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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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The biggest mistake here was, that DE announced it. If they would just have given peeps those cores, no one could have been able to cry arround, because no one would have had time to "exploit" DE here.


Probably no one else here knows what I'm talking about, but the crystal bomb change in spiral knights. The same thing happened.

Next time you do something like this DE, just do it. Don't alert people.

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dude really are you that thick headed? you got special treatment you got a warframe tthat nobody can get with or without plat orso... isnt that special treatment....? 



and overall as a paying member of this community i expect special treatment! Why shouldn't I get special treatment? i'm paying for this game and your not who should they help first? sorry but if paying members don't get anything besides that they are wasting money on a game that the developers don't even care for the people that are helping them keeping this game alive... then why should i keep playing? And i my opinion these kind of changes should be more important and they should give people the equal chances to get a legendary mod. and not only give them a 4 hour chance when most of them are asleep. 



And why should a person who never paid for this game get that much treatment and help?  sorry if your not willing to spend money on a game and something changes like this then your not allowed to whine about anything and you should accept it but for paying players they should do something to compensate


why should they keep someone happy that isn't willing to pay for their service/game?


You have no need to insult me.


Why they should keep non-paying players happy? You might have missed the crucial point about this game. It's free to play. Therefore your point that paying and non-paying players have more or less "right" to complain is no more than.. subjective, at least.


You're still neglecting the entire point of the occurance. This wasn't intended as a "chance for everyone to get a legendary core", but ONLY compensation for the people who actually lost mods and credits. Is it really that hard to consider? 

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I just can't fathom the stupidity involved in giving out these cores....I......just....wow. DE have done some questionable things before, but this, this is just a whole new level. It's just...unbelievable. I cant wait to see the shame on their faces in the live stream.


I missed out on the legendary cores because I haven't been playing, but even if I didn't I'd have the same opinion. It took me almost 900 hours to get all the "good" mods maxed and they just give these out like candy; Totally invalidating all the effort and time involved in high level mods.


inb4 fools saying: u m4d ju mizz3d 0utz

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I just can't fathom the stupidity involved in giving out these cores....I......just....wow. DE have done some questionable things before, but this, this is just a whole new level. It's just...unbelievable. I cant wait to see the shame on their faces in the live stream.


I missed out on the legendary cores because I haven't been playing, but even if I didn't I'd have the same opinion. It took me almost 900 hours to get all the "good" mods maxed and they just give these out like candy; Totally invalidating all the effort and time involved in high level mods.


inb4 fools saying: u m4d ju mizz3d 0utz

finally someone that is understanding me and all the fools that are acting as if they are angels and never complain probably abused this thing the most and got probably around 12 Legendary fusion cores.... 


the most annoying thing is that DE is ignoring this.

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One thread is easier to ignore than an entire forum full.


That's probably most of it, I agree.


This thread is way too long and complicated, there are multiple issues here that we need to break down.


1. Do you agree with the manner in which the announcement and distribution was handled?

2. Do you feel that people with a rank 6 steel charge deserved the same compensation as people with a rank 10?

3. Aside from abusing the compensation, can you give a good reason why anyone would have more than one steel charge at or over rank 6?

4. Do you feel compensating per mod was a fair move?

5. Do you feel the compensation is of an appropriate level when balanced against the cost of fusing the mod above it's new maximum?


I'll start by saying that I do own steel charge but I'm 99% sure it was very low level as I never use it.


1. The time between announcement and deployment gave rise to the biggest issue here, people who abused the situation for maximum gain. Whilst some people have claimed that an unannounced nerf would have been outrageous, I feel that appropriate explanation after the event (ie it would have been open to abuse had we announced it) would have covered those complaints. Ultimately, people were not losing anything.


2. I don't see why these were treated as the same. The cost difference between the two is huge and any compensation package should have taken that into account.


3. I can see that someone may have had one high level steel charge to use and one to sell but that is about all. I've seen people claim that having multiple levels to create "neat" builds with zero excess energy is a legitimate reason but frankly that's rubbish. You only need one of each aura. If you choose to level multiple ones then you already know you're wasting resources so additional compensation is unnecessary.


4. Following on from the above, as I can see no reason to have more than one or two leveled steel charges, there was no need to give out 2 cores per mod.


5. The level of compensation so vastly outweighs the cost being lost (either losing rank 5 to rank 6 or rank 5 to rank 10 or anything inbetween) for no reason at all. Giving out cores dependent on level of mod being lost was not that much more complicated but much fairer and removed the abuse option. Noone would have gained or lost; people who hadn't leveled it would be in the same position as if they had; none of these forum arguments would be happening and the community would not be split in two.


Aside from my own opinion on the matter I respect that people disagree. What saddens me deeply is that we have a great game here but DE are making decisions that cut and slice away at this community on a daily basis. Time needs to be taken to think these things through much much more thoroughly in future to avoid a repeat of recent events.

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The reason I did not put this in the megatreath, is because this isn't about the cores itself, but more about the communication and "somewhat lame" fixes DE brought.

First up. Update 12. WOO. New frame, new tileset, nobody notices the steel charge change. A week later. Everybody is stunned. It was the so called "beginning of Damage 2.0". Many claimed that one time, all aura's will be max rank 10. Including me.

We never had a real answer why DE actually did this. Wasn't buffing the stats alone enough? And why - seriously why - was it just implemented without any thought of what the future may have brought. It's like releasing an OP weapon, everybody formas it like a maniac, and after two months DE decides to nerd it. Okay. Totally understandable. This is a beta, and we should always be prepared for changes. But why couldn't they think of this earlier?

Same thing with this mod. Exactly the same.

Now that chapter is done, let's take a look at how DE "solved" this problem.

The fusions cores are way too good in my opinion. Also: why 2 cores? Would 1 be much more equivalent? Come on please!

As if anything wasnt bad enough, they - yes people - they announced it 4 hours before the patch. 4 HOURS! Exploitation over 9000! People just ranked the mod to 6 and got 2 maxed heavy calibers in return. And what bothers me most is that it all happened when I was asleep. I did not get ANY chance to rank that mod too. I have steel charge too. I wanted to rank it too. Did I get a chance?

Please, DE. You're awesome. Really. Awesome game and awesome developers. But please, THINK before you do something.

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The reason I did not put this in the megatreath, is because this isn't about the cores itself, but more about the communication and "somewhat lame" fixes DE brought.

First up. Update 12. WOO. New frame, new tileset, nobody notices the steel charge change. A week later. Everybody is stunned. It was the so called "beginning of Damage 2.0". Many claimed that one time, all aura's will be max rank 10. Including me.

We never had a real answer why DE actually did this. Wasn't buffing the stats alone enough? And why - seriously why - was it just implemented without any thought of what the future may have brought. It's like releasing an OP weapon, everybody formas it like a maniac, and after two months DE decides to nerd it. Okay. Totally understandable. This is a beta, and we should always be prepared for changes. But why couldn't they think of this earlier?

Same thing with this mod. Exactly the same.

Now that chapter is done, let's take a look at how DE "solved" this problem.

The fusions cores are way too good in my opinion. Also: why 2 cores? Would 1 be much more equivalent? Come on please!

As if anything wasnt bad enough, they - yes people - they announced it 4 hours before the patch. 4 HOURS! Exploitation over 9000! People just ranked the mod to 6 and got 2 maxed heavy calibers in return. And what bothers me most is that it all happened when I was asleep. I did not get ANY chance to rank that mod too. I have steel charge too. I wanted to rank it too. Did I get a chance?

Please, DE. You're awesome. Really. Awesome game and awesome developers. But please, THINK before you do something.



should have maxed your steel charge.

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I just can't fathom the stupidity involved in giving out these cores....I......just....wow. DE have done some questionable things before, but this, this is just a whole new level. It's just...unbelievable. I cant wait to see the shame on their faces in the live stream.


I missed out on the legendary cores because I haven't been playing, but even if I didn't I'd have the same opinion. It took me almost 900 hours to get all the "good" mods maxed and they just give these out like candy; Totally invalidating all the effort and time involved in high level mods.


inb4 fools saying: u m4d ju mizz3d 0utz

No, none of the time or the effort was invalidated. People put tons of credits, cores and mods into maxing a mod, and then the mod's rank was reduced, so they got back all the stuff they put in with two cores that max mods freely. Perhaps the compensation is a bit more than necessary, but it's not the end of the world.


Legendary cores are like Vandals and event-exclusive guns. You weren't there for the event, or you didn't do what you were supposed to do, so you don't get the weapons.


They do not give out these cores like candy. Do you know how hard it was to max Steel Charge? And you only got two of these cores for doing so. You don't get the cores for free - you had to pay credits and cores for a rank 6 Steel Charge or higher - and we're probably rarely ever going to see Legendary cores.


Just tell me how all this time and effort put into your weapons is now invalidated because of Legendary cores? They don't drop anywhere, they're difficult to obtain, and they're probably only going to be used in events.

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they made a mistake and in a week the fixed. done.


they gave 2 legendary cores so that the people that lost steel charge didnt complain.

people exploited it. bad move from DE, but it´s not really important. it wont be rolled back, and it doesnt affect anyone.

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1. Do you agree with the manner in which the announcement and distribution was handled?

2. Do you feel that people with a rank 6 steel charge deserved the same compensation as people with a rank 10?

3. Aside from abusing the compensation, can you give a good reason why anyone would have more than one steel charge at or over rank 6?

4. Do you feel compensating per mod was a fair move?

5. Do you feel the compensation is of an appropriate level when balanced against the cost of fusing the mod above it's new maximum?


1) No.  That was horrible execution.  I can't think of any logical reason for this, especially not on such a short timeline.

2) No.  "Compensation" implies that it is relative to cost.

3) No.  The only reason to have more than one at all is if you were handing them out to new players/friends who don't get them.

4) No.  In theory it makes sense, but this is reality.

5) No.  One Legendary Core for players with a maxed one would have been OK.  This is a ludicrous scheme and completely ignores end-game players who didn't read the forums and mod up their steel charge.  It's a slap in the face to players who have been "traditionally" leveling up difficult mods with hundreds of hours invested.

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No, none of the time or the effort was invalidated. People put tons of credits, cores and mods into maxing a mod, and then the mod's rank was reduced, so they got back all the stuff they put in with two cores that max mods freely. Perhaps the compensation is a bit more than necessary, but it's not the end of the world.


Legendary cores are like Vandals and event-exclusive guns. You weren't there for the event, or you didn't do what you were supposed to do, so you don't get the weapons.


They do not give out these cores like candy. Do you know how hard it was to max Steel Charge? And you only got two of these cores for doing so. You don't get the cores for free - you had to pay credits and cores for a rank 6 Steel Charge or higher - and we're probably rarely ever going to see Legendary cores.


Just tell me how all this time and effort put into your weapons is now invalidated because of Legendary cores? They don't drop anywhere, they're difficult to obtain, and they're probably only going to be used in events.

The only factor in eligibility was having it ranked above 5...  What you're saying is comparing shooting one Grineer and getting a Brakk. 

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they made a mistake and in a week the fixed. done.


they gave 2 legendary cores so that the people that lost steel charge didnt complain.

people exploited it. bad move from DE, but it´s not really important. it wont be rolled back, and it doesnt affect anyone.

u sure?all prices went down because of that..worked so hard to get my blind rage maxed yesterday...wanted to sell it easily for 600p...now i wont even get 350...because everyone has one

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The only option left to DE is to hand out 25 legendary cores to every single account... Makes about as much sense as their initial idea.


As for you people complaining about how you needed compensation. I submitted a ticket to DE asking for a fix on a mod that was mistakenly deleted. This took place last year. Two weeks later this incompetent buffon, takes one look at my account and rolls back all my mods to their previous status.


Serration went from 165% down to 120%, Hornet strike from 200% down to 120%.

DE did nothing about their colossal mess up of my account. Yet you knuckle draggers think you deserve legendary cores.

Tough s**t, you should of got nothing and liked it.

Edited by Blowfist
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So you are &!$$ed because you where sleeping and didnt rank up the mod, when its been around for weeks?

Thats basically what I got from your post <_>

No, I simply did not rank it because I did not use it, but I was asleep during that 4 hours between the forum post and the hotfix

This isnt about me, but about the mistakes DE made. I have plenty of cores left. People forget its still a beta and we should give geedback on whats good or wrong.

Edited by Deservate
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No, none of the time or the effort was invalidated. People put tons of credits, cores and mods into maxing a mod, and then the mod's rank was reduced, so they got back all the stuff they put in with two cores that max mods freely. Perhaps the compensation is a bit more than necessary, but it's not the end of the world.


Legendary cores are like Vandals and event-exclusive guns. You weren't there for the event, or you didn't do what you were supposed to do, so you don't get the weapons.


They do not give out these cores like candy. Do you know how hard it was to max Steel Charge? And you only got two of these cores for doing so. You don't get the cores for free - you had to pay credits and cores for a rank 6 Steel Charge or higher - and we're probably rarely ever going to see Legendary cores.


Just tell me how all this time and effort put into your weapons is now invalidated because of Legendary cores? They don't drop anywhere, they're difficult to obtain, and they're probably only going to be used in events.

Are u serious? Do you realise that people abused this explot and got 20+ Cores per account right? U could get 2 cores EACH rank 6 steel charge.. Let me guess, u got the cores, right?

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No, none of the time or the effort was invalidated. People put tons of credits, cores and mods into maxing a mod, and then the mod's rank was reduced, so they got back all the stuff they put in with two cores that max mods freely. Perhaps the compensation is a bit more than necessary, but it's not the end of the world.


Legendary cores are like Vandals and event-exclusive guns. You weren't there for the event, or you didn't do what you were supposed to do, so you don't get the weapons.


They do not give out these cores like candy. Do you know how hard it was to max Steel Charge? And you only got two of these cores for doing so. You don't get the cores for free - you had to pay credits and cores for a rank 6 Steel Charge or higher - and we're probably rarely ever going to see Legendary cores.


Just tell me how all this time and effort put into your weapons is now invalidated because of Legendary cores? They don't drop anywhere, they're difficult to obtain, and they're probably only going to be used in events.


Incorrect. The legendary cores are more powerful than the cost of ranking from 5 to 10 on steel charge (this is pretty obvious since they can take any mod from 0 to 10 which is further than 5 to 10). So the compensation outweighs the cost entirely with just one core, let alone two. Your also missing that people got these cores at a cost of going from rank 5 to rank 6 or rank 0 to rank 6 too.

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