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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I would make them require 4 blueprints, each having 5% chance at 40 minutes or 40 waves Derelict or T3 then 20 Cells, 20 Neural sensors, 10 Neurodes and a week build time.  

Not even joking.

Because they are equal to ~1.7 milln credits and ~2000 cores that are required to max a rank10 rare (that sold for 500-800plat before this whole Steel Charge crisis )


Actually  I would make legendaries have enough fusion to only max a common 10 and make 3 times easier/cheaper to get, if you want to max 10 rare - get 3 legendaries (or combine with other cores).

Edited by Monolake
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It heavily affects my willingness to put any more money into DE's hands (and I say this as someone who already put $200 into the game in good faith).


All they have to do is give legendary cores to EVERYONE, since the cat is already out of the bag and they obviously aren't going to be able to undo it. Not like people with rank 6 Steel Charges played that much for it.

you want a legendary core? i dont have one, and we wont get one.


also, why does it affect you wilingness to give DE money?


you still didnt answear the question. does that affect you that much?

it probably was my mistake. i meant to say "why does that affect you that much?"

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Yah isnt this a big loss for DE? because people that had no plat at all now can gain a ton of plat by just leveling steel charge. Thus they will be less inclined to purchase plat.

Also does not any one find it odd we get 2 of them for 1 mod?


Trading doesn't generate plat, it moves it from player to player and allows others to pay for certain things with real world money. You could also argue that those cores increase incentive to buy plat because suddenly there are more players willing to sell maxed r10 mods.

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Yeah, he can. I can too.


Grind isn't an admirable skill. In fact, releasing these cores(along with making prime parts tradeable and putting Banshee in the lab) severely reduces the amount of bragging potential players can engage in. That's a very good thing. The cores do a lot to decrease the exclusivity and prestige of having those rank 10 mods maxed, so all that remains is the statistical advantage and the personal satisfaction of achieving such a task through normal fusion.


The fact that someone else had an easier time getting to where you are doesn't diminish your achievement.

Yeah no S#&$, I already said I don't enjoy the grind and I don't find it admirable either. In fact your post has nothing to do with my main problem which is the fact that someone got to skip that damn grind while I got S#&$.


All I care about is the fairness of the "compensation" and right now I am not seeing any fairness.


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@ Biscuithammer


If they're incredibly common, don't they devalue all the time and effort other people have put into getting max-ranked mods? Wouldn't they cause complete chaos for the in-game economy with a sudden saturation of maxed-out mods that nobody needs because everyone has legendary cores?

I didn't say make them incredibly common. But they should be rewards available within the current framework of the game. Hell, sell them for 100 plat or so. Frankly, who the hell has the time to max these high level mods?

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With the introduction of the new rarity "legendary", could this be the spark of a new breed of modifications? I mean.. DE would not just go to all this trouble to introduce a new rarity for just 1 item.. I personally think they have something more in the means of expansion to all aspects of the game.

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Well, I hope we at least get a chance to buy them in the store. I hate maxing out high level mods. I just don't see the point.

So your saying you want to str8 up get every 10 upgrade capacity mod in the game maxed mastery 0-1 and 20 minutes of gameplay?

Edited by 1lusion
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Yeah it didnt take a genius to see that the compensation was very generous ... it made sense as a compensation for DEs mistake rollback.  BUT I cant comprehend why they granted 2 even for every SteelCharged ranked AFTER the announcement allowing people to exploit it .

Edited by Monolake
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Well, I hope we at least get a chance to buy them in the store. I hate maxing out high level mods. I just don't see the point.


  That would be too over the top, for the platnium rich users. They could buy this, max out a Rare 10 mod & sell it on the market.. Thus, dominating and expanding their richness.


Where was this mentioned? I missed it.

   This was not mentioned, just assumptions/guessing.. Just seems too suspicious that they'd bring steel charge (could be any other mod) to a fuse level 10, just to rectify this & introduce a new breed of rarities

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