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Everyone Hates Wyrm But She's The Best


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Seriously, mod her gun with explosive, and max the crowd dispersion mod out, it will save your life so many times *-* 


Just an advice thrown at the forum ~ 



This sentinel is way better than it was months ago. Now it's a reeeaaaaally useful one. 
until it dies lol




Edit : Yeah my Wyrm is a she, she is my pink valentine and the savior of my days ! I will give her a potato for this beautiful loving day !

Edited by DeadScream
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her crowd dispersion is great now that its been fixed. but I've just become so lazy now, so I stick with carrier. I think wyrm is the second best sentinel behind the gourd in terms of utility and sentinel-ness. sweeper and stinger at the best sentinel weapons, though, so at least djinn is useful for something

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Personally, I find Shade too gamebreaking, and Carrier something that already should have been in the game. Wyrm, she is just an overhyped coolant leak.


Personally, I'd opt for one that increases your damage, and tell me, why don't we automatically pick loot up a couple meters away anyways? What's so gamebreaking about that?

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We're giving bio-mechanical life forms that not only have the ability to float, but also have weapons built into their faces, genders now?




I think that's equivalent to determining the gender of Phorid, or an Infested Crawler; you just don't make any assertions.


But, yes, Crowd Dispersion is great. Though it doesn't really seem to activate when I'm in a very sticky situation, like getting chain-ganged by a couple of shield lancers whilst surrounded by a few Napalms/Bombards. 

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I just decided my Wyrm was a "she" because she will be my pink valentine ! DEAL WITH IT ! :D 




I'm happy to see some people actually like this sentinel, in the french community many players just say "why Wyrm, just take Dethcube !" but they can't see Dethcube will never protect them enough against high level enemies. 


I must admit the Carrier would be great too, still I never crafted it yet.

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I started with Wyrm, wasn't totally impressed (that was a long time ago and crowd dispersion seems better).

After Dethcube came out, he was my favorite. Constant firing machine gun, instantly vaporizing enemies when they came by, or stunning them if it wasn't insta-kill.

Now there is Carrier, and I'm never going back. Dat vacuum is just too useful. When he dies I always run out of ammo and generally become dysfunctional XD

Shade I have never cared for. I don't play stealth, I lack the patience. 

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