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Oberon Is Horrible


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I've spent real money to get Oberon and his ablilities and stats are horrible! He does no damage and he has to be one of the most hyped up warframes. His abilities need a serious makeover and his stats, he's said to be a paladin but doesn't resemble one in any way! Please think about working on him, he's actually one of the worst warframes if not THE worst on the PS4 Console and i paid aroud $15 to get him and he ends up being trash? Please consider redesigning him

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EDIT: ^^Much truth^^


If you think he's horrible, You haven't played Ash.




But for real, You just aren't using him right.


Efficiency + Range + 4 Spam = Perma Stunlock, with a touch of Healing.

Edited by Killerdude8
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On a less hostile note: Oberon seems to be more of a healer frame than a paladin. You probably should look for an Oberon build either on the wiki or the forums.


Or listen to guy two posts above me

Edited by Mr.Bright
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Wow such hostility. I am disappointed forum : /


Welcome to the internet, enjoy your stay.



Oberon is not a full on damage-dealing or healing frame. Just to state that if you actually wanted to play him as either of those types of frames.

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Oberon is fun as hell if you build him right, and play him right, lol i love spaming reckoning. run up and slide into a group of enemies, and BAM, kill most of them which drops health and energy orbs, so i can cast it again, Hallowed ground GREAT for defence missions, put some duration on it and power strength  and then throw it into a door way and watch the numbers fly. I havent found smite to useful. and his healing, if a teammate has it active when they go down they will get back up i believe, im not quite sure about that last one though, Ive seen it happen before but that might have been a bug.

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Oberon is like the more righteous/retribution version of Trinity. Literally punishes every enemy with its healing strength. Just favors a more physically than Trinity is all. Personally, I love it. I can run Survival for a good long time. At least up to 30-40 minutes (Minus 5 for each tier up). Just pair it with a Karak, and Stug like it came with and you'll be a beast.

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I agree with most of the users voting for Oberon in this thread and a statement that someone had made earlier.

There is no such thing as a bad Warframe. Just bad players. I've heard the argument time and time again that this or that frame sucks...

You're doing it wrong. Oberon is actually a relatively solid frame if you know how to, and I stress these three words, PLAY HIM RIGHT. He's not an offensive frame to a great extent like Rhino or Ember or anything like that. He's an offensive-SUPPORT. You don't run and gun like a Call of Duty player with a shotgun with him. That's completely the wrong playstyle and mindset when using him. While he has his benefits rushing, he's not supposed to be played like that.

Now, my question to the OP, what mods were you using and what weapons? There are things better befitting to him that can be used to your advantage.

My assumption: You didn't balance his abilities out to make them more worthwhile (Intensify/Focus, Stretch, Streamline, etc). You mindlessly went into a high level mission with a low level frame (Such as Outer Terminus with new gear, bad idea), or you just don't know how to play Warframe properly.

All-in-all: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and expertise is only measured by how well you can grasp HOW TO PLAY A FRAME.


Buy him dinner, give him some wine, he'll be your best friend.

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We don't forgive stupidity as much as we should

nah, we forgive it enough as it deserves


anyhow, oberon is a pretty sweet frame. he can fill a lot of different roles, and all his skills are pretty useful (hallowed ground was a great idea, but poorly implemented, I think. it definitely needs a damage or a range buff so you can blanket an area and get good damage out of it). he's great for soloing, anything with healing capabilities is (long missions will wear you down). strong ult, and it's impact+radiation damage, which are two good damage types (radiation for napalms/bombards and some ancient infested, impact for shields)


and I don't recommend buying frames, especially if you don't know what to expect. look up their stats and abilities, at least get a general sense of the frame

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Oberon is a pro character... you need to be a player that plays down the line of tactician... if your not a tactician he is not your warframe... Meaning you need to be pro with Vauban, Volt, and Nekros... in an offensive manner. NOT the cowardly defensive manner of using Nekros as a farmer, or using Vauban for strictly bastille, and vortex, but as the tactical blitzkrieg killing machine rushers they are... THEN AND ONLY THEN will you understand the full POWER of Oberon... The destructive Divine Archangel of the Tenno... The Keeper of balance, and order in the universe... The Overseer of Tenno...


You must learn to wield multi-target damage weapons such as penta, ignis, embolist, and various other weapons, and then end the enemies misery with REDEMPTION!!! Strike them down with their sins against the Order, and balance that all Tenno stand for, and keep the balance as the healing orbs rain upon your allies healing them, and keep them safe. Then keep them alive with heals, and when the enemies flock in hordes... SMITE THEM!!!


Let your Might be Order! Let your Mercy be the Balance, and Bring Retribution to your foes!

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he is nedeed meh, HG is the worst non 1 abilitty after silence

Both his first two abilities need a rework. The first ability is fun because it can branch and hit others but it is not strong enough to keep around. Same for his second where it is more useless, only thing that makes it useful is infested Defense.

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Tell that to people who have wanted Vauban for months.

Vauban takes forever to obtain and can only be obtained via sheer dumb luck. It takes weeks to months to even get the main blueprint crafting.


You can get Oberon crafting in fifteen minutes. Ten, if you're lucky.

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