around in chats, waiting for people to tell you what the most min/max guns are, and instead, you aqquire that equipment to see if you like it, since enjoying it is what's important.


Well, i couldnt agreed more with you, to me, is the lack of honesty in statements that bugs me, one of my slogan to bring friends to warframe, was that little phrase " Best weapons in game will not be for sale", now it seem that all of that was lost for a couple of bucks.


I dont have issues with the ones who can buy them, and I really doubt that it was a needed decision to keep the game alive, but one thing im sure, the moment you lose your integrity for money, things will never be the same, tomorrow you can say its diferent, but next time "quick bucks" appear, you will change again bc money is always in front of what you believe.


I think that we dont need to be much clever to see that the new Tenno lab is the new wall in warframe, 3 days to research bp, more 24h to build the weapon (im not even go talk about warframes), for people playing the game for little time, dont have a issue, bc they have lots of stuff to try before, but for older ones (especially founders bc of plat they are holding) its little trap, especially if you remember " Best weapons in game will not be for sale".


You may not see it like that, bc now you have plat, tomorrow when you dont have anymore, maybe you will ask yourself that if warframe really needed this moves to be a better game.

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It's true some people don't have the time to farm up stuff or wait.


However. As of U12 and now this item, EVERY weapon has been both Clantech  AND plat purchaseable.


This is horribly inconsistent as well as:


Not okay.


A clantech weapon shows either you're part of a clan/and have contirubted to that clan.


Kind of a cool 'unattainable' item unless you were in a clan. DE now you're making EVERYTHING in the game buyable? Resources weren't enough to make people spend real life dollars on?


Come on.


On another front this can discourage some people from contributing to their clantech- if they can avoid the wait and adding their 'hard earned' resources but have plat to spare?


Either you make ALL Clantech weapons buy-able or NONE of them, DE.


How did you not see backlash coming from this marketing decision?

Agree. There are plenty of non clan weapon alternatives that can take you through all the game's content easily. No reason to give plat players EVERYTHING.

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I agree with the OP on this issue.

If they recently made ClanTech purchasable through the Market, why not do the same for the other ClanTech weapons? Synapse, Ogris, Ignis, Supra, Dera, Prova, Dual Ichor, Acrid, Lanka, etc, why aren't those in the Market? It's going to cause a lot of inconsistency in the ClanTech/Market weapon availability and backlash from the community.

It's the same reason why you wouldn't see Prime items in the Market, because they are supposed to be Orokin Void/Tower content. ClanTech are "Clan" content. Hell, you can even make your own solo clan and get the items listed in the previous paragraph without even having to be part of a real clan.

The only exception are Prime items as they are only available for purchase through the "Market" as Founder's/Prime Access packs with other limited edition exclusives. But moving ClanTech items to the Market is just plain wrong. If we can't use platinum to rush research OR buy Detonite Injectors from the Market (but are able to spend platinum to rush completion??), why is it that anybody can buy the final product just like that?

Prime packages aren't eradicating an inconvenience as you get A WHOLE LOT of extra exclusives on top of them, marketing ClanTech looks more like they have made ClanTech a pain in the @ss to get so you would be more inclined to buy them with platinum. Almost crossing the line there.

We are already seeing the entire Stalker weapon set available in the Market. Stalker is supposed to be hunted down for the special loot he drops, not so special now that anybody can buy the whole set, is it?

How would you feel if Detron or Dakra Prime becomes a Market item? I'd hate to see the day that every single item in the game having a platinum price tag on them. NOTHING that you've spent hours and hours of farming will feel special any more.

Player 1: Man, how'd you get that weapon, looks cool!
Player 2: Oh, thanks! It took me real long to get the parts for this Detron, almost about a month till I finally got it. From the Harvester random encounters!

----5 minutes later----

Player 1: Bro, look what I just bought, DETRON!!!
Player 2: ....

Nothing will ever feel special again, nothing...

Edited by ALDO
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My only issue with this is that they should make either all clantech available for plat or none of it (I don't really care which one). It's just like with many of the game's mechanics: nothing's reliable, nothing's consistent.

Agreed. Consistency is the point here, not wether they are available for plat or not.

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Nobody loses.

Is how it should be. 


Brag rights have no place in warframe except for showing off stats, as far as items go unless it's founders or prime access(Not really okay with it, but it's there) or something like that, it should be fine to sell in a store... They keep giving continuous content, it's fair that they get more income. 

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