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Pubbing Kappa, Or How I Learned To Hate Hallway Heroes.


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do you know how our internet and phone system works?

its chimpanzees in satelites orbiting our planet. the plug in all the cables and stuff.

in their freetime they get to stare at earth through a tiny window and play free to play games.

yes, allways assume that a pup team you get is all chimpanzees.

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The only real reason you get hallway/door heroes is that they want more, more, more action.  They don't want to compete to get kills.  Sometimes it works thusly to fight fire with fire.  On the Grineer Galleon map, nothing ruins a door hero's day like running through with Ember's World on Fire blazing and just instantly vaporizing everything before they can get a shot in.  I've gotten a couple door heroes to quit and come back to the console with that little demonstration.


A tip for Kappa, by the way, is to always check the big door upstairs.  Sometimes it's just got a two-person bypass on it and opening it up will allow more enemies to come in from that way, making for a huge improvement in enemy flow.


...Which brings us to what the real problem with mobile defense is--the maps.  They're really very poorly built for that type of mission.  Enemies need to be able to come in from all directions and from many spawnpoints around the room, both high and low, without being impeded or herded together by doors.  Get rid of these few bottlenecks that they all have to come running in through and you'll solve your door hero problem and make mobile defense actually somewhat interesting.

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I would much prefer if they set up the MD system like how splinter cell did it. The Spies has to stay in the range in order for the progress to go on, when i see more than one person hallway heroing i either keep STing them until they stop or i keep ST enemies to the pod to help them destroy it. But in all honesty, i wouldn't even go for pug, i would rather solo it than to do it with pug 

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lol play solo if you can't multitask and move around and protect the console. Particularly for Kappa I have no issues with people going out of the console room. I've found that the guys who hang around rarely ever kill the ospreys before they blowup, wasted resources for everyone. Wait for the timer then go around a pickup the resources, worked out well for me. If you're letting the pod die then you're the person guilty of not being a team player. 

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When I want to exp, i do it solo; it's not only faster. it is also more efficient.


When I play MP, I do it for the objective and use my best weapons or frames.


I was called a hallway hero the other day and I had absolutely no clue what that meant which I was promptly informed of it's meaning with much use of swears/insults. Evidently I was supposed to know not to go 10-20 feet from the objective and kill stuff. Ok then....live and learn.


So I stood by console like a good little boy and did absolutely nothing; console got destroyed, mission failed, and then I was blamed for it.


Let's just say, I don't Pub games other than maybe survivals; to many WF heros telling others how they should play imo.

Edited by fizbit
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When I want to exp, i do it solo; it's not only faster. it is also more efficient.


When I play MP, I do it for the objective and use my best weapons or frames.


I was called a hallway hero the other day and I had absolutely no clue what that meant which I was promptly informed of it's meaning with much use of swears/insults. Evidently I was supposed to know not to go 10-20 feet from the objective and kill stuff. Ok then....live and learn.


So I stood by console like a good little boy and did absolutely nothing; console got destroyed, mission failed, and then I was blamed for it.


Let's just say, I don't Pub games other than maybe survivals; to many WF heros telling others how they should play imo.

Because you did what proper selfish spawncamper would do. First you were stealing other people xp for the sake of the kills.


It is co-op game, you should know that co-op means cooperation. And you get better xp with 4 people, than when you solo missions. But there is no point in explaining anything to you guys, you cannot be reasoned with.


If you play like an noob with no regards of the team, you should be told how to play, or be reported for spawncamping in the process.

Edited by RoboDoge
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lol play solo if you can't multitask and move around and protect the console. Particularly for Kappa I have no issues with people going out of the console room. I've found that the guys who hang around rarely ever kill the ospreys before they blowup, wasted resources for everyone. Wait for the timer then go around a pickup the resources, worked out well for me. If you're letting the pod die then you're the person guilty of not being a team player. 


Check out this guy, missing the point.

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ppl like r idd annoying however they never learn, their typically the type who when failing call every1 else noobs or something mroe exotic and never learn, feeling as if its othe rppls job to defend and their to pretend their awesome or something.


basically their 2 full of themselves to care or learn, they will just requeue and do the exact same thing.


its more annoying now our drops have a lifespan, i think an older patch changed drops so they older ones expire in favor of new ones, so even if they mow down everythign while others defend, they get the most oxium and when the defenders pickup the leftovers, they wont get abywhere near the same.


i had a game where the hallway lunatic(s) got somethign like 73 oxium, me sticking near the cropod and hoovering up leftovers bagged me about 23.

I'm sure the guy lied about 73 oxium... that would have meant near 1/2 his kills were oxium osprey's if he was off on his own.


The long and the short of it though is the rest of this post.  Letting the mission fail, though feels good at the time, isn't really helping.  The a-hole off in other rooms screwing up the spawns still blames others, like fizbit just tried to justify his own passive aggressive feelings, I was killing I was in the right.


Simply getting the most mobs to spawn and get into a centralized location is best for everyone to gather everything.  I used to exclusively run Nekros on MD runs, but that has been so wasted recently with people running all over the map there isn't a point in a pug match.  Especially Kappa, one guy two or three rooms away and another upstairs camping those doors and the ability to desecrate is lost.


For those that want to defend running outside the rooms, just check the total team kills at the end.  With two people hero-ing it and with all 4 in one room killing the mobs in close proximity.  There IS a difference.  Then, for say Kappa, you will need honest people so I don't know if you can do this test without screen shots, but count all the oxium and resource drops with two people running out of the room and everyone staying close.


The XP is a thing as well, and when i'm trying to level in that i'm usually with a top level primary (or if i'm leveling the primary a secondary that can do the job) so going solo gives crap XP for my weapons that aren't used and only so so for my frame.  Group farming is where its at.


BUT... when people who are doing it wrong think they are justified, then really all you can do is shake your head, finish the mission and join another... or build a friends list of good players and play in premades.

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The long and the short of it though is the rest of this post.  Letting the mission fail, though feels good at the time, isn't really helping.  The a-hole off in other rooms screwing up the spawns still blames others, like fizbit just tried to justify his own passive aggressive feelings, I was killing I was in the right.


Hallway heroes are basically doing whatever they want, and leaving you with responsibility. It is detrimental to you, beneficial to them, and you can't do anything but defend because if you do, you fail. They create the situation and burden you with the boring defense so that they can continue to be selfish and obnoxious.


Me defending only enables them to continue to be selfish and obnoxious. They made the choice to leave success and failure up to somebody else, so they can run around and not be helpful. They can either get back and defend, or they can fail. That's their choice.

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This problem has been written about since the CB days, and it doesn't look like DE is going to step in and do anything anytime soon (unless they actually implement the promised-but-not-yet-delivered reputation system).


The best advice I've seen is similar to what's been noted here a few times.  I'll type in something like "Oh, we're letting the pod die?  Okay."  Then I run off and do my best to steal the hero's kills.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  But at least it makes obvious that we all see what they're doing, and can play the same way, to everyone's detriment.


Some people are just sphincters, and there's nothing for it.  But not everyone realizes they're being a jerk, or don't realize it until they are forced to face their own behavior coming at them from someone else.


If you want to rush a level, or play Defense Hero, play Solo.  That's one reason why the mode is there.  But if you have to have an audience to SEE you being a jerk, you're just an attention @#&*(, and should be shunned.


I already gave up on believing promises here. I could point out numerous promises broken, but then again, whenever I do, a thread gets deleted and I get a point. That's how DE "Beta" is.


For the pod problem, better let it die. Again, be the one left behind, watch it die, then right before it dies, Alt+F4. They fail, you restart without a fail counter. It would be better if you were the host, because they would migrate only to load a failed mission. Trolling Kill Hoggers at its finest.

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Because you did what proper selfish spawncamper would do. First you were stealing other people xp for the sake of the kills


Tell me, as a recently new player how the #%$# am I supposed to know about exp and exp ranges? I did not know this until I played that game which was one of my first co-op games ever. I was under the impression the point is to kill stuff so that's what I did. I did not realize I have to sit there like a dunce at the console and watch the novas waste it all getting 80% of the kills. MY BAD!


I did not know anything about this so called 'hallway hero' BS up until that point so labeling me as spawn camper and insulting me is complete and utter rubbish. Pretty much since learning this...I stick to the apparent 'ethics code' now. ie. do nothing and let novas kill it all in seconds.


Team work at it's finest!

Edited by fizbit
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Tell me, as a recently new player how the #%$# am I supposed to know about exp and exp ranges? I did not know this until I played that game which was one of my first co-op games ever. I was under the impression the point is to kill stuff so that's what I did. I did not realize I have to sit there like a dunce at this console and watch the novas waste it all getting 80% of the kills. MY BAD!


So labeling me as spawn camper and insulting me is complete and utter rubbish.


I suggest you take a chill pill.


what part of DEFEND is unclear? you are off killing something 573857385 meters from the OBJECTIVE... how are you helping again?

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what part of DEFEND is unclear? you are off killing something 573857385 meters from the OBJECTIVE... how are you helping again?


Where you there? Where you in that game? Did you see that I was just on the other side of a door no more than 20m from the console? Upon being rudely notified that I wasn't 'playing right', I went and stood by the console. So w/e man.


Assume more imo.


It seems that you think new players should automatically know what to do in order to please you eh?

Edited by fizbit
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Door heroes are also very annoying in simple Defense mission with all the loot spread far from the pod. Even the leecher staying near pod is less a nuisance and loss of time.


I can understand new players who don't know well the mechanics. But when you're in the last planets, it is infuriating.


Well, that's the risk with pick up groups...

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So I'll come out and say it, I used to be a hallway hero. Why? Because there was nothing in the game saying anything about max xp ranges or spawn rates or anything like that. None of my teammates ever said a word about it. I just thought I was playing smart.


See, my idea of defending (taken from other games, mainly RTS's I play) was that if I couldn't sit in the Frost bubble and shoot everyone, I should position myself at a chokepoint and prevent the enemies from ever getting line of sight of the objective, because every enemy that could see the objective was one that could potentially shred it down. Besides, on Kappa, the door is RIGHT there. It does not look like it counts as "out of xp range" until someone tells you it is. Heck, I used to get mad inside at the people standing on the pod/terminal (unless they were deploying aoe on it), because I thought they were standing there useless while the rest of us stopped the enemies from getting in range of the objective.


My own policy since I learned what to do is to stay calm and explain logically why hallway hero should come camp the terminal/pod with the rest of us. It hasn't failed me yet (maybe I'm lucky), and most responses I've gotten have been either something along the lines of "Are you sure?" or "Huh, didn't know that."


Insulting/shouting at someone never works to persuade anyone, as one can confirm by checking through any other argument thread on here.


EDIT: To clarify, it's plenty possible to reach the last planets without ever hearing anything about hallway heroes or xp ranges. So as a result, I usually give everyone I meet a calm explanation before we reach the objective. Admittedly I don't play defenses much, so I can't bring up any cases where it doesn't work.

Edited by KaikelX
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Point here:

Nothing informs new players about how to actually play the game. Somebody set up a better tutorial. The Pokedex Prime (Codex) is pretty much useless and only talks about movement and damage. Nobody even listens to that annoying flower as she's pretty much just a pre-recorded message.


DE says that they are just going with MMORPG norm of "constantly releasing new content". If so, why not go with the norm of releasing a new, lengthy but worthwhile Tutorial Stage before you enter the fray. The current Intro/Tutorial simply informs you of the key bindings.

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Kappa with a pug group: 7-18 Oxium per run.

Kappa solo: 32-52 Oxium per run.


Run it solo, you'll save yourself some pain.


Oh and Oxium Ospreys don't leave a body for Desecrate to work on so taking a Nekros is only good for Cores.

for me its the opposite. i get the most with pugs since the ospreys barely spawn when i go solo. :/  Oh and if i see all way heroes i just go follow them and steal their kills. -shrugs- and when the terminal is hut i have a mental debate wether to go back or not.. generally i go back and defend it... if they still dont come then... i go kill steal again.

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No really, I love Shred. I love being able to park myself behind the Rhino, and still get more kills through him, and the door. Public matches are the only place I can justify having Shred on EVERY BUILD, because there's always going to be that one idiot who tries to do this.



Anyone's more than welcome to jump in front of me but I WILL keep killing more with Shred added.



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Door hero pledge!

Happy to see I'm not alone to be annoying by this dumbass players...


Got few point to add in the discussion :


- Nova/Mag aoe VS door hero :

Some guy think than huge range aoe are a problem. If you take care to cast the aoe AT POINT, the range isn't a problem, everyone on the point will get the xp and the drop will be in a decent range. Just take care to cast the aoe really close.


The problem come from door hero how got a reason to seek frag far and from guy how spam big oae too far.


- Just a way to deal with some door hero : They live for frag? Steal them.

When I notice a dumbass runner unable to stay with the crew, firstly I gently ask him to "don't fight too far, plz". If he don't give a F*** of the query, I start to focus his target, playing mag on kappa is a great way to pull all ennemis he's got in his range.

After seen him running in another spot I just say : "Stay with the group dude or I'll will always focus your target."


It's sad, but be more idiot than them sometime made them come back with the crew and understand how much it's can be annoying... Sometime...

Edited by ZeGreymane
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Tell me, as a recently new player how the #%$# am I supposed to know about exp and exp ranges? I did not know this until I played that game which was one of my first co-op games ever. I was under the impression the point is to kill stuff so that's what I did. I did not realize I have to sit there like a dunce at the console and watch the novas waste it all getting 80% of the kills. MY BAD!

I did not know anything about this so called 'hallway hero' BS up until that point so labeling me as spawn camper and insulting me is complete and utter rubbish. Pretty much since learning this...I stick to the apparent 'ethics code' now. ie. do nothing and let novas kill it all in seconds.

Team work at it's finest!

I agree you shouldn't have been labled as anything. I personally explain it to people before getting mad. If you were to take that explanation and go "oh, I didn't know that" and change what you do then you are not a part of the problem being discussed. Now you do know though, I'm sorry you had a bad experience before you did.

The problem are the people who don't listen.

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For sure, before start to be mad or anything, be gentle.

Ask to stay on the point, explain why is the first thing to do (add a please in the query isn't too much)...


Indeed this fizbit reaction (that I haven't notice) let me add another/clarify a point on my last post.


Huge aoe warframe, cast it on the point, and when it's necessary.

For sure an abusive spam could be annoying for some mate (not everyone, but if one doesn't like see all be done be one guy, be fair, let him kill some guy and wait for an real problem to cast the magical skill).


I usually play mag on kappa, I use polarize when a mate or the pod have lose some shield, not every-time (if I got a nice crew how seems to stay on the point).


In other word, don't give door hero an escuse to play like that. ;)

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So please, i beg you, whomever reads this thread, Don´t be a hallway hero, be a team player, or just pretend to be a team player and stay by the console.


Funniest part is that unless they manage to kill over 62% of the enemy by themselves they will actually get lower xp on the weapon and frame that they are using (and of course nothing on the weapons they don't use) compared to just killing 25% while staying with everyone else.


In other words being a hallway hero is a stupid tactic for both XP and resource drops.


When i play valkyr or levelup my melee weapon, i always go outside because when  i was staying near console, they kept attack them dead and i got no chance to attack them to levelup my melee weapon.


See above, you are hurting your own xp gain and leveling your stuff more slowly by doing that.


Lets say that each mob is worth 4xp (to make the maths easy).


If you stay by the console and get zero kills on 100 mobs because you are using an unranked weapon you will still get 100xp on your melee weapon (and on everything else). If you run off out of shared xp range you will need to get 50 kills just to get the same 100xp on your melee weapon (you also get 100 on your frame and 0 on the other 2 weapons).


Frames running arround= +-40 oxium

Frames at the same strategic point= 70+ oxium


Same pattern I have seen every single Kappa run since U12.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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