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So, What Next After A Lever-Action Rifle?


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So now that we have a lever-action rifle, what else can we add in for the ultimate armory of future weaponry?





Perhaps a matching side-arm: A Grineer BB Gun




Maybe some matchlock weaponry




Orokin catapults and trebuchets?





A Tenno slingshot (sniper version depicted below)




All of this building up to the one, the only, the original weapon: A Rock





Please and thanks, DE.



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The original compromise between a sniper and an AR was the Latron.

We can only have one compromise but have several iterations of the very things it is compromising on?


Lever actions by the way, sort of make sense for the Grineer who arent' tech savvy and even forgot how to properly clone themselves since lever actions are pretty darn reliable in terms of rifles regardless of maintenance.  Also easy to make and generally shorter than most long arms.  


Oh and it's status % is high enough that this thing really really rocks with gas proc builds :D  


EDIT: The shorter part matters because the grineer clones are all F'd up which is why they look all messed up and use so many prosthetics btw.

Edited by Relkin408
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Meanwhile, you ignore all the advanced weaponry such as the Tetra, Lanka, Synapse, Phage, Flux Rifle, Jat Kittag, etc.


That is simply the style of Grineer weaponry. The Grineer are not about futuristic weaponry. They don't have the time to produce lightspeed lasers, and their bullets, napalm and grenades work at killing, so they don't see the need for energy weapons.

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Meanwhile, you ignore all the advanced weaponry such as the Tetra, Lanka, Synapse, Phage, Flux Rifle, Jat Kittag, etc.


That is simply the style of Grineer weaponry. The Grineer are not about futuristic weaponry. They don't have the time to produce lightspeed lasers, and their bullets, napalm and grenades work at killing, so they don't see the need for energy weapons.

Actually, sabotage missions (dont run them any more so not sure if currently true) have dialog from the lotus stating that we're stopping the grineer from developing energy weapons.  But yeah, your points are largely valid - grineer aren't scientists mostly they're a bunch of crappily cloned soldiers. 

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Some stuff that should have been added to the game years ago:


Pump action shotgun



A "real" LMG (not these soma/gorgon bs)



RPG (not a stupid box that shoots grenades, aka Ogris)



A grenade launcher sidearm



Almost forgot

Are you sure?

Might be NSFW

Okay, your choice

No going back now


Edited by DMan128
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Meanwhile, you ignore all the advanced weaponry such as the Tetra, Lanka, Synapse, Phage, Flux Rifle, Jat Kittag, etc.


That is simply the style of Grineer weaponry. The Grineer are not about futuristic weaponry. They don't have the time to produce lightspeed lasers, and their bullets, napalm and grenades work at killing, so they don't see the need for energy weapons.

im sorry but what light speed laser have you seen in warframe?

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