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Closed Beta Badge?


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Founders gear and closed beta gear have two things incommon: They are some nice exclusive vanity gear you can proudly show off and they become pretty bad when you carry them outside of Mercury so there is no point in using them over a better gun which basically is nearly everything else.


Founders got their Masters Badge some time ago to be able to show that they are founders even if not using their founder gear...so no problem there.


But what if you play for over a year now, proud to have been there in closed beta and want to show it? Use Braton Vandal or Lato Vandal and suck in every map with enemies higher than lvl 15? Meh -.-


So i ask you, DE, to give the Closed Beta people who helped you get things rolling a Badge, too...even if it's very late (not that this was asked multiple times before for the past year).


The 1 Year Anniversary of Warframe when it hit open Beta is almost here so it would be a nice gesture towards the people who are here even longer to support you since closed beta.


What do you think?



Edited by Namacyst
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its called the Lato and Braton Vandal.


That's the Lato Vandal. A pretty fancy badge actually.


Sadly those "Badges" are not viable to be carried anywhere besides Mercury... that's why a real Badge that does not offer extra Mastery or exclusive fighting power or any other value besides a cosmetic one would be nice.. like those fancy Founders Badges you got additionally to show everyone what you are without having to equip your Lato Prime / Skana Prime / Excalibur Prime "Badges" which perform just as S#&$ty past Mercury. But if you had read my initial Post you would know the "why".

Edited by Namacyst
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Remember when the Lato Vandal was really amazing?

I remember my old clan leader usually 2 shot everyone in the clan with it, then Damage 2.0 came.

And then they nerfed it even more alongside all the Lato variants :( Now it's even weaker than the Prime version (used to be slightly stronger than it).

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why not, swag badges are always fun to be "HEY NAB EXCAL WELCOME TO WARFRAM, SEE DIS BADGE, IM UR SUPERIOR U HEAR ME?!"


Nah.. it's more like "My Badge says i am old" ^^


No, seriously...why should anyone have something against this idea?


A mere small Badge as appreciation should not be that much trouble to do i think, easy to dispatch (Account registration date) and couldn't possibly offend anyone because its just a tiny cosmetic. Please make it happen, DE.

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Sadly those "Badges" are not viable to be carried anywhere besides Mercury... that's why a real Badge that does not offer extra Mastery or exclusive fighting power or any other value besides a cosmetic one would be nice.. like those fancy Founders Badges you got additionally to show everyone what you are without having to equip your Lato Prime / Skana Prime / Excalibur Prime "Badges" which perform just as S#&$ty past Mercury. But if you had read my initial Post you would know the "why".

Oh wait, you're talking about those little things on our shoulders that people don't care about =( Since people enjoy feeling special and this won't hurt anyone I don't see why not, really. 




I suggest a closed beta exclusive Syandana, some kind of ripped scarf that looks battle torn...something like... rsz_1qw0rszp_3303.jpg

The Misa thing was bad enough. Let's not repeat that.

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The Misa thing was bad enough. Let's not repeat that.

I don't have a Misa and frankly I don't care, that thing looks ugly and big and nothing like a scarf, I rather not get anything if they'd give me something like that for being in the closed beta.

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You can have a badge if we can have your weapons.

Lato Vandal is the CBT gift, and it really should stay that way imo. As for Braton Vandal, I don't see why it should return as its commemorative of OBT opening... I'd only endorse Braton Vandal returning if its when OBT ends(probably never). Yes I don't have both.



On-topic: A badge isn't much, if it can be done it may as well be given imo. Let the CBTs feel a bit more special/appreciated while not hurting everyone else(unless you're an obsessive badge collector who believes people in PUGs look at your shoulders).

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Lato Vandal is the CBT gift, and it really should stay that way imo. As for Braton Vandal, I don't see why it should return as its commemorative of OBT opening... I'd only endorse Braton Vandal returning if its when OBT ends(probably never). Yes I don't have both.



On-topic: A badge isn't much, if it can be done it may as well be given imo. Let the CBTs feel a bit more special/appreciated while not hurting everyone else(unless you're an obsessive badge collector who believes people in PUGs look at your shoulders).

walter my friend there will always be people crying over something they dont have. I'm looking at you guys you darn perfectionists D:< not u walter

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Oh wait, you're talking about those little things on our shoulders that people don't care about =( Since people enjoy feeling special and this won't hurt anyone I don't see why not, really. 

Yes.. just a tiny Badge on your shoulder with which you can show that you were there in closed beta without having to use inferior Vandal gear.


You can have a badge if we can have your weapons.

If you can turn back time to join the closed Beta you may have the weapons... otherwise no and your argument is in my opinion just unfounded nay-saying and therefor invalid.


I suggest a closed beta exclusive Syandana, some kind of ripped scarf that looks battle torn...something like...

A Syandana would be way too much so i must say No to this. A Badge on the other hand is, as i said, easy to do and just the right thing.


Lato Vandal is the CBT gift, and it really should stay that way imo. As for Braton Vandal, I don't see why it should return as its commemorative of OBT opening... I'd only endorse Braton Vandal returning if its when OBT ends(probably never). Yes I don't have both.



On-topic: A badge isn't much, if it can be done it may as well be given imo. Let the CBTs feel a bit more special/appreciated while not hurting everyone else(unless you're an obsessive badge collector who believes people in PUGs look at your shoulders).

Braton Vandal was available for roughly 3 days during the Open Beta Weekend but still part of the closed Beta and way before the "real" Open Beta started. It has nothing to do with the Open Beta we are currently in and therefor should stay exclusive to closed beta testers only.. like the Lato Vandal.


Nice that you agree that a Badge is not much and won't hurt anybody.

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If you can turn back time to join the closed Beta you may have the weapons... otherwise no and your argument is in my opinion just unfounded nay-saying and therefor invalid.


Noun1.naysaying - the act of saying no to a request

denial - the act of refusing to comply (as with a request); "it resulted in a complete denial of his privileges.
God only knows where you're getting that word from. I certainly haven't said no to your request--I've proposed the possibility of a trade that gets us both what we want. It's called a compromise--you want bling, I want Mastery.
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