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Malfunctioning Lights And New Laser Doors = Anti-Rushing Mechanic?


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I'm fine with anti-rushing mechanics.


I went through a set of Nightmare missions the other night that were devastated by two rushers, so fast that I couldn't even get to Vay Hek before he was dead and they had already left.


Sure, I got some mods, but it felt cheap and dirty.  Like their mothers.

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I'm fine with anti-rushing mechanics.


I went through a set of Nightmare missions the other night that were devastated by two rushers, so fast that I couldn't even get to Vay Hek before he was dead and they had already left.


Sure, I got some mods, but it felt cheap and dirty.  Like their mothers.

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Instead of having fast missions and speed missions DE instead pisses everyone off by having all those stuff slow you down, IF everyone likes rushing maybe its because its fun DE !! WF IS about sped and parkour and fast manoeuvering !! I swear they will never learn.

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The first time that lightning crap hit me I thought it was some sort of revenge killer that just decided to come and take a crap on my quick sabotage mission. I got hit by that junk 4 times before I realized it was broken lights high up on the ceiling, outside of my immediate view.  


Worst part was, 3 of them hit me in succession. It gave me enough time to say "wtf?" run and say "wtf is this?!" making me run faster and freak out even more.



OH, and does DE really not like Rushers? If they don't, why is Deception a game type at all? 

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I think the whole Security Laser thing is tedious and it just ends up with everyone looking like jackasses sliding through laser rave doors.



The game needs a system for gauging the players' proximity with one another and use that for setting off its anti-rushing countermeasures.  The closest 3 players set the pace, and once they spread out too much - such as if one or two folks is massively outpacing the 3rd - then boom, anti-rushing countermeasures.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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Corpus security I'm fine with - cameras are clearly visible and have a decent hitbox so they can be easily destroyed once you spot them, and they're not randomly dotted all over the map like they had to get the Feng Shui just right or something. It's just a shame you can still slide right on through them.

I think visibility and location are the pieces of this puzzle - set strict rules for what tiles they can spawn in (for example, definitely not the room we spawn in - I've been zapped during the intro cutscene a few times now) and make them as visible as cameras - perhaps make them a unique color or intensify the particle effect so that you're tipped off even if you can't see the physical light fixture - you can still see the arcs and sparks.

Energy drain doors are fine, in my opinion. Hitbox on the sensor bar could do with being a tiny bit bigger, but that's my only beef.

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My only real annoyance is the whole "drain your energy" thing.

When it's disruptors it's alright, I can dodge even the laggy ones.


But if I'm slightly laggy and don't instantly spot every single door, I lost all my energy. Now, as Rhino, that doesn't bother me, but it' still annoying because I run a long range-high power Stomp.


Perhaps a knockback like the Corpus would be better.

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I'm cool with the Grineer finally having some internal security like Corpus. What I don't like is that it seems like some of the doors with active security don't have the little scanner beams shooting out of the spot over the door, so you run up to the door, it opens and ZAPPO. Maybe it's bugged or maybe they just need to make it a lot easier to see. Corpus cameras and laser doors are right in your face, easy to spot. Nobody ever tripped into a laser door (unless it gets triggered right as you walk through it, but that's another story).


What I hate are the stupid malfunctioning lights. The little purple arcs are almost impossible to see against the rest of the tile while I'm running and I have yet to figure out some way to spot the right place to shoot them out. Is that supposed to be the Grineer equivalent of Corpus turrets? If so, they need a LOT more work.

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As ive said in other threads on this subject, the flashing really needs to go, I suffer migraines still coming down from one yesterday and the flashes make me feel ill everytime it happens. I'm glad I don't have epilepsy but I might if I have to deal with these shocks much longer.


also I think rhino iron skin can just run through the doors without penalty, so if you wanna rush just get rhino prime & vanguard and some welding goggles irl 

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Instead of doing this, DE could punish the one that is ahead instead.

For example, if a player is more than 30m from the group or the person in last place, that player will start to lose health and energy akin to nightmare mode energy vampire and health vampire. The further he gets away from the group, the faster his health and energy drain.

So, if a player is more than 100m away, he will bleed out. And cannot self revive if his teammates didn't get there in time.

Also, a player that dies this way will not get any rewards at the mission complete screen.

This will keep rushers in check.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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some good idea, but do you forget the people that afk mission and stay at the start? it will means people can't finish the mission.


the draining door, it's ok

the malfuntioning light, are not... mostly because of the lack of visibility.

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The electric traps really ruin the whole tileset for me. A lot of the time I'm using a frame with less than 300 shields and not much health either. Now I'm forced to get bigger shields or bring healing gear or something if I want to finish some normal mission like capture in grineer galleon, just because my frame normally can't take more than 3 or 4 hits without dying. There isn't even any reward for doing the mission without getting zapped.


This game is about killing enemies and not watching your step so damn closely. Make the traps obvious or remove them completely. In the mean time I won't be playing grineer galleon much.

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I don't like them because they just aren't what they should be.


Enemies walk through the doors with impunity, they don't shut off the security(even for a blip as they pass through it) or anything of that nature, they simply ignore it.  On top of this, they are on even if the building security isn't notified.  That said, I'm much more fine with the doors than the "Broken Lights".


First off, why are there broken lights all over a ship/base/whatever it is that hasn't been raided in any way?  Further, why do these broken lights exist in such a way that they are so broken that they will arc electricity and fry more damage than a half dozen grineer of that level have HP?  Having a lethally broken light seems like a logical time to get those maintenance guys to work.  Having a dozen of them in your otherwise entirely undamaged facility means they'd better get on the horn and learn how to change a lightbulb.


Next stop---why do they fry Tenno, and only Tenno?  The way electricity works is not the answer---the Tenno is standing on the ground, which is a rusty colored metal, surrounded by rusty colored pipes(read:the entire structure is conductive).  The Grineer troops are carrying weaponry that is not grounded to this, same as we are(and we may actually be grounded, if the suit is actually made of conductive metal).  If it where to arc, it would arc to anyone passing by it.


On top of this, they are extremely poorly placed---after running several missions, it became obvious as to where I would find such traps, and in many cases they where located above doorways or tops of stairs, but could not be disabled from any direction that me, as the player, would be coming from.  They had to simply be set off and then ignored.


No, they are simply atmosphere breaking booby traps with no logical feel to them at all.  I'm all for bringing Grineer security up to speed with the Corpus, but only if it's logical and "feels right".  This stuff doesn't.

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I've been zapped around...5 times, 6 even, before I noticed the broken lights. While I like the concept (being a bit more attentive of your surroundings), they better remove the lights and the doors from Mercury. It's a bit ironic that a broken light is able to instakill you, while it takes 10 Grineer to scratch your shields.


Also, the doors are a fine addition too. Just increase the hitbox of the security camera (and perhaps make it blend less with the environment, I didn't even know there was a camera until I saw the line of sight-esque cone).


By the way, both additions only prevent rushers on Grineer tilesets, so I doubt they created them specifically for the purpose of preventing rushing. I think they've been added because Grineer lacked any security measures, like Corpus do.

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Instead of doing this, DE could punish the one that is ahead instead.

For example, if a player is more than 30m from the group or the person in last place, that player will start to lose health and energy akin to nightmare mode energy vampire and health vampire. The further he gets away from the group, the faster his health and energy drain.

So, if a player is more than 100m away, he will bleed out. And cannot self revive if his teammates didn't get there in time.

Also, a player that dies this way will not get any rewards at the mission complete screen.

This will keep rushers in check.

A little draconian and you'd probably need a wider radius for the larger rooms, but it would be interesting to see how it worked.  Would also need some way to tell if the guy in back is AFK, otherwise one guy leaving his computer would stop the whole squad advancing.

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