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Is It Time To Broaden The Galaxy?


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I've kind of read around the forum of people getting a little bit broken hearted about WARFRAME only bringing out new weapons and cosmetics instead of focusing on more combative enviornments over the last few updates, and I don't want to be another one of those guys that says "DE your only in it for money, bring out something the players want", because I've seen that a heap to and it angers me that people are so arrogant to think developers just sit on their behinds all day.

So DE if you take any notice of this , when your starting your next project for the game (currently clan expansion is your thing), can we see another solar system(or space system, my astronomy isn't tops) slowly implemented into the game, or released in a mega gameplay patch. This will bring back the old vets who want to complete another system and give these new kids even more enjoyable frustration thinking "really, two systems of this S$&t"

I thought of another system, what can you guys, our community think of for a BIG update?

Edit: Let's see where this goes, make something magical!

Edited by xZARAx
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I think it'd be more worthwhile to increase the diversity within the system we already have.

Doesn't it feel like everything is just kind of jam packed into one system now though, they had to remove 2 frames from normal gameplay because they just couldn't fit them

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End game content is very much a constant focus. Go watch Livestream 22, Steve goes into a fair bit of detail about it and I imagine there is more to come.


I'd post the stuff, but I'm both too lazy and don't want to break Council Guidelines.

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What really pisses me off are the people who don't realize a star system is named after the star. That is why we reside within the solar system. Our stars name is Sol. The Sol system is also correct.

So unless the is another star we named Sol there can only be one solar system.

The more you know...

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What really &!$$es me off are the people who don't realize a star system is named after the star. That is why we reside within the solar system. Our stars name is Sol. The Sol system is also correct.

So unless the is another star we named Sol there can only be one solar system.

The more you know...

So by saying another Solar system, did you get the jist of what I meant? Don't be a $&*^ about things

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i would be all for a new solar system once they actually finish this one.


it seems they are planning to give each planet its own tileset, so i dont think they are going to do another solar system until they at least finish that.


personally im excited to see what planet the grineer shipyards are on, i personally am hoping for ceres

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this Idea was suggested so many times.... and always has a flaw.
how the hell are we suposed to get to the other star systems when we can only travle inside our own system thenks to orokin relics?

Edited by EagleRise
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No we do not need new systems.


We have over 200 missions in the current system, but the mission types are only a few, so we are playing the same missions over and over again just on different maps and it is getting boring. What DE has done so far to keep us going so long is releasing new weapons and making drops rediculously low.


What we need are new mission types, new enemies and new bosses, and not those you can solo kill in 5 seconds after you get powerful enough bosses, but something that is actually challenging (and equally rewarding) for veteran players as well. The multi boss fight on phobos and the mega sized golem in derelict is a good starting direction I guess.


I would definitely want to see some mega new bosses that would even take 4 rank 10+ players to kill very strugglingly, and maybe after that, they can enter new systems, meet new enemies and get mysterious new rewards?

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There is no point in a new system/planet, as others said the current ones aren't much different from one another past the few initial planets.


DE needs to finish work on that AND simultaneously add more diversity and reasons to play current mission types.


- Defense rewards need to be fixed (to stack, like survival)

- Same goes for Interception

- <Whatever is the name of the datamass stealing mission> needs to get codex entries added as rewards (It was already mentioned somewhere, so it's not just wishful thinking)

- And all the other mission types which are so insignificant I forgot the names of them.


Lots of work with existing stuff, no need to copypaste current stuff into yet another system/planet, because that would be all we'd get.

Edited by Shifted
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No new environments in the last few updates?


I'm pretty sure the forest environment was introduced to general play in the last major update (even if it had previously been introduced in an event). Then in the very last update (seriously, three days ago!) that environment was expanded with new tiles.


On top of that we've got the Grineer Shipyard on the way. I don't know how close it is to completion, but I wouldn't be altogether surprised to see it in the next month or two.


I don't think the fact that these are being deployed on existing planets really matters.


this Idea was suggested so many times.... and always has a flaw.
how the hell are we suposed to get to the other star systems when we can only travle inside our own system thenks to orokin relics?

Lore-wise, I was under the impression that travel outside the system is possible, but the Outer Terminus is broken. The Corpus are trying to repair it, but we can't go anywhere else until they do.

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I doubt we will get something new anytime soon.. Right now DE is just redoing the older planets and making them unique.. So far we have Phobos / Earth / Jupiter and a few ice maps that are original. The dark grineer maps or the grineer harbors (whatever you want to call them) are probably next.

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No new environments in the last few updates?


I'm pretty sure the forest environment was introduced to general play in the last major update (even if it had previously been introduced in an event). Then in the very last update (seriously, three days ago!) that environment was expanded with new tiles.


On top of that we've got the Grineer Shipyard on the way. I don't know how close it is to completion, but I wouldn't be altogether surprised to see it in the next month or two.


I don't think the fact that these are being deployed on existing planets really matters.


Lore-wise, I was under the impression that travel outside the system is possible, but the Outer Terminus is broken. The Corpus are trying to repair it, but we can't go anywhere else until they do.

The way it always seemed to me, The 'human' race is capable of some form of FTL travel (else anything out past Mars would wither and die unless self sufficient, due to lack of resources), but the Outer Terminus/Solar Railway allowed near instantaneous travel.  So when the Outer Terminus was Shattered, it set system travel back by a wide margin, but didnt QUITE bomb us back to pre FTL days.

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I do think we'll eventually get out of the solar system, but I don't think that will be until late this year at best.


As I understand it they intend to give every 'planet' its own tileset, and I have to assume it takes a decent amount of time to make all of the rooms work together with the procedural generation stuff they have going on. Offhand I don't know how many 'planets' we have, but I do know we only have 7 tilesets right now, not including the void and the derelict.


On the otherhand they did talk about some kind of "Solar Rail" mechanic where Clans could build us all a toll-road to the "Badlands." Whose to say those badlands are in the solar system?


edited for clarity

Edited by Mr.Bright
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The way it always seemed to me, The 'human' race is capable of some form of FTL travel (else anything out past Mars would wither and die unless self sufficient, due to lack of resources), but the Outer Terminus/Solar Railway allowed near instantaneous travel.  So when the Outer Terminus was Shattered, it set system travel back by a wide margin, but didnt QUITE bomb us back to pre FTL days.

That could also be. I may well be confusing Warframe lore with the backstory of the X games, where there was a network of jump-gates throughout the galaxy, but the gate between the solar system and everywhere else was destroyed to protect Earth from the Xenon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What really &!$$es me off are the people who don't realize a star system is named after the star. That is why we reside within the solar system. Our stars name is Sol. The Sol system is also correct.

So unless the is another star we named Sol there can only be one solar system.

The more you know...

Solar = Related to a Sun/Star. We are not the only system with a sun/star. So it makes complete sense to me.

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