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Nova Warframe Aesthetic Feedback


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I think what people are referring to when they speak of the dreaded 'giraffe neck' is the fact that (with her default helmet) the actual helmet section starts way too high up, making her neck appear long. Rather than leaving it at that, here's an example of what I'm talking about, as well as a very poorly-done mock up of how to fix the issue.






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the problem with nova is her neck and the belly, always been only that,


What the hell... never seen anything wrong with her neck, and what do people have against her belly? I personally like how she looks, belly and all.

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What the hell... never seen anything wrong with her neck, and what do people have against her belly? I personally like how she looks, belly and all.


The neck thing is more of a rigging issue with certain stances (idle animations, for example) stretching it out to ridiculous proportions. Beyond that, as I said in a previous post, her helmet is too front-focused with nothing to balance it out in the back, leaving nothing but a large expanse of neckage to look at all day long. It probably isn't really that noticeable, but when you spend hours and hours staring at her back portions you tend to notice the little flaws, no matter how minor they are.   

Edited by -Synapse-
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The neck thing is more of a rigging issue with certain stances (idle animations, for example) stretching it out to ridiculous proportions. Beyond that, as I said in a previous post, her helmet is too front-focused with nothing to balance it out in the back, leaving nothing but a large expanse of neckage to look at all day long. It probably isn't really that noticeable, but when you spend hours and hours staring at her back portions you tend to notice the little flaws, no matter how minor they are.   


actually, as all the frames shares the same skeleton, by doing her "petite", the neck stretchs to fullfill the height.


i wont take pictures and all, because i dont have time actually, but proportionally the neck is too long (there is tons of posts about this when nova came out), the belly issue is about taste tho.

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I think Nova looks good for what she's supposed to stand for. She's antimatter -  a thing we know barely anything about. It's one of the great unknowns in this universe, thus Mynki (lead art designer) made Nova to look like something that certainly has alot of "unknown" qualities. 


Frankly I think she's beautiful. Not totally in the traditional sense (though admittedly she does have nice hip proportion), but in the fact that she's "Different". I'd akin her more to a broken porcelain doll than anything else shape-wise, which also fits. Porcelain dolls are pretty creepy. They live within the uncanny valley - a place filled with nervousness and anxiety. I think people see her as "ugly" because of this. Nova is the warframe closest to being in that uncanny valley. 


My vote for ugliest would have to be Loki. There's nothing "uncanny" about him nor is there anything redeeming in his looks, in my opinion. Loki is a hammerhead shark dressed up as a jester. Not a fan, no.


Edit: To add, her belly? That's a belly dancer's belly. Lots of muscle in that region. Guys, you'd want a girl to have a belly dancer's belly. Trust me on this.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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My vote for ugliest would have to be Loki. There's nothing "uncanny" about him nor is there anything redeeming in his looks, in my opinion. Loki is a hammerhead shark dressed up as a jester. Not a fan, no.





Edited by Brimir
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OK, let me set the record straight: (my opinion incoming as a artist):


Nova is a unique frame... I like her eyeless grin... as if she is joyfully laughing silently before she turns her foes into particles. 

You can clearly see this in her profile diorama.


Honestly, its kinda scary, like a Oni mask that some samurai used in ancient waring times; where there is a large toothy grin, with eyes closed and arched... they smile happily at the thought of death in battle. Bushido in many ways.


She appears agile and playful, like if the battle is a joke, in alignment with her powers


An enemy might make a mistake and misjudge her demeanor and find themselves melting into quantum dust.


Now, looking at her with a logical critique:

- The frame's materials are a treat; not many other frames use a highly reflective (pseudo-reflective) alpha channel in their main materials.


- The circular dents; resemble atoms (well representation of atoms) with electron shells


- The frame's feet resemble a  stereotype of a "Japanese Schoolgirl" with high knee socks that cover midway to the shoes. 


- The exhaust ports on the head and rear shoulder blades resemble nuclear reactors; they match ascetics & theme but do not match functionality.


- The shape of her head is very human proportionally (the standard  helmet), which gives the frame a non-alien and relate-able appeal.


- The electronics (connective circuitry - the controllable infestation) between the main panels have ascetic appeal and appear to add to function.


- The form of the frames body is highly relate-able, as it is imperfect (as far as western culture depicts a ideal female form) and has character qualities; in ways it looks like an average female form, but not depicted as highly idealized as heroic form; which says alot about the frame's artist perspective on ideal females. What I am implying is that maybe the artist  believes  that anybody can be a hero (or ninja) with the right spirit.


 What Should be Done?:

- Nothing, should not be changed accept for clipping caused by posisitioning and animation flaws


- Exception for: specific additions at the artist  whims; example, another helmet down the road, another skin perhaps, frame specific accessory or scarf.


- Its his creation, he worked hard and collaborated with others (I hope) to come up with this rendition of his imagination.


- I'm positive he is judging it far harsher than any end-user could ever judge, but sticks with the perspective that the frame is finished and it is time to work on new creations.



- There is always a great idea that hits a panel or single producer... and this guy might not know anything about  video-games  except that kids and a certain demographic play them... and this guy is going to take a great and creative (never been done before idea) and put it in a mold. From that mold comes John Everyman... a perfect fit for a demographic. If the idea is not changed, the game is not greenlite by the producer.


Countless great ideas have hit that god forsaken mold... where a culture's idealism creates the walls, and out comes the same crap you have seen, the same crap you have played, the same ideas that have been thought... 


Why would you ask this artist to change his creation when he has the freedom to not deal with mold?


He already gave you Hayden Tehno (John Everyman)... now here are the creative ideas outside of that mold... 

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I always get teamed up with so many badass looking frame but when i look at my frame nope. even bought paint bundles and some stuff for her and she still look like an incarnation of a used condom. Maybe im just terrible at customizing, anyone know how make her look badass?

she's designed to be uninteresting, like her gameplay. Kill one enemy, clear entire stage. Fun.

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Is it because she's the most OP frame? Is it some kind of sick balance to make her look like a $&*&*#(%& Snoopy with bell-bottom pants? "Use her alt helmet," you say. No. No, I won't, because then she looks like an even more $&*&*#(%& parakeet with a volcano on her head.


She's sticking dat &#! out so far she looks like she's about to start twerking. Also, is that a baby bump I see or is it another side effect of her apparently terrible case of scoliosis? I mean, come on Lotus, you obviously need to add chiropractors to the frames' health benefits because I don't think that's the way your spine is supposed to bend.

DE, for the love of God, please make Nova attractive. I don't even care if you have to nerf her to do so.

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