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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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Here. I couldn't found it either, but then I remembered one of my posts got merged there and found it through my post history. Perhaps Megathreads ought to be pinned by the giant Lotus head along with the news and that other stuff?

They should just be pinned to the front page as long as their relevant, thanks for the link.


Been suggested half a dozen times already. You would have to set up some other method of trading to somehow stop someone from offering anything else if a prime part was up for trade. All in all, a massive waste of time! As the old adage: Get over it.

I am not the one complaining, I like the addition of prime trading, many others however don't.

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It's come to my attention that some players might not have as much incentive to run void missions now. This might result in a harder time finding parties. To remedy this, I got to thinking... why not make an Orokin Trading post in the void where players could trade Prime parts for Prime parts (and/or plat)?


This post could potentially be made to spawn more frequently in the less popular void missions to regulate traffic a bit. Trades would only go through if the mission is completed successfully. 

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They should just be pinned to the front page as long as their relevant, thanks for the link.


Aye, I after some more deliberation, I can't see why they're not treated just like the "Community Hot Topics" topics since they're also very real community hot topics. If they did that where they are in the forum wouldn't matter as much. (The prime trading feedback thread isn't in the feedback forums.)

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On the topic of trading "cheapening" the void and prime parts...  For those who didn't sell their parts (I've sold hundreds before trading, but still have a healthy cache in hopes of this day) yes they're flooding trade chat and peddling off these items for next to nothing...  (seriously 5-10 plats for a prime part vs. 20 plats for a mod?)  That's because there's a surplus of these parts, some of which have been accumulating since the void was first introduced.  Once all these parts are consumed and distributed, there won't be a surplus.  Void parts will be rare once again, and people will be playing the game to get them.  The prime part trading system will be working as intended then.  Mean it's there for those who are RNG unlucky to get a break from the grind.


I think that's the biggest note people are unaware of. All these parts are going for so cheap because there are people who have been farming the same void for a while and have dozens of parts. But because these aren't like rare mods, there is a finite supply unless people are still farming the void. The only exceptions possibly being those hardcore clans who have (or had) tens to hundreds of everything, while already having all of the prime weapons/frames. They may or may not run out, or simply not care because they already sell mods for way more.

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and that's why we're beta testers, because this is a beta.

For PS4 players the game wasn't offered as a beta.  It was offered as a Playstation Plus Free to Play exclusive.  I didn't even learn it was in Beta until I came to the forums.


Me thinks this game is now at soft-release to be honest.  I've beta tested a few games and it doesn't feel/play/seem to be a beta at all.  Moreso a soft-release that could have future expansions at a paid cost.


Plus the inclusion of microtransactions isn't common or standard for Beta at all.  Who is going to spend real money on a game they don't get to keep post-release?


Just my 2 cents.

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For me, this kind of opens up a whole new branch of the game. I'll grind when I need to, I have no problems with that. But there are a lot of times where I miss alerts that give out certain item that I seek that are only purchasable through plat (say formas, reactors,catalysts, vanity items) and I don't have enough disposable income to be able to throw into the game. This lets me turn some of my hard work and grinding into plat so I can have some of those nicer things instead of being stuck with inferior gear because I'm never able to get on at the right times for the RNG alert rewards. Not to mentio say I'm neede one last part for a BP of a prime weapon and I've been farming for God knows how long, and then I see a dude on the forums who has that part, but hes looking for one certain part that he just can't get a good RNG drop for the life of him, and I just so happen to have that part. We trade, everyone has the parts they needed without a problem. Some of you say this will kill the game, but to me, if you are having to toss in 100+ hrs of the same mission over and over again for that special part, that level of frustration is what will kill the game quicker than anything.

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All threads discussing the Prime parts trading changes merged into this master megathread.

Yes thanks for also some bad moderation which mod it did idk... but merging a Poll topic into a megathread is a bad idea... and makes the poll part useless... tried to pm you but you couldn't receive any new pm;s...

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I dislike it. In the course of grinding for the parts you want, you get a lot of others, and now everyone and his brother is trying to pawn these off and flooding the market.


Prime was something you couldn't just buy your way into, but now people without the basic ability to clear the Void are getting their hands on parts. It would be more viable if there were exclusive components you needed to build them, but as it stands, it's easier to build a Prime than it is a normal warframe.

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They need to just declare it out of beta. Been out of beta in a while IMO. Seriously, this game is pretty complete IMO, as complete as most releases are. No where near a beta to me. You don't talk of Melee 2.0 in a beta.

lol I'll say it's out of beta when lore and endgame and more is put in, but this game has some killer polish in some areas though. Yea, they got a sweet deal with Sony, so that gray zone of either beta or not is strange, but they gettin there. they gettin there :P

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This is as close to tokens as we can get, and guess what? I think it's better.  Imagine if we ask for tokens and then DE says fine.  You need 300 tokens for each void part.  Each T3 ext will get you one token, etc...


Strangely enough that seems a lot like this thing we call Oxium these days :P

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For PS4 players the game wasn't offered as a beta.  It was offered as a Playstation Plus Free to Play exclusive.  I didn't even learn it was in Beta until I came to the forums.


Me thinks this game is now at soft-release to be honest.  I've beta tested a few games and it doesn't feel/play/seem to be a beta at all.  Moreso a soft-release that could have future expansions at a paid cost.


Plus the inclusion of microtransactions isn't common or standard for Beta at all.  Who is going to spend real money on a game they don't get to keep post-release?


Just my 2 cents.

Severely off-topic, but this game only seems like its on soft release because it's refined it's polish. It has only been in development for a year (as they weren't reinventing the engine it runs on), and other games have also introduced a cash shop while still in beta. This is by no means the first game to do so.


More importantly, there is no publisher backing, as this ended up being entirely crowd-funded, just without the obvious kickstarter campaign. So yeah, still a beta, and still quite a long ways off from the end goals listed.

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I hope they have thinked this throughly before making this decision, I have to admit this decision came from bush. Im happy for all of you who get your missing parts after countless hours farming, RNG god can be #¤%#. But I agree with all those who think this was step to worse and step right decision, but I dont know how much to worser. But Im feeling too that this is kinda blow to belly and Im out of air and speechless feeling myself suddenly. Kinda shocked... I dont know what happens after this, but this decision has big change to everything.


Once I Realise how this effects on everything, I hope its mostly good stuff and I see warframe going better. But Im afraid how things will change from this point forward...

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I dislike it. In the course of grinding for the parts you want, you get a lot of others, and now everyone and his brother is trying to pawn these off and flooding the market.


Prime was something you couldn't just buy your way into, but now people without the basic ability to clear the Void are getting their hands on parts. It would be more viable if there were exclusive components you needed to build them, but as it stands, it's easier to build a Prime than it is a normal warframe.

But then, they already could via Prime Access. Obviously a bit pricier than what parts are going for these days, but that is direct access to prime items without farming the void for them.


I'd give it a good two weeks before prices begin to actualize.

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Maybe they should tax the prime parts like they do the legendary cores. Then you'd have a whole lot less people getting prime parts.


BINGO...  On all my posts in support of trading I suggested that it be regulated by a hefty trade tax, especially on the purchaser buying with platinum.  That way it would keep supposed "P2W" folks at bay...  (I know there's no P2W in this game, so don't go all "but it's P2Skip, P4Convenience, blah blah zombie on me.)


Trading "like for like" and hence "part of part" shouldn't be taxed heavily though.

Edited by sushidubya
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One way they could fix this is by creating another set of primes but with a different name and use different sets of warframes and weapons for these new ones.

E.g instead of primes lets call them legendaries or elites, and they could makes stuff like Rhino Elite and have its parts replace the previous prime awards in void missions.

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It concerns me not in either direction, but it is funny to me how many people thought that they would NEVER make this a reality. And they did. People's undying faith in them I find rather hilarious.

Goes the other way too, the undying faith of those who wanted this has proven to be well placed.

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I have mixed feeling about Prime Trading now. Firstly, I thought it's going to ruin the sole purpose of Prime gear.

You know, it's something exclusive you get for spending a lot of time on hardcore grinding/farming Void missions.


I get their idea, they wanted to make it easier to obtain Prime gear - you don't want to grind, you can trade, but it work only if you have platinum to buy Prime bps. Seriously, tell me how many trades not including platinum were made since the introduction of trading? 


Edit: A way to give a better purpose to Prime Trading as it is now - increasing the rarity of some Primes or introduce even more Primes. 

Edited by darkhades2012
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