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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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U sure? the report form works fine for me (didn't report anything- tried it on my own post)


No, I meant if the script doesn't work. haha

There wasn't an urget need to report him. really. Although I actually ended up doing so.


gg I caused such a sir, with a mis-worded post D:

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"Y'know, I don't care whether APB or Warframe cheated. What I'm interested in are the reactions of the moderators.


Scripts posted here? Nothing happens to the post.


Scripts posted in the Warframe forums? Script edited out by mods.



Edited by Kamal965
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"Y'know, I don't care whether APB or Warframe cheated. What I'm interested in are the reactions of the moderators.
Scripts posted here? Nothing happens to the post.
Scripts posted in the Warframe forums? Script edited out by mods.


It's common knowledge that apb forum moderators are rotten as last year bad apples - most part of them play the game with triggerbots, shader dots and macro stuff, so I'm not surprised they let this nonsence pass, which is similar to inspiring players using that script.

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im talking about that voting for mmobomb.just wanting to know sorry if i put this in the wrong place.also sorry for not knowing where to check


also sorry for pointless topic

Currently Warframe is in conflict against APB: Reloaded. Warframe is at 56%, thus having the majority. So... yes. Currently it is winning.


Here is a link.

Afterwards it will more likely than not fight AirMech

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I wonder who Esther is on the Warframe forums? He's defending us rather avidly.


Not defending you guys, just like me hes just trying to stay fair about this, something some members of both communities seem to forget at times.



"I don't think it's just APB players that tired to cheat this vote, APB had a good 3-4% lead over Warframe, then they gained like 10% in just a few hours " So their mods are not only OK with them cheating and posting direct links to make the cheating easier, but they're also accusing us of cheating as well?


Warframe gained 2 votes per second at one point, and yes regularly 2 points, can you say with 100% certainty that absolutely nobody on the warframe community cheated? If so step forward.



So they imply that we didn't know how to cheat the system, and used THEIR way to do it... Oh boy, those apbggots are so much fun to read.


Now now, lets not go that way, throwing insults around like a grade schooler, things like that almost make you deserve to get cheated.



Hey APB guys, if you're unfortunate enough to set foot on this post. I guess it sucks to know you can't win at life without cheating. Too bad cheating doesn't hide the fact what you're playing is a poor excuse of a game.


So if you send us out, know that we're still the winners in all this. We keep our honor and our dignity. Good game! ;)


Edit Edit Edit:



Nope. Cuz I didn't cheat :3


And here we go again, putting all APB members into the same box? tsk tsk. Its almost like somebody has insecurity issues, throwing insults while theyre winning trough zergforce.

(Also APB is a good game but its ok if youre scared of human enemies in combat games)


Talking about honor and dignity yet stepping so low. Its almost like the warframe forums are more childish than APB's.



APB has a link to a bot program on their main forum post regarding the contest...  I'm kind of worried.  Everyone who uses these to win this contest should get their game disqualified.


Edit:  I think the MMOBomb is actually taking action in regards to to RO vs Mabinogi bot war.  If you look at the tournament chart, a winner has not been listed

We do? Would you mind posting a screenshot?

Cause I cant see one in the main forum post which was made by CM Tiggs.

OH! You mean on site x of said thread, yes, please dont lie dud. Thats so low.



Yeah they're shamelessly cheating now.  This is the APB community that I know and hate.


Oh Soulie, long time no see, I thought you had died after you raged at everyone and everything in the APB Forums, it doesnt surprise me now that youre mindlessly S#&$talking APB and its community.



APB's only option right now is to get disqualified or loose gracefully.  I mean.. freaking hell, they've got links to a script on the front page of their forum


Dud, can I have screenshots please?

Like seriously, screenshots, I cant see the vote, Im trying to click it but I cant see it. Where is it?


OH! Its not on any frontpage its on site x in the thread, you actually have to browse trough it to find it.

Stop lying please, if you found something, calmly say it, dont step down a level and make it a lie.




"Y'know, I don't care whether APB or Warframe cheated. What I'm interested in are the reactions of the moderators.
Scripts posted here? Nothing happens to the post.
Scripts posted in the Warframe forums? Script edited out by mods.



And here we have one of the reasons why me and a lot of other people from the APB Community are refusing to vote.

Theres 0 communication, the mods are all volunteers that wont browse 16 sites of a thread to look for problems, they usually just respond to reported posts or things they can see with 1 quick look.

Nobody from G1 themselves is online on weekends.



That was quite refreshing.


Not everyone in APB's Community is an idiot, infact most arent, its just that some of you people in here seem to focus on a few people and deem the whole Community like that, which once again, is really childish.


I dont mind if Warframe wins, G1 deserves that for all the things theyre not doing as already explained on site 50 in this thread. But stooping down to such low levels as cheating like poedguy on APBForums tried to link, or trashtalking like some people here on the warframe forums have done is not sportsmanshiplike or anywhere near mature.

Heres a hint for you BubbaClump, you dont have to be 18 to be mature, you can even be 12 and mature.

Edited by eMiKo
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I'm guessing the finalists will probably be SMITE v. LoL (although I prefer Path of Exiles) v. Planetside 2, v. Warframe. 


Unfortunately, I think LoL will win in the end. Not because it is the better game, but because it is more popular. 

Edited by Barbetti
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Dunno when you stopped with dcuo, but do you remember the missing parts from the traces in time gear? Lol it was epic, the devs made loads of money because people played the t5 raids like crazy(if you wanted to replay them with loot you have to pay in dcuo or wait one week, for other people who dont know dcuo).

After months not a single person had certain pieces from that style. Eupc, uspc, eups3 and usps3 noone had that drops even seen. Then the devs said there is 1 guy and this person they mentioned had everything :D that smelled sooooo fishy the community raged big time, and few days later the missing parts started to drop. I was just wow, and i supported this kind of greed dumb f*** dev team??? Stopped playing that game since then even if i had my 165(a bit more iirc)SP and stuff but way the devs did communicate over the forum was just disgusting. You could really see, smell and feel how less they care for their playerbase.

And mepps is still a #$&(%! Sry xD im still mad that i supported that piece of crap. I think i have on my account there still 3k replay badges, but they went too far with that T5 loot desaster.

Yeah,i stopped playing after reaching tier 5, i only bought 4 or 5 or 6 pieces of t5 from the vendor and after that i left as an ice tank. Ppl simply didn't take my Cr 94 to t5 raids at all, i mean some guys already did below it, and i also too had a little of replay badges to even do 3 or 4 times the alerts again of t5 too, or quite a lots of it for t5 solos simply alone. But i cared less, if ppl are simply gonna act as an elitist and take cr 100 or 101, like idiots, then there's simply no possibility without buying the Dlc sons of trigon, to get better item level gear. Yep, that's how it was, this way, only son's of trigon dlc players who had better 86 item level gear from the vendors and better trinket from alerts, would easily enter t5 raids of Origin crisis dlc. 


It was the most ridiculous part i have ever seen, that Cr is now acting more important than having a decent gear or even cooperation or teamwork itself.


Yeah, i went in t5 raids and 99% kicks or fail at first boss. Forget about paradox wave, if ya can't even pass the first boss part in nexus itself. I mean why rely on a single solo tank just cuz of dpsing is needed more or other roles for it? That's not necessary, exactly, which pretty much after my leave, I SAW WHAT DEVS changed the DIFFICULTY OF both the raids of t5 to lesser, IIRC. This is ....the most...clearest part....of how devs of DCUO...are completely $&*&*#(%&, they care nothing other than legendary membership players or simply the top " popular " leagues that are simply thinking that they are the best and has everything and starts bragging on the chat like bunch of lifeless morons. I was playing on EU pc server, and the odyssey league? Ya don't want to know more truths about some of their members internally. 


I thought i would try on the new quantum controller role character and see if i can make it to t5 in a month or 2, but i started losing interest very fast, and when i saw the forums...like ya said neither the community + devs care about anyone other than p2w.....i was so mad, that players aren't realising the facts of reality in that game, and what happens when you reach the end-game tiers, where ppl only will ask Cr or else kick after that. Most ridiculous part, since many new players will start leaving soon, and i really hope that game dies very soon. Then i will be a lot happier than i ever would be even if I wasted money on higher tier Dlc on that game simply just to get it over with the final tier and finally be in peace....but NOOO...that just won't let me....the community in forums are simply so clear that i can even read, that they all are acting as a kid, and simply caring " money is everything " even in F2p.


Yeah, that's the intention of the Dev's of DCUO. i have seen majority of players leaving, because of only these simple reasons, just like me.


1) Cr or simply kicked from group.


2) Acting as pure elitist, cuz that's how the rules of DCUO community keeps following.


3) Devs are careless about anything other than the ppl they care only like fools who only wants to take money from them and be rich, and laugh while they keep playing the game endlessly, paying endless for replay badges, and they still keep making those mistakes without realising the facts.( when high cr players around 98 decided to give in on legendary membership due to a certain piece of gear which is becoming hard to complete for SP, they suddenly increased the drop rate of those gears in the t5 raids and that's the clear proof, that they will do anything to bring players back again wasting money on replay badges endlessly....sigh..i feel bad for them, while they still keep supporting that ridiculous p2w game...).


4) My reason of leaving--> p2w + Cr elitist ( you could add even Sp, since i have only around 96 or 98, as i didn't pay all Dlc's to get more sp's for higher tier raids, but i used what's common for an ice tank role anyways ) + community sucks + Dev's are moneybag *@##$es.


Yeah, your not the only one who is mad on devs or the elitist community, i am mad as sick already, while i have added these words on them, which is clearly a reason for my pure leave and no support given to the needing players as the community in forums were telling most players to move to other game if ya can't handle all these probs. 


Sigh.....man, i am just glad i am not even bothered about that game, even if they give one month free legendary membership which is useless and time-waste for me, as i don't have all time to waste more on that game. My now only hope on that game is.... Death.

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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Well Warframe's wining, and for a good reason, I've seen a LOT of games in the past 15 years, saw the rise and downfall of some of the greatest, and Warframe has ALL the potential to be up there, possibly even outliving WoW's long life if DE plays their cards right.


I've seen some come close to such feats, look at Ragnarok, or Mabinogi or Maplestory, people still enjoy them, I personally didn't like them but I've been playing some others like Grand Chase, which soon enough will die due to being pretty much P2W after season 3 came on (and that's even worse in a game where pvp is what people do the most)...


Then there's Planetside 2, they can STILL recover and increase their population tenfold, the game feels balanced, plays great, the concept is great, it's not P2W (which is a huge PLUS in my book,since those games alienate their playerbase the least) but the fact that you probably need to grind around 2 years to max out everything is highly unappealing, and in that game variety and adaptability is everything, and you can't really be adaptable if you don't have the tools for the job...not to mention the game has performance issues.


Those are just to mention a few, obviously everyone in here that's been playing games for at least 5 years saw the downfall of a lot of games, mostly due to being P2W (everyone hates P2W games, good example is APB right now)...but Warframe seems to be going in the perfect direction for it to be a gigantic success...mind you, the growth rate is a bit slow, and will probably take some good amount of time, but if DE keeps doing what they do, listening to their players, talking to them, pushing out great reworks of old,buggy and overall bad systems, while adding new things and fixing them if the players say it's broken, then this game just can't go wrong.

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