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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Well that is your opinion, but i like Legendary Cores idea more, sorry my opinion.


it IS unfair from an objective view. It would have been OK if players would have been compensated with exactly what they paid and used to improve steel charge, but they were heavily overpaid, giving them a HUGE (2 maxed level 10 mods for free!!!) advantage towards players who do not have that mod at level 6+.



I have brakk and acrid, they got nerfed too, where is the platinum for my formas, DE?

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Well that is your opinion, but i like Legendary Cores idea more, sorry my opinion.


Not really an opinion when people with a rank 6 SC are being given approximately 100 times the cost in both credits and fusion cores as their compensation. Furthermore, there is no reason to ever own more than one SC (let alone more than one at rank 6+) and yet people with multiple copies at rank 6 (I wonder when and why they got those???) got multiple compensation.


Objectively, the compensation is vastly unfair.

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Come on DE! Give the community at least a few days to get in on that legendary fusion core exploit!


Best development team ever! First they removed end game content for the prime drops and now they've removed the grind of fusing mods.






Hmmm, nothing to do. Guess I'll stop playing warframe.

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Can a mod please explain why two threads that were discussing similar but distinct things (steel charge change and legendary cores going forward) have been merged into a single thread that is now almost impossible to follow because the conversation is jumping here, there and everywhere?

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The most I've seen anyone get was 38 - although they were lucky enough to have heard about the Steel Charge changes right away. Knowing this community though I'm sure there are people out there who did a whole lot better. Did anyone break 100? What's the record? Who is the new richest person in Warframe? Bonus points for screenshots to back up your crazy claims :p

And if you didn't get any, don't be a buzzkill - it's not an exploit, it went just the way DE said it would.

Edited by xveganrox
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The most I've seen anyone get was 38 - although they were lucky enough to have heard about the Steel Charge changes right away. Knowing this community though I'm sure there are people out there who did a whole lot better. Did anyone break 100? What's the record? Who is the new richest person in Warframe? Bonus points for screenshots to back up your crazy claims :p

And if you didn't get any, don't be a buzzkill - it's not an exploit, it went just the way DE said it would.


Correct, it's not an exploit. It's just a dumb thing for DE to do.

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I have 4 of these legendary cores.


I still think that this is broken and would not mind if they were removed. I haven't used any of mine yet. This was a really dumb form of "compensation". There's also really almost no reason that anyone would have more than 2 highly ranked Steel Charges (the only reason to have 2 is if you are both using/keeping one and selling 1).


Although, I just want to say that there's a lot of hyperbole in this thread. Regarding the credit cost of a rare 10, it took me a little less than 1.5 million credits to jump from a completely unranked Heavy Caliber to a max Heavy Caliber.


Regarding the amount of time it takes to farm that up, it's really all about how you choose to spend your time. People are claiming that it takes "hundreds of hours" to max out a Serration, which is baloney. From personal experience, a 100 wave ODD typically provides enough cores for 1/10 of a max rank r10. So 10 100 wave ODD runs will get you pretty close to enough cores to go from unranked to max in one shot. A 100 wave ODD takes about 2-2.5 hours, depending on how good your group is. That's about 20-25 hours of game time to max out a single r10, 13-16 hours to max out a single u10, and 10-12.5 hours to max out a single c10. Now I don't expect everyone to be regularly doing 100+ wave ODDs, but the option does exist. If you truly want that 10/10 mod so badly, then work for it.


In all honestly, having 10/10 maxed mods is seriously overrated. It's nice to have, but in no way a necessity. You are nearly as effective using 9/10 mods, which require half the cost and time.


That said, DE is still pretty dumb for doing this.

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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Come on DE! Give the community at least a few days to get in on that legendary fusion core exploit!


Best development team ever! First they removed end game content for the prime drops and now they've removed the grind of fusing mods.






Hmmm, nothing to do. Guess I'll stop playing warframe.



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Ya, this 'compensation' seems really badly thought out.


It's dumb that I get 1 Steel Charge to R9 on the first day using all my cores, junk mods and duplicate steel charges, because I legitimately wanted to use it, and only get 2 legendary cores as compensation, while my friend, who hasn't logged on for a week and had the time/luck to be on during this exploit announcement, now has 8 legendary cores for a fraction of what I put into my single steel charge. I don't even want to know how many cores people who actually play got.


You want to announce this to everyone so they can all get a piece? Fine. But was it really necessary to hand out 2 cores PER steel charge? There isn't even a reason to have more than one, other than to exploit the **** out of this. Really, 1 core PER ACCOUNT would have been more than enough compensation and wouldn't have thrown the entire economy out of whack as badly.


Seriously, after this derp up(Including R10 Steel Charge in the first place), the 'unintentional' release of auras/mods(How many times has this happened?) and making prime parts tradeable, I am now convinced you guys are trolling.

Edited by FaPaThY
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That said, DE is still pretty dumb for doing this.


I realy hope update 12.2 works as intended.

It is almost like a reset.

Everyone is on the same ground now.


So DE litterally destroyed their own progression system with one shot.


Only the next update can tell the reason.

If you think DE just kicked you in the nuts i suggest stop playing for a week.

That will pass your feelings to DE :)


For me its sink or swim with in one week.

Well if DE can make it through the S#&$storm :D

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Really DE i'm a paying member of this community i'm trying to buy plat each month just because i like this game alot and im willing to pay for it so it keeps existing but what you guys just did is really annoying me....

You guys gave out Legendary Fusion Cores to anyone who had a Steel charge of 6+ and this is so not fair for the people who didn't had the time to up 1 to rank 6 and get the legendaries because you gave people 4 hours the time to still be able to make 1 but you did this when  most people were sleeping. i'm really annoyed about this and if nothing is done you're going to lose a paying member...  why the hell should a non paying member of this community get 6+ legendary fusion cores because he was awake at that time and I a player who doesn't mind to spend money on you guys so you can keep doing a good job get nothing... I honest opinion everyone should have gotten at least 1 and a rollback on Steel charge instead of a rollback and for every SC that was 6+ you get 2 Legendaries........ im hoping for a quick answer 

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Come on DE! Give the community at least a few days to get in on that legendary fusion core exploit!


Best development team ever! First they removed end game content for the prime drops and now they've removed the grind of fusing mods.






Hmmm, nothing to do. Guess I'll stop playing warframe.




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Yes compensating people who put potentially thousands of cores and millions of credits into something they were changing is highly unfair.


The compensation value exceeds the maximum possible cost anyone could have incurred by a fair margin. It was also announced poorly and enabled people to rank mods up to 6 in order to abuse the compensation and receive 100 times their cost in compensation.

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