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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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well, the melee boost will be comparable, so maybe it'll still see use? but the only benefit of a couple extra mod points would be on frames that aren't potatoed or forma'd. the extra boost was nice for unranked frames, I suppose. but nothing a little forma can't fix if you really need a couple extra points


those legendary cores, however... those sound delicious

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Am I going crazy or will this one mod fully max out ANY mod.


.........We play the waiting game...........................now

I doubt it. DE might apply "last minute" nerf so that Legendary Core only gives enough xp for the last 5 ranks. Tho, that is quite a lot.

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Firstly I wont to say great work on the full transparency on the change it would of been terribly received if it was just a sudden change but I feel the way that DE delivered the new could of been done better, I feel they should of just said it was being reduced to 5 ranks but will still have the strength of the rank 10 version and that any player that got it to rank 6+ would of be compensated (Instead of saying you would get these supper cores) Now I am not saying they should not release these legendary cores just that they should not of told us specifically about them. 


You can already see some threads complaining about this change and I feel if everyone was just told you should be refunded no one would of had any reason to complain.

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Which is hilarious, I'm looking forward to see how DE handles this xD


I expect them to handle it just like people handle things in infomercials.




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