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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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@alchemistjkt @ExorcistEX


I can agree with what both of you are saying, i get it. Thing is, the Brakk is known to be a good weapon, everyone knows it. Problem is that their player base has greatly expended over the past few months with the release of the PS4. So much so that it is almost to the point where a good chunk of players didn't have a chance for the event.


Hey, if they do equal work to get the item, why not? Why is it that you are then entitled to a superior model? Because you have to share your toy?


i swear half the threads on the forums have to deal with "Mommy, he has a shiny toy, i want it!" Vs "I dont want to share my shiny toy" Again, it is mostly PS4 players right now. How do you think the PC playerbase would react to PS4 getting a console exclusive GD event? I dont see any logic in why they shouldn't be released. Only excuse is that you feel like your losing something cause you cant have it for yourself anymore.


Well said.

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I kinda understand the "frustration" about it being re-released.. I mean people had their chance and they blew it, the even lasted long enough for everyone to do a 100 missions. Now of course when it comes down to new players I'd say:

Lets make another event so they can get it as well, it's not like us older players don't benefit from that. As long the amount of work put in is the same or more it's no problem.


But at this point I'm pretty sure the Grineer Death Squad will drop the Brakk.

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Or nah.

We have the gradivus badge did you forget?

Thats an exclusive don't see you trying to defend that

Along with the machete and the Brakk, the badge is only a third of the total possible rewards that a player could take home at the end of Gradivus.


Like the Brakk and the machete, the badge is a prestige item given to reward how much work a player put into the event. So from that point of view, you could quite simply say 'No future Brakk release for anyone that missed the event, it's their fault for not playing' on the basis that giving away the Brakk would devalue that work that those of us that took part in 100 Gradivus runs put into earning it. After all, you don't go giving out Olympic gold medals to anyone, you give them to the people that have earned them. And honestly, I sort of agree with this. It IS an event reward after all.


However, considering the fact that I know a lot of people either missed the event, were unable to complete it or were simply not playing at the time, I proposed a compromise in my first post that would give those players another chance to earn their own Brakk while giving all current Brakk owners a way to distinguish their 'first edition' version from the second release(through a cosmetic skin), thus retaining the prestige element of the weapon.


From the tone of your other posts, you seem to try to come across as the Brakk-giving white knight that looks down on anyone with a differing view.


Lol selfish owners of the brakk everywhere

i have a brakk not as nearly as selfish as you guys 

terrible honestly what has the community come to 

a shame really.


While I'm inclined to disagree with your views on 'what the community has come to' I do agree with you that the Brakk does need to become available again - it's just that there needs to be care in how it is handled. Simply dismissing my compromise presented in my first post and then offering no alternative just feels like you have some kind of vendetta against the fact that the Brakk is a prestige item as well as a weapon and you want to eliminate all value that it may have, aside from the numbers that flash up on the screen when you blast someone to pieces.

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I would like to see Brakk re-released someday, mainly for a friend who couldn't get it (leechers, and I couldn't maintain a stable enough internet connection to partner up with him (Yes, I mainly solo'd the Gradivus Dillemma)).

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The reasons I want Brakk to return is 1) it's a god-tier weapon and those being exclusive just break the balance of the game 2) PS4 players never had a chance at it and deserve one. I'm not trying to anger or annoy veterans. I understand their concerns and I too think they should be compensated for this. Why not An exclusive skin or syndana for them of some sort?

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The reasons I want Brakk to return is 1) it's a god-tier weapon and those being exclusive just break the balance of the game 2) PS4 players never had a chance at it and deserve one. I'm not trying to anger or annoy veterans. I understand their concerns and I too think they should be compensated for this. Why not An exclusive skin or syndana for them of some sort?

I think at this point DE just needs to learn to release cosmetics for events alongside a new weapon that can be obtained at any time. Pretty much all of the complaints exist because a previous version was better, or it counts as a separate weapon, so everyone else misses out on mastery rank.


So yeah, special skins and syndanas are about the way to go. That way, if it ever gets ported to say. .the xbox.. we dont have to deal with this crap all the time xD

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Along with the machete and the Brakk, the badge is only a third of the total possible rewards that a player could take home at the end of Gradivus.


Like the Brakk and the machete, the badge is a prestige item given to reward how much work a player put into the event. So from that point of view, you could quite simply say 'No future Brakk release for anyone that missed the event, it's their fault for not playing' on the basis that giving away the Brakk would devalue that work that those of us that took part in 100 Gradivus runs put into earning it. After all, you don't go giving out Olympic gold medals to anyone, you give them to the people that have earned them. And honestly, I sort of agree with this. It IS an event reward after all.


However, considering the fact that I know a lot of people either missed the event, were unable to complete it or were simply not playing at the time, I proposed a compromise in my first post that would give those players another chance to earn their own Brakk while giving all current Brakk owners a way to distinguish their 'first edition' version from the second release(through a cosmetic skin), thus retaining the prestige element of the weapon.


From the tone of your other posts, you seem to try to come across as the Brakk-giving white knight that looks down on anyone with a differing view.


While I'm inclined to disagree with your views on 'what the community has come to' I do agree with you that the Brakk does need to become available again - it's just that there needs to be care in how it is handled. Simply dismissing my compromise presented in my first post and then offering no alternative just feels like you have some kind of vendetta against the fact that the Brakk is a prestige item as well as a weapon and you want to eliminate all value that it may have, aside from the numbers that flash up on the screen when you blast someone to pieces.

Unless it founders....

Keep it unexclusive and i do like the term "white knight"

but lets look at it this way i had fun with my brakk i want others to enjoy the same fun with the brakk, obviouslyyy I don't want it to be handed out in the marketplace for 125 plat but you know that "grineer death squad" hence hence.

I just don't want the new players to feel as they are neglected when it comes to the you weren't here for it so therfore you can't get it

and if you haven't noticed most people here like to shoot down new players with that phrase its pretty lame actually.

There will always be new players and those new players might miss the 2nd coming of the brakk and other event weapons

ehh i don't know a solution but keeping them exclusive would just be simply lame in my honest HONEST opinion 

Just because of this reason right here


NewPlayer: Hey that's a cool weapon whats the name?

Me: Ahh its the brakk its really good!

Newplayer: Really, Sweet! where can i get it in the market right?!\

Me: uhh well it's kinda event exclusive you know?

Newplayer: Huh event exclusive whats that does that mean i can't get it anymore?!

Me: well sadly yes :/

Newplayer Has disconnected from the game.

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The Brakk is more than likely going to be brought back.




Well, to be fair, we don't know if he's a

or not.  So, maybe he did work for it.


Wow lmfao he's ADMITTING that he did illegal things in the video, this kid is gonna get arrested.

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I think at this point DE just needs to learn to release cosmetics for events alongside a new weapon that can be obtained at any time. Pretty much all of the complaints exist because a previous version was better, or it counts as a separate weapon, so everyone else misses out on mastery rank.


So yeah, special skins and syndanas are about the way to go. That way, if it ever gets ported to say. .the xbox.. we dont have to deal with this crap all the time xD

Heck yes, I would rather have a badass syndana where most people could care less about than a weapon where anyone who missed would complain and whine about it
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Heck yes, I would rather have a badass syndana where most people could care less about than a weapon where anyone who missed would complain and whine about it

I feel if the DE released more cosmetics than like you know weapons of mass destruction the new players would feel less neglected and be like "ehh and alternative nova helmettt ehh not that big of a deal"

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I feel if the DE released more cosmetics than like you know weapons of mass destruction the new players would feel less neglected and be like "ehh and alternative nova helmettt ehh not that big of a deal"

Indeed but if they ever do that I don't want alternative helmets, rather just have skins and syndanas and such. And honestly weapons of mass destruction can be really freaking boring. I rather use akstilletos and relaod majesticly than use a boring generic shotgun lol.
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Yeah I was just thinking how ridiculous is it for content like that to be locked away from the majority of the player base just because they didn't start playing the game early on.


Kinda frustrating, especially when the Event weapons are consistently better stat wise too.


Hell, even Founder exclusive stuff shouldn't be locked out - it should just be harder to acquire. The Founders can enjoy the exclusive forum area and badge, but keeping game content under key is silly. Divinity: Original Sin is an example of doing exclusive founder content correctly.

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You seem to forget that the big clans already decided that they were going to pump all their missions into Grineer, so they could win the golden statue. Your average player only had to play 100 missions, since the big clans made sure Grineer won.


Since this has nothing to do with the statues, we can focus the discussion on the minimum 100 missions required. The 100 missions that each took only a few minutes each.


Dude, the guy said he spent 28 hours.... why do you think he lied?

Guess what? Maybe he is part of one of those clans that decided this?

Seriously, this discussions has the goofiest counterarguments ever.

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If they release the weapons again then I will not care, IF they have to do something equally as grindy whether it be low drop rates or a certain amount of missions I do not care.


If they get it for free then ill be angry, I don't care if everyone has brakk or whatever weapon just that they actually worked to get it.


That is all.




If there is another similar event where there is a second chance i think everyone would be fine.

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