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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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It's not de's fault that you didnt have steel charge.

The compensation was for folk that had ranked their steel charge, which required cores and creds. People exploited it. What you're saying is that its unfair that you didnt have the time to exploit something.

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Steel Charge has been around at Rank 10 for a while, actually. This was intended as a compensation to those who ranked it before then, me being one of those, cause I love melee.


When the news came out, I had a couple spare Steel Charges, and didn't rank them up. So, I didn't cheat them out of a few more Legendary cores that they were issuing as an apology.


They actually gave ample time for even die-hard hard-ups to rank more Steel Charges with that announcement, and DE really didn't need to have done it. But that doesn't mean people should have abused that trust. I think it's fair action what they did, and they did far more than they needed to. 


That's my two cents on the matter. They didn't need to have announced it at all.

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The compensation value exceeds the maximum possible cost anyone could have incurred by a fair margin. It was also announced poorly and enabled people to rank mods up to 6 in order to abuse the compensation and receive 100 times their cost in compensation.

I do agree that the way DE announced this was not done well but still you did not lose anything if you did not have a rank 6+.

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You speak of yourself like you're a better deserving person for giving them money. 

Look at my fancy badge here, I'm a founder. Do I expect special treatment? Not really.


The thing that happened was to fix a ridiculously overpowered mod, and compensate for the LOSS for people who ranked it up a lot, not for everyone to exploit this, that's why it was announced and dealt with quickly. It was NOT intended to make everyone happy, but to make the afflicted less angry if anything. So do consider stop believing that it's your loss already, since I believe the ones that fueled up their steel charge that much is rather fairly compensated.


Besides, they have been announced as the "First of their kind", so you'll very likely have more chances to have your bloody legendary core if it's that important to you.

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Because maybe it was supposed to compensate people who already had it ranked up not give everyone ample time to exploit there generosity.

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I do agree that the way DE announced this was not done well but still you did not lose anything if you did not have a rank 6+.


Yes I did, I lost the chance to get the equivalent of 1.5k fusion cores and 5m credits in fusion power because I wasn't awake at the right time.


There was literally zero reason to have multiple copies of Steel Charge or higher. 99% of those people who did, did so in the window between the announcement and the deployment so that they could abuse this multiple times.



stop believing that it's your loss already, since I believe the ones that fueled up their steel charge that much is rather fairly compensated.


I'm sorry, have you seen the maths on this? In what way is it fair that people can spend almost nothing getting Steel Charge to rank 6 and receive roughly 100 times that in compensation? That is not fair by definition.

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The way i see it its not DE's fault, they compensated people that invested time, cores and credits in a mod that was changed. Those that ARE at fault are the people playing the game that are hellbent on exploiting every single pixel out of the game. 

I had only ONE steel charge with my and it was rank 6 (witch i barely even got to that point as im quite short with both creds and cores) and im quite happy with what i got for my time and effort.

FYI: i had the core ever since Valkyr came and have used it only for her. if you want to be pissed off about anyone blame the exploiters.

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I've got 1 steel charge just before their "mistake", I upgraded it to 6 only to see if it worked... And now I got 2 LC for near nothing invested. I feel a little bad for those that don't get it or have already maxed it, and I have some pain to understand the DE's move on that. Why simply not refund (maybe impossible to do, I know the job..) ? Why 2 ? Why say it hours before the patch and then permit all the abuse possible ? Why even create this core that ruin every sense of progression in their game ?


It's a puzzling mystery for me at this point...

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You speak of yourself like you're a better deserving person for giving them money. 

Look at my fancy badge here, I'm a founder. Do I expect special treatment? Not really.




dude really are you that thick headed? you got special treatment you got a warframe tthat nobody can get with or without plat orso... isnt that special treatment....? 



and overall as a paying member of this community i expect special treatment! Why shouldn't I get special treatment? i'm paying for this game and your not who should they help first? sorry but if paying members don't get anything besides that they are wasting money on a game that the developers don't even care for the people that are helping them keeping this game alive... then why should i keep playing? And i my opinion these kind of changes should be more important and they should give people the equal chances to get a legendary mod. and not only give them a 4 hour chance when most of them are asleep. 



And why should a person who never paid for this game get that much treatment and help?  sorry if your not willing to spend money on a game and something changes like this then your not allowed to whine about anything and you should accept it but for paying players they should do something to compensate


why should they keep someone happy that isn't willing to pay for their service/game?

Edited by Duizenden
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dude really are you that thick headed? you got special treatment you got a warframe tthat nobody can get with or without plat orso... isnt that special treatment....? 



and overall as a paying member of this community i expect special treatment! Why shouldn't I get special treatment? i'm paying for this game and your not who should they help first? sorry but if paying members don't get anything besides that they are wasting money on a game that the developers don't even care for the people that are helping them keeping this game alive... then why should i keep playing? And i my opinion these kind of changes should be more important and they should give people the equal chances to get a legendary mod. and not only give them a 4 hour chance when most of them are asleep. 



And why should a person who never paid for this game get that much treatment and help?  sorry if your not willing to spend money on a game and something changes like this then your not allowed to whine about anything and you should accept it but for paying players they should do something to compensate


why should they keep someone happy that isn't willing to pay for their service/game?


 So if I pay more than you do every month, should I expect my happiness/satisfaction to be more important than yours? If so, I'll go start doing that. I take no issue with what DE did, as it made sense. They didn't remove anything from your inventory, they simply did not make sure you knew you could quickly rank up a mod to get a couple of legendary cores.

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Personally I'm okay with the people who took the time (and Fusion Cores/Credits) to participate in something for DE getting compensated for their trouble. The only thing that irks me is the timing, though I don't see how they'd be able to work around that aside from running the experiment/event again even though they got the data required.


Perhaps there could be a community event that is like what they did with Steel Charge, one that has an official time limit (maybe a week or so) that everyone has a chance to participate in? 

This way DE gets data on mods they might be wanting to change around and everyone gets a chance of getting the Legendary Cores.

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The biggest mistake here was, that DE announced it. If they would just have given peeps those cores, no one could have been able to cry arround, because no one would have had time to "exploit" DE here.


Yes it was an enormous error to announce it but really the compensation given is vastly in excess of the cost of a high rank Steel Charge for no real reason.


People who took the time to level it when it was changed got to benefit from the increased power and get compensation for their loss now. Trouble is that the compensation outweighs the cost many times over.


People who leveled multiple versions to 6 did so to abuse the system and yet they got rewarded for this abuse.


There was no reason they couldn't have compensated people at cost. Noone would be worse off, noone would be better off and most importantly, noone could abuse it. Instead like many many recent changes, they didn't think and they divided the community heavily in two.

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Can a mod please explain why two threads that were discussing similar but distinct things (steel charge change and legendary cores going forward) have been merged into a single thread that is now almost impossible to follow because the conversation is jumping here, there and everywhere?


I'm guessing not then. This thread is such an unreadable mess now.

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