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People Leaving Warframe


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The game is light on narrative, drama, and set-piece action.  It has all these invasions, which are great, but nothing cuts through the repetition of doing the same mission 3 or 5 times for the Battle Pay requirements.

And outside of that, the game has been delightfully light on repetition.  The only really farmy elements seem forgivingly farmy, and mostly that's going for parts for specific Prime gear.


This is one of the strongest Free-to-Play games going, but it's not really doing enough to distinguish itself from its business model.  It's in sore need of some more polish in places, some more narrative beyond Lotus's once-charming-and-increasingly-irritating windows popping up in the middle of view, and it needs more maps, even allowing for how much variety they squeeze out of the gameplay of each map they produce.  Warframe needs some things in the way of career tracking and career goals, developing relationships (and benefits) with the game's factions, and more ambitious ways to mix up its very solid gameplay.


Fortunately, Warframe seems like it's DE long-in-the-making baby, and I expect they're going to take very good care of it.

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I hope Warframe doesn't go through what WOW went through right before Cataclysm. I had my own guild with almost 130 strong, suddenly right before the release of Cataclysm, my members all had vanished, except a "loyal few" (30). I was so disappointed I wound up giving up my guild to someone else and stopped playing ever since. I just lost the desire to play because most of the people who I really got along with were gone. The 30 that remained in guild were players that would come on once in a blue moon.


Edit: I'm rooting for you DE, make me proud.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Don't know what has happened, but a lot of players that i personally played with, and many others that i knew, are just leaving the game.  I get on warframe and I almost have nothing to do anymore.... I also feel myself playing the game much less often and doing other things and going to other games.  I really can't put my finger on a single thing, but its just a trend i'm seeing.  For some reason I'm not finding the enjoyment i used to in the game anymore, 


Anyone else have the same experience? would be good if people could share, and the reason to why so many people are leaving (at-least from what i have seen lately)




People come, and people go, its just like life, you win some, you lose some.


  I've become so use to playing alone, I don't know the pain of loss, when people you hold dear, just up and leave, and never return etc.


  Now if you wanted to talk about feelings when a game you love just gets shutdown, and is no more, then yeah, I know that pain, when Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online was taken offline, that hurt...


  I guess if I ever meet some people on here, and I develop some kind of bond, then I'll have a little more insight to share, but I hope things get better for you!!

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Like stated before, most of my goals have been reached. I come back to play and level new weapons, but honestly it gets old, and that's understandable with a game that you have up to 500 hours on.

I kept thinking about why I still play TF2. I have over 2,000 hours on it and I still play every day, I even look forward to it. It's the interaction with players. Tf2 is the most basic game, with the same weapons, and the same mechanics. But it works brilliantly because of the role that you play, and playing that role really well can show throughout the whole team. You can really shine just by playing and it shows.


Warframe doesn't really have a "role" though. I find myself just chasing around enemies and competing for kills. Spraying away, spamming powers, while I feel absolutely no connection to the other players. They might as well not even be there. If you need to level quickly and you're just in kappa for xp, what's the point in gunplay? Just bring a nova and prime away. If you have a new weapon and you want to see how it does, you get annoyed with ult spams and find yourself isolating your character from the others to get some gun kills.These are two different styles playing the same game, yet the "team" isn't connected. Some people just want resources, some people just need xp, and some people have all that and just want to have fun and find cool ways to use their gear.


After a long game of TF2, I think "Wow that was a good one." After a long game of Warframe I think "Finally got my Akstilettos to 30. Super weak though. Might as well Forma and re level..." I know TF2 is PVP, but there's a connection to the players on your team and a role that you have to play. In Warframe, it's a bunch of single players in one room competing for the same kills for different reasons. If the gameplay and teamwork was anything like the cinematic trailers, it would be so much more interesting and everyone would have a purpose and sense of accomplishment from playing together. I want to feel that "oh man guys, you really came through on that one, good game!"


In short, I find warframe has lost its human element, mainly because there isn't an ultimate team goal, and therefore no connection to the players in the server.

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People take breaks all the time.  When I talk with people online and ask them what they think of the game, they usually say they really like it and weren't expecting to like it that much.  That seems to be a common theme among a lot of the other PS4 players I run into. 


As more "must play" games come out people will start picking those up and playing them.  They'll come back and play Warframe every so often, but this is very much what happens with these types of games. 

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Stealth reworks were announced, what half a year ago? I know the WF team has a lot on their plate but those are some big expectations to live up to if if they take that long to develop.



And yeah, I had to laugh a little when we were given the new Earth tilesets... only to discover that they're populated by Phobos' lovely Helions and Eviscerators. Not a single new enemy type.


The game is light on narrative, drama, and set-piece action.  It has all these invasions, which are great, but nothing cuts through the repetition of doing the same mission 3 or 5 times for the Battle Pay requirements.

And outside of that, the game has been delightfully light on repetition.  The only really farmy elements seem forgivingly farmy, and mostly that's going for parts for specific Prime gear.


This is one of the strongest Free-to-Play games going, but it's not really doing enough to distinguish itself from its business model.  It's in sore need of some more polish in places, some more narrative beyond Lotus's once-charming-and-increasingly-irritating windows popping up in the middle of view, and it needs more maps, even allowing for how much variety they squeeze out of the gameplay of each map they produce.  Warframe needs some things in the way of career tracking and career goals, developing relationships (and benefits) with the game's factions, and more ambitious ways to mix up its very solid gameplay.


Fortunately, Warframe seems like it's DE long-in-the-making baby, and I expect they're going to take very good care of it.


That, and competent/engaging AI and battles. Endless scaling is a lazy way of gating gear requirements, as well as for providing endgame challenges when it comes to non-isometric ARPGs that require shooter skills. Sounds like a certain other game you and I both know. The reason being that your maneuvering and aiming skills can feel cheated if they're impeded by mountain of health after mountain of health, but that's a topic for another thread. Combat in WF is often either a slog or an exercise in frustration rather than a challenge because enemies just love to dance back and forth and change direction randomly. Either that, or they'll literally stand there doing nothing. Elites/Leaders are a step in the right direction to spruce up encounters, but it's not quite enough. Of course, I understand that altering the AI is by no means a simple waving of the magic wand.


Even then, trash mobs in ARPGs tend to be meatbags you rip apart with your fancy gear. Bosses in this game, though, fall into the same trap. When I first fought Captain Vor, I thought, "Oh, this guy is actually testing my spacing skills and coordination with my teammates. I hope the rest of the bosses are like that." Vor isn't a shining example of boss design, but he does employ the basics well. Teslas do a lot of damage and punish bad positioning as well as break up players, teleports test your patience and prediction skills (he tends to teleport perpendicular to your position unless you're far away, in which case he'll zoom right to you). The invincible phases are superfluous, but overall he's a step in the right direction. Ruk's fire novas are also basic but a good start. Hyena Pack is the encounter that future bosses should be built off of. Even if it's just a play off of Leaders, the boss requires you to constantly be on the move, lest you get screwed over. Sure, they might have a few issues with cheap shots (Fire Hyena running up the stairs behind a blindspot comes to mind), but they're at least pretty entertaining.


As for the rest of the bosses... Lephantis is a cut-and-dry phase encounter that, despite his appearance, is a pushover to a decently-geared group. When my friends and I first fought him, all we knew was that he was a multi-phase encounter. With just a forma'd Soma - and plenty of failed Sonars spawning on his invulnerable parts - we took him down in a few minutes with no downs and no deaths. Lech Kril is confusing for new players because his phases and weakspots are unclear, and once he gets to his fire phase, he's nothing. I don't even know what Tyl Regor and Kela de Thaym do even if I've fought them multiple times for frame parts.


So yeah. Among a slew of other things, this game needs boss battles that make lasting impressions on its players. Fights that cause players to reminisce years later like Crawmerax, who could be cheesed yet provided a challenge in discovering how to do so (and he gave some good loot in the process!). There are rumors that J3-Golem is coming back, and Hek is getting a rework, so who knows. We might get some fun encounters in the near future.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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It's just the nature of these types of games. Grindfests are only fun when you have an objective, something to work toward and strive for. It's harder on us PS4 users since we only get a patch, update, or whatever every month or month and a half. I almost quit in the first month since we couldn't sell multiple copies of an item and getting credits was painful. By the time we get new toys, I'm already getting bored or annoyed by whatever new glitch or problem we have. I think I have half of the guns we can get already at 30, most of the Void stuff, and I'm only missing two frames, one of which we can never get. By the time we get the next update, or the one after, I might not even be playing the game because there's nothing to do.

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I take breaks from this game very so often. It's not an MMO where I constantly have to be on the cutting edge of gear to remain competitive in PvE or PvP, it's a game where I run around and shoot space-guns at space-badguys.


This game also doesn't have a balanced or dedicated PvP element, so gameplay tends to be quite static. PvP, no matter how simple, always adds a level of dynamism, simply because you tend to play with and against different people every session.


But Warframe has regular updates, with new weapons to try out and new Warframes to play. At the same time, its pretty cathartic to walk into a mid-level mission with your Braton Prime that you've Forma'ed 4 times and mow everyone down. And because the game is free-to-play, there's no investment needed to pick up the game after a long break (no need to pay subscription fees or buy a new expansion or whatever).


Long story short, while I take breaks from this game quite regularly to play something else, I find myself coming back when I feel the urge to space-ninja.

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it is to be expected, other then damage 2.0 and maps, there isent much change compared to update 7, only thing keeping people intrested is showing off exclusives/founder items, and new weapons and frames.


but when you consider you can just take ogris or (place frame with win button) there just not enough veraity of gameplay.


while i want to get the air frame, im too burned out to even bother farming the oxium cause its pretty much the same thing i played from update 7.

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 From what I have seen and heard from friends who use to play this game is that they have personally reached their goals in this game and currently does not offer any more fun according to what I have heard and seen.

^basically this.

don't worry, though... you never really LEAVE warframe. you just take breaks. many will assuredly come back as more content is introduced.

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Of the 12 people in my clan, 2 are still active. (sometimes)

Yeah it gets too repetetive... but all mmo games gets repetetive after a while..


1) when new enemy types are introduced, they turn out to be just recoloured versions of the ordinary enemies....

    (Void corrupted, The "new" mini bosses,) thats very bad imo..(just seems lazy)

2) NO endgame.- the only reason i still log on sometimes, is to lvl new weaps/frames.

3) The prices in the market are so ludicrisly redicolous, that even after the whole fanbase have voted here on the forums,

for lowering the prices.

    DE still havent changed theyr prices,..I would never dream of buying anymore plat unless i get the 75% discount on the log in reward..

4) the damage/resistances, have gotten so effing complicated, u need a webpage like the WIKI. to try and understand them...

5) no one from DE have ever informed the players of some of the most basic and elemental game mechanics,

    (loadorder of the precept skills on the sentinals, elemental mods still giving extra damage, allthough they dont proc, wallrunning was first very   recently introduced in the tutorial mode.)

Edited by D3ST
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Warframe just got boring.

Last time I logged in, I did a couple of vault runs and that's pretty much it. I have a few weapons lying in my inventory and foundry, but I just don't feel like grinding at the moment.


Killing hordes of enemies is fun, but only to some extent. After 200 hours it's more like grind grind grind.


Sorry, War Thunder took over.

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Well i am new, but i love the them and aesthetic. Guns also look great and feel good.


I would agree that PvE grind games may get boring, but this reminds me of diablo in some way, though with cyber/robot ninjas in space shooting stuff.\


Also as it was stated, you can have 1 weapon fully pimped and you won't need anything else. Most likely will kill the point of getting new weapons when there is the "op" one.

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I am gonna be honest here


No lore expansion, no new enemy types or bosses to give me a decent challenge ( what i mean is, they should be challenging enough to avoid nova's m prime at the least ), No endgame, no optional gender change ( not a joke, or ridiculous excuse, as there's a reason behind this ), and no mastery rank awarded efforts. 


I am only there because of the few reasons- polarising till the frame's/ weapon's maxed out, new toy to lvl up when new reinforcements show up, mods to max out too which is why i am farming cores most of the times ( but doing cred and forma first before doing core farm actually ),and......forma farm/potato alerts/invasion battlepays ( i keep missing them at a wrong time... ).


After i am done with these, i won't be active as much as i am now, until some new stuff's introduced for some more interests to bring me back.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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you know guys ... i am reading all this and must summary in one thing only ...this game lacks ...




as you all know you need one frame one gun to go through the whole game [but why to do so in the first place]

the point is you lack any kind of motivation to do so ... what is MASTER RANK good for? what are you building?


ok you hunt for some mods but once oyu get the most needed ... its again end of the story [if you are not a completionist]


the defs stated [i read it somewhere] that its build like a sandbox and you should set your own goals. But the reality is that most of the people cant do that ... they need some outside goals set to be motivated by some reward to feel good and have fun. that is lacking heavily here

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I cleaned out my friends list today of pretty much anyone who has been inactive for more than a month, this reduced it from 40 something to 30 ish.


Considering that I probably last cleaned it out 6 months ago there seems to be a pretty good retention base. Plus looking at steam today peak concurrent users were about 18k, up from what it used to average (about 12k IIRC) 



Plus there are a bunch of new members here too, I see all these new people I don't remember with 200-400 posts to their name.


Sure there might be some leaving, but more are joining. I'm guessing that DE's addition of endgame will do a bit to quell the outflow as well.


And I am not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.

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Nothing more to see or do. I have all the frames five of them have multiple forma same with mods and weapons. Cleared solar system and done. Grind complete. DE gives us no reason to play anymore. Shooting endless bullet sponges not fun.Bosses weak zero challenge besides hours of survival ,endless defense. Looking back I've wasted a bunch of time and money, Mission complete!

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you know guys ... i am reading all this and must summary in one thing only ...this game lacks ...




as you all know you need one frame one gun to go through the whole game [but why to do so in the first place]

the point is you lack any kind of motivation to do so ... what is MASTER RANK good for? what are you building?


ok you hunt for some mods but once oyu get the most needed ... its again end of the story [if you are not a completionist]


the defs stated [i read it somewhere] that its build like a sandbox and you should set your own goals. But the reality is that most of the people cant do that ... they need some outside goals set to be motivated by some reward to feel good and have fun. that is lacking heavily here

a sandbox would be fine, but DE has not given us a sandbox, they've given us a handful of grains of sand, not nearly enough to play with and be content on our own

IF DE gave us the tools to make some user generated content (ie holodeck/danger room/clan missions/etc or let us customize the difficulty of our missions with a sliding scale) then MAYBE we'd have a sandbox, but atm, we just don't have enough sand

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