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Warframe 2016 - How Will Warframe Be In 2 Years ? Please Offer Your Opinion Or Sketces


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This thread is made to aid the Community of Warframe players and the team of Developers as well as Digital Extremes Hq to speculate the present by assuming the future.All can offer their ideas and opinions with one target only a stronger WARFRAME



A few of my sourcesw of inspiration below


RHINO of the future source of inspiration



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A) complex end game

B) more of everything ( more maps, tile sets, planets, etc etc )

C) more interaction with in game objects. IE: a bench players can sit down on, or activation of lights or something to that effect

D) better balancing ( which will always be a constant thing) of current and future weapons

E) addition of new Void / Orkin style zones that are harder ( perhaps part of end game )

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Survival of the Game

I don't imagine that Warframe will completely die no matter what happens in that time.  



It'll probably have an endgame of some sort and twice as many weapons and frames.  This assume no gameplay mechanics overhauls.  If we got that, we could get all sorts of wondrous things like improved balance, good endgame, proper scaling for newbies, etc.  We'll probably have a new faction or two.  Existing factions and AI will be improved and expanded.  3-4 new gametypes.  Star chart possibly expanded to include multiple star systems if the Outer Terminus is repaired in the lore.



Art sets for every planet, more tiles per planet.  Around 15 new prime weapons (Soma, Galatine, Vectis, Bolto, and Boltor particularly likely).  Primed Rhino, Loki, Volt, Ash, and perhaps a few other ones that have yet to be created.  Far more color palettes.  A couple new helmets for frames and at probably two new skins for each frame.



Hubs implemented, clans given more power.  Alliances may or may not grow to dominate the game EVE-style.



Sentients probably return or we attack them; in either case, we find out what they are.  We find out just why we went into cryostasis in the first place.  We find out how Lotus got to be in a position of power.

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We'll be given hoverboards that maintain a height about half a metre above the highest terrain you ride on. 
_------------------------------^            < Hoverboarding Tenno; No falling.




     \      < Cliff


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I know this isn't very optimistic, but the way the game has been going so far(and mind you I've been playing since update 7), I don't see this game lasting 2 more years unless DE really changes how they approach things and interact more with the community.


This is a community driven game, no matter which way you look at it, and if DE doesn't get on the ball, it's going to fall.

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I remember Guyver. I have the series on DVD. Anyway, back on subject.


My predictions for 2016.


-Less Grind

-More Warframes (plz make earthframe plz make earthframe *fingers crossed*)

-More weapons

-New or reworked bosses (i would like a boss for Eris since Phorid was kicked out)

-Stalker and Harvester buffed so that they provide a challenge without being so difficult that people complain that their Soma's can't crit them to death in .5 seconds

-Game will be finished and out of beta

-No random and unnecessary nerfs

-More factions (allies or enemies)

-Grineer and Corpus less stupid in their defense methods. (Some stand there in your line of sight for way too long. They should know better).

-More lore

-We find out more about the Lotus and why we are blindly following her

-We find out more about the Orokin and the Sentients (the return of the Sentients perhaps?)

-An infested event happens sooner or later.

-While this would require a revamp of the entire game itself, i think the game should continue from where the tutorial leaves off. I wonder what happened to that Excalibur after he blacked out.


That is all for now.

Edited by DraikoHunter
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EChondo the Forum works like an Endgame,this is what the community controls.When we write a thread we play warframe as architects it is not yet obvious to all of us.


DraikoHunter the reason I asked for Warframe fusion in  the pas was to see somethi9ng like Guyver Gigantic in action





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- 100+ more weapons 

- Around 30 Warframes in total

- Probably 10 Prime Warframes in total

- Probably mastery rank 20-25 players

- 75% of the new weapons will be useless

- More new mission types

- New pvp type games. Ex: Capture the Flag, Hide and Seek, Squad Matches (4 vs. 4)

- Higher conclave ratings 1500-1700

- Raids

- New Solar System or new planets, since the solar map will be gone in whatever update in the near future

- New Sentinels

- My Wish: my very own Zanuka

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The endgame is color customization. 


Thus, instead of spending countless hours on grinding boring Invasions and hours-long survivals, we sill spend those hours on making sure our Rhino's color scheme matches his weapons juuuuust right.


But really I think this game will be dead in a couple years considering how this game has been progressing. Their current model is not sustainable at all.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Warframe will not last another 2 years if we don't get some serious reworking on the way DE is managing the game...But luckily humans tend to learn after sticking the finger on the power outlet too many times, so maybe they get back on track before that...

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