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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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Wish somebody would pay me to play video games.....your world must be awesome OP.



Anyways - we got our exclusive fun times with the Brakk its a whole different beast than the founder kit which was bought and paid for.  No legitimate not purely selfish/childish reason not to bring it back during another event. 

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Agreed. If they just handed out the previous weapons that's one thing, but having to work for it? Like farming the Harvester or Stalker? That's completely fine. People will be upset no matter what, and that's the fact of that, so I say we give the people who didn't have the opportunity just because they weren't around the same opportunities our older players have - if the game function on subscription I'd be more upset, but since it's F2P I don't see the issue (except for the ones the veterans are making).

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Hell i don't care if they (DE) bring the Brakk out of the vaults but if that happens they better make ppl work hard for it like we did in the past.


Question: If the Brakk returns in a new event what about the ppl that already have it? Will there be a second choice weapon for Brakk owners!?

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Therein lies the problem though, if it's an event, then future players who missed out on the event will cry for a chance, and the cycle will repeat itself. It would be more balanced to release it as an incredibly rare BP with rare components and low drop rates for everything, but even then, it kind of undermines the "grind" that the original event required from the players who earned those weapons.


On top of that, if there is an alternate weapon, how do the new players get access to the alternate weapon? Or do they just get both for doing the same event reqs as those who already have the Brakk? Isn't that pretty much giving the Brakk away at that point?

Edited by (PS4)YIZZURR
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Hell i don't care if they (DE) bring the Brakk out of the vaults but if that happens they better make ppl work hard for it like we did in the past.


Question: If the Brakk returns in a new event what about the ppl that already have it? Will there be a second choice weapon for Brakk owners!?

Akbrakk, do it DE :D

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Hell i don't care if they (DE) bring the Brakk out of the vaults but if that happens they better make ppl work hard for it like we did in the past.


Question: If the Brakk returns in a new event what about the ppl that already have it? Will there be a second choice weapon for Brakk owners!?

Something tells me that it if they release a 'alternate" it will need to only be a reskin (nothing too different/ different at all) I mean, if you release something dumb like the AKBrakk or something, this will just be a endless cycle of complaining.

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Something tells me that it if they release a 'alternate" it will need to only be a reskin (nothing too different/ different at all) I mean, if you release something dumb like the AKBrakk or something, this will just be a endless cycle of complaining.


I say be weird and make an Akimbo with Detron in one hand & brakk in the other.

Edited by xoxcloudxox
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Sometimes I just feel people are too greedy.


Event weapon is mean to be event weapon. They didnt say it can or cannot be get them afterward but however, if you didnt get that weapon it mean you neither


didnt know there have an event

didnt spend the time on the event


and now you people come and complain the weapon shouldnt be event exclusive?


Just like myself, I start at U8 and missed all the events/rewards before that and I admit that I wont be getting them any more.


Yes, having a chance to get them again would be nice but I just feel that people shouldnt pushing the dev too much regards of this matter.


Event weapons should stay exclusive IMHO. (I am pointing those Wraith weapons)

Edited by ExorcistEX
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IF they rlease the Brakk (or any other exclusive) again via an Event i just hope they do it as an additional reward to something new.


I don't want an event where i can get an exclusive Weapon i already have just because some people missed it in the first place, did not play at that time or any other reason i don't care about.

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i have no problem with them releasing stuff again, i really dont.

the only issue i have, is when they say something is exclusive or one time only.

those things should remain as such, simple as that.


we should not allow or demand/ask that DE goes back on their word.

Pretty much this but sadly, a lot of people dont think so. (Look at all those threads/post asking for it...)

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