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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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I'm probably gonna root for LoL, TF2, WF, and Smite.

But sadly, I don't think that we are gonna win the big prize, I mean I would be happy if we won, but we are going against TF2, SWTOR (but it might be SMITE instead) or one of the other titans of "F2P".

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TF2 is out!

lost against... maplestory.... ..what is this ? looks like some animu  16 bit jump'n run.

Did anyone here play it?


omfg... tf2 lost... just... how???

i played it, didnt like it. TF2 prolly doesnt care anyways

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Oh wow, as of when I posted this, League is actually tied with the opponent. Either the news hasn't gotten to em or they really don't care.


EDIT: Well, League just won, by .2%. Kinda close loss for them.

Edited by Xandis
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TF2 is out!

lost against... maplestory.... ..what is this ? looks like some animu  16 bit jump'n run.

Did anyone here play it?


omfg... tf2 lost... just... how???

Ahh... the good old days.

Maplestory was the definition of Grindfest...

When a game has you killing a minimum of 20 monsters in its tutorial to get enough EXP for your first Level... run.

Then of course, they broke down the EXP tables. Twice. Lv 111 in about... 5 hours. My nostalgia bleeds.


Lol Maplestory. 


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Warframe vs. APB Tomorrow! Get ready to vote everyone! Get your clanmates! Alert the Region chat!

Ya can't be serious man.




Currently i am laughing on one of the games i have played and left it. Wanna guess?


The game that had lost and is in Cleric Division.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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I'm probably gonna root for LoL, TF2, WF, and Smite.

But sadly, I don't think that we are gonna win the big prize, I mean I would be happy if we won, but we are going against TF2, SWTOR (but it might be SMITE instead) or one of the other titans of "F2P".


SWTOR is a shell of its former self; we can beat it easily. TF2 is out, just like Dota 2. LoL would be a hard challenge, and I'd say we're neck-and-neck with SMITE.


TF2 is out!

lost against... maplestory.... ..what is this ? looks like some animu  16 bit jump'n run.

Did anyone here play it?


omfg... tf2 lost... just... how???


Because their community just doesn't care.


And they don't need to, really. It's the 2nd/3rd most played game on Steam.

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Use this link here to vote for Warframe http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=532c921fe4b07c9e253b1cac

MMOBomb is having a tournament to see which game is the best f2p. It also decides which community has the greatest support. We have been winning the last few polls. Now it's time for us to earn our entry to the semi-finals.

You can read more about the competition here. http://www.mmobomb.com/ultimate-f2p-showdown

Hopefully we'll have enough votes to keep going. ;)

Let's get all the support we can. Cheers!

Edited by Teasing
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Despite their reputation as a slime-infested pit of scum, villainy, and hackers, that game still does have a playerbase.

ugh... that game, although it has some fun elements if you are in a group of friends, is everything I hate in an online "free" game.


The playerbase is about as immature as it gets.

The "free" model is one i've used as an example MANY times for being the epitome of pay2win

The cheats just make the pay2win worse.


C'mon WF!

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