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Please, De: Stop Releasing Updates Near To Midnight


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You think the people working on these updates want to stay at work til midnight? Nope. But we want to iron out as many bumps as we can before we ship. Sometimes this requires us to put in some extra effort and time.


Maybe an even better solution would be if there are too many bumps as end of business on Wednesday nears, you tell the community that the update will be delayed until Thursday or Friday, or even Monday, so there are even fewer "bumps" for the players to deal with. I'm pretty sure if you were to tell people that you'd rather delay the update than push to release it riddled with bugs and glitches; not only would the player base understand, but they would actually be grateful.

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Probably not the most professional thing, to communicate inter-office politics/procedures to the bouncing retards of the internet forums.


There are more than enough apologists out there to defend DE, without employees having to dignify these threads with their presence.


Just sayin.


Don't see how that's unprofessional. Killerkarpfen's just giving rationale to why updates come out at midnight.

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Yeah, them releasing updates so late on the update day, means they're putting in overtime to make it in under the wire.  It's not like they have this update just sitting, ready to go.  They're working on it as hard as they can, till the very last minute.

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I get it now....when you complain a lot and force demands..you grab DEs attention




I demand one of you DE members to reply to my thread because it isn't positive and I'm being an A******


So you have to reply because you need to STOP...not responding to stuff..now tell me why this freaaaaaaakin gun isn't in the game


make this gun design Gorgon Version 2 because I said so and 100 others said so


i do not take in count of your feels....so do it 



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Just realized canada is 5 hours behind my time zone. Are you talking about Canada-midnight or central-european-midnight?




The east of Canada is 3.5 hours behind GMT (because Newfies are special and have to have their silly not-on-the-hour time zone). The west of Canada is 8 hours behind GMT. The middle of Canada, where DE is (which people call the east because it's at the same longitude as the east of the USA, even though it's not the east of Canada by a long shot) is 5 hours behind GMT.


Canada also has an acronym to remember the order of the provinces from west to east: It goes: "BASMOQ and the other four no-one cares about." It's actually kind of horrifying.


This is what I learned when I visited Canada.

Edited by thegooseking
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not only would the player base understand, but they would actually be grateful.

you know very well that small minority of very loud players would whine that Updates were delayed for legitimate reasons, and we can't have legitimate reasons to do things, those are bad. 


but delay if needbe anyways. if those loud players don't like it, nobody wants to hear it.

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Just this, i suggest to release at 6PM EST - 8PM EST or it won't be really at Wedness day and commo'n, most of we are busy in the other day or can't be on at near to midnight.



Guys i think frustration has just got the best of them thats all we shouldnt be mean to them. They prob regreted putting this right away (the whole idea of write a letter while in the moment but never post it until yourve slept on it) Like alot of people there just frustrated because there excited for the new update to come out as i am.


I dont think any harm is ment by this at all just a frustrated lapse in judgement from prolonged excitement :) so peeps be nice! :D

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it's always near midnight somewhere.  But yeah, DE should totally focus on your time zone


EST is DE's timezone. And that's the timezone they should focus on.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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You think the people working on these updates want to stay at work til midnight? Nope. But we want to iron out as many bumps as we can before we ship. Sometimes this requires us to put in some extra effort and time.

All hail the DE staff

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I WANT them to smooth out the bumps. DE only knows what would happen if this stuff shipped out the moment it they thought it was finished. It be like over 9000 times worse with bugs if it came early! Let DE fix what bugs they can before release.

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Wow.... This is a real post? (rubs the corners between his fingers)


Sadly seems real.


Firstly DE is primarily working in the EDT time zone. Considering planet earth is bigger than your backyard.. I'd say they have a lot more to consider than just your personal timezone, or the timezone of your 6-8pm buddies.


Secondly.. Might just be me, but I prefer a stable, bug free as possible update. If that means DE has to work late, I personally appreciate that. I'm sure their servers & support staff do as well.


I'm on PST so even if they release the update @9pm, It's still Wednesday for me.


Kudos to those that the have patience for our EXCELLENT game devs, and their much appreciated weekly updates.


"It isn't just me, but a big part of the players"


Never seen that poll you took of all the Warframe players.. Mann, must've been a beauty.. ;(


I think his Founders status had something in the fine print about the game revolving around his schedule. Just his though. The rest of you missed that special offer, as it was offered between 6 - 8pm.

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I've seen the Warframe staff putting out hotfixes at 1:30AM (EST), after patches are released.  I'm pretty sure no other developer does this sort of thing.

actually gazillion entertainment, who are working on Marvel heroes have done this many times and still do so. even work weekends.

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wow inconsiderate much? 


this guys work themselves to the bone to get it out as fast as they can for you, things like staying at the office til midnight to iron out the bugs and make sure the patch drops without the game exploding.


and you show your thanks by get on here to complain? 


way to go mate, cheers.


keep up the good work DE, love you guys.

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Probably not the most professional thing, to communicate inter-office politics/procedures to the bouncing retards of the internet forums.


There are more than enough apologists out there to defend DE, without employees having to dignify these threads with their presence.


Just sayin.

If there is something DE does better than the average dev is the way they communicate. Their relationship with the players is fresh and most of the time sounds honest.


I'd rather have a doubtful "Soon" than a standard marketing we-think-you're-another-A****** bla bla from EA or Activision.


You have this guy here talking to us about his job like he would talk to a friend, and I just can't see anything wrong with it. I welcome this kind of message. Screw standard marketing procedures.

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You think the people working on these updates want to stay at work til midnight? Nope. But we want to iron out as many bumps as we can before we ship. Sometimes this requires us to put in some extra effort and time.


I respect you guys for your work enthusiasm - but seriously, go get some frakking sleep guys. The world does exist outside of it all. Release it in the morning (it only counts as morning once you've slept FYI).

Edited by J-Pax
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wow inconsiderate much? 


this guys work themselves to the bone to get it out as fast as they can for you, things like staying at the office til midnight to iron out the bugs and make sure the patch drops without the game exploding.


and you show your thanks by get on here to complain? 


way to go mate, cheers.


keep up the good work DE, love you guys.

I wish I could thumbs this up harder

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