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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I know right now there just a reimbursement for the steel charge nerf but I havent seen or heard anything about if in the future there will be other ways too aquire these and if so does that mean we might see some new mods that are in a whole new legendary class?

Edited by (PS4)DA_HEFF_
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So my rank 10 mod gives me two legendary cores. That's kinda ok. I've lost all those credits and cant' get them back. but I can max out some other mod and trade it for plat (which i don't need, but whatever).


Except. They announced what they were going to do. So people went out and bought as many steel charges as they could, adn DE_Steve confirmed they would get 2 cores per rank 6+ steel charge they got.


My Rank 10 cost 16 times as much credits and cores as a rank 6.


16 rank 6 steel charges gives 32 legendary cores.


Who the hell came up with that stupid idea over at DE.


Give a core that matches the rank, how hard is that? Have 16 rank 6 steel charges? Fine, get rank 6 legendary cores for it.

Agree and then some.  I am mostly upset that they are giving months worth of mod farming away.  I didn't get my legendary cores because I moved across the country and started a new job... I come back and don't learn about Steel Charge at all until my friend asks where he got Legendary Cores from.  This is the worst solution to the "compensation" problem.


This needs a serious fix and compensation to longstanding players (or frankly any player who had a steel charge, or all players, or something) to even the playing field for these unfair advantages this broken system just handed out to many players.

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I know right now there just a reimbursement for the steel charge nerf buy I havent seen or heard anything about if in the future there will be other ways too aquire these and if so does that mean we might see some new mods that are in a whole new legendary class?

If they make other missteps we may see more or maybe an event reward, but for everyday drops, I highly doubt we will see these.

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They more than likely wont be drops and they certainly wont be cash shop items (game could be considered a semi-pay2win scenario if that happened).


They will probably be given out again at some time, maybe as rewards when DE changes something drastically or as an event reward.

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I really hope they don't become a thing in the future. Maybe if there are some absurd or radical changes to mods like Serration or Hornet Strike, then yes, they're good compensation...


But I really don't want them to be available in the store for platinum or real money... It would only throw more fuel on the "Warframe is Pay2Win now!" fire.

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^ Absolutely agreed, they should be giving out at least one legendary core to EVERY player, not just those with rank 6+ steel charges.


This is a ludicrously insane overcompensation for most players, even those with rank 10 steel charges are getting more than they invested back. Meanwhile the rest of us who didn't fulfill the requirements got JACK S#&$.


I'm pretty pissed, really. To think I could have regained my investment a thousandfold if I just had one rank 6 Steel Charge mod. And now that opportunity is gone forever.




Feels bad, man.

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Agreed about the rage.  I haven't been this upset about a DE mistake in a LONG time... and I've put in about $400 to the game because I thought it was worth it and a good game.  Then they go and slap me in the face with this fiasco, giving away months of mod farming...


It's making it really hard to go and keep building up mods when people are getting the equivalent of thousands of Rare 5s because they read a forum post.

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Well they have to do SOMETHING.


I mean goddamn, people with rank 6 Steel Charges, which take barely any investment at all, are going to be able to max out TWO mods INSTANTANEOUSLY...


Meanwhile the rest of us got nothing at all.


Nothing at all.


Nothing... at all...


Yeah I'm pretty pissed now. Just thinking about it makes me want to ragequit.


Thanks a lot, DE.

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I really hope they don't become a thing in the future. Maybe if there are some absurd or radical changes to mods like Serration or Hornet Strike, then yes, they're good compensation...


But I really don't want them to be available in the store for platinum or real money... It would only throw more fuel on the "Warframe is Pay2Win now!" fire.

The day they nerf Serration and hornet strike or either put into shop , you will have some good amount of job and even more if that happen in one update , cry , war,hate , I dont know but if this days will exist , i wouldnt be mod that days or take a days off 

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