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Malfunctioning Lights And New Laser Doors = Anti-Rushing Mechanic?


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that turns every map into exterminate x 5-6 plus mission objective. the enemies glitch into the ground or outside the map and your boned.


rushing is a minor problem in the scheme of things, friendship doors do alot to minimise it. these genocide doors your suggesting would slow down everything as all players get rerouted to finding a key that dropped somewhere on one of the mobs somewhere between the start and the door. we'd be far better served by simple coded locks that need hacking.



This could create some huge problems. Especially for groups that don't have a Radial Nuker to walk around spamming its Ult.

This is why I said enemy or multiple enemies because we all know that enemies can glitch trough walls but if lets say 10 enemies would carry the code, there chances of all of the enemies carrying the code glitching trough map, thus preventing progression, would be nearly non-existent.

EDIT: And to further add. Isn't every mission an extermination mission to some extent to begin with. I mean if you play by normal means, you kill everyone you see anyways, unless you are a rusher that bypasses enemies constantly. To them, this would only be a problem but not for people who still can go fast but do not bypass enemies just for the sake of rushing.


What I am getting at that by normal means, you should find the keycode regardless by just going towards the objective while rushers get only stuck because of them not killing the enemy they need in order for the door to open.

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I just have one thing to say.

This encourages Rhino rushing even more.

Because of iron skin, none of them will notice the shock :p

Invisible chars like Loki and Ash can still be damaged.


So this is kinda like a bummer to me a little since I main Loki.

But I am cool with that.

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IMHO the new grineer security measures are a great addition to the game

dont want to get zapped? simple solution: pay attention to your surroundings (you can still move quickly, but blindly rushing has always been a foolish "tactic")

in no way whatsoever is DE's design choices CAUSING players to AFK or troll others, the lack of logic in such a statement is appalling



Don't want to get zapped or energy drained ? Just play Rhino.


This is, again, a BAD design again rushers, as they will just play the frames that don't care about those mechanics.


If DE want to stop rushers, they have to implement a system that works on EVERY FRAME.


But heeh, let's make an even FASTER version of Rhino (Prime) for them.

Edited by Hyunsai
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Well, I used to run more Grineer missions because of the Corpus security system. The all thing "You slide, you hit the door, door opens 0.1s later, laser knock you down" was frustrating.


I find there is too much Broken lights, but I dont really care, it's just DAMAGE.


But the doors.... damn. All of my energy gone because of a single door ? I hate this.

They are not vulnerable to the explosion radius of the penta, only a direct hit of the grenade, forcing me to switch weapon at every door.


Someone said it was not "anti-rush" but "anti-fun". That's what I think, too.

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well we were getting zapped loading into the nightmare alert, I got killed outright with 660 hp nyx, wonderful


Had the same thing happen on the nightmare alert tonight--one shot by a lightbulb, positioned on the other side of a staircase, meaning I couldn't shoot it.  Restarted and tried the mission twice to see if I could find a way to kill it while simultaneously avoiding the massive wave of Grineer coming at my non-shielded warframe.


Yeah, I could have done it with Rhino.  I could have equipped some different weapon or other that'd hit it(maybe, explosives are spotty on stuff like that).  I could waste time doing the unfun codex scanning mechanic on these.  Or I could have decided to entirely avoid that section of the map. 


In the end, decided I didn't need that mod badly enough to not enjoy the gameplay and instead played elsewhere.

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The addition of more friendship doors and traps IS working so kudos to DE. But there is just no fixing crappy player play. I do pug runs all day everyday, I see players rushing ON EXTERMINATE MISSIONS... seriously? I cant even fathom to even try to understand whatever logic these nubs use to justify their crap "playstyle" apparently just running fast for no real reason is an indicator of something wonderful. Never mind the mission objective like escorting a prisoner or having the enemies left bar reach zero... has nothing to do with the game. Entirely on this type of player who plays like this on every game I gather.

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 I just see it as DE catching Grineer ships/bases up to Corpus ships/bases.


 Grineer have had 0 security obstacles in their tilesets. DE finally got around to adding some.

Obviously you're not playing WF, grineer ships have security obstacles ''Ship is entering lockdown. You need to....play WF''

On topic: I highly doubt slowbies have a clue about what exactly rushers do even though you can read stats at the end of every mission....

Edited by skeptics
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This is not anti rush, this is unbalanced security imo. The doors are fine for me except the small hitbox of the scanner. The lighning on the other hand must be reworked. They are a pain in the eyes (even with low brightness setting) and they hit way too hard. I (Rhino) played with a friend (Volt) nice and slowly, killing every Grineer in the surrounding area. He was like 10 meters ahead, walking normaly and got downed in 2 zaps with 900+ shields and 500+ hp. The zap came from "nowhere"; its source was in the free air between us. This cant be intended and will hopefully get fixed and balanced. The corpus have their turrets and the atached cameras (camera destroyed -> turret offline); so what about a fusebox or something like that?!


I`m not a native english speaker so i hope u understand what i`m writing :)

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Rushing is not the problem never was. The problem is the incentive to more time doing missions. These additions are nothing more than annoyance mechanics that serve no other purpose then to annoy players. They and the corpus laser doors should be removed.

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Probably but honestly it won't stop rushing at all. People rush because they want rewards faster, and currently there isn't enough variation from mission to mission to give people any incentive to slow down, explore, enjoy the experience etc.. When you have very strict/linear objective paths and markers that hold your hand the whole time it gets "been there, done that" really quickly. The only way rushing can be stopped is if it is made impossible or impractical. Static maps that have multiple means of getting around rather than breadcrumb trails to follow from room to room, significant stuff you can miss out on if you blaze through the map, etc..


Rushing isn't really a problem in itself that needs to be stopped, like the people doing it are at fault. Newer people just don't get it because they haven't done everything 200 times already and the experience is still fresh for them. People that rush don't need to be punished for it or prevented from doing so its more of a statement about the game really. A lot of negative opinions and feedback I've experienced revolves around how repetitive this game gets. You can make it take longer to kick in with more tilesets, enemies, frames etc but eventually it amounts to running from A to B/Defending C with a different backdrop and some glitter. Not to sound overly negative.


That and RNG. Bosses will be rushed no matter what because its hard to slow down and have fun when you're doing it over and over just to get an item you want.


But yeah I see these doors as a band-aid for a more serious problem.

Edited by FlyDungas
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OK, to start off i like the new greneer traps allot, and if you actually look the lights are very easy to see,i do think that the DE could have been more creative.


Greneer should have less advanced tech and more gritty. Like.. motion detected flamethrowers, some rooms start closing in on themselfs, some rooms have there floors open up. etc.


I think the magnet doors are more Corpus, and should be added to the corpus tileset, and advanced technology will be corpus, and more gritty machines are Greneer.


I mean look at the Corrupted, they have lasers, shockwave machines, etc. its very challanging since those lasers are very damaging, but very easy to destroy and dodge if you pay attention. 

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Honestly, they need to be removed.


I have to slow down, with all my frames, except for RHINO(Iron Skin), to even play through a Grineer tileset.


Isn't it kind of weird that Rhino isn't effected at all and they implemented this right before releasing prime access?


Are they forcing us to use Rhino? Might as well call this game "RhinoFrame" for the way it's heading.

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I don't mind having anti rushing mechanics but this is a bit too extreme.

I guess most will agree that the main problem with the corpus doors is that they are simply too easy to bypass with rhino, trinity, sliding through it, or any other damage mitigating ability. So instead of making these doors more annoying to everyone (taking away your shields), simply fix the only few problems that the current ones have:

1) Fix the bug that allows to slide through it

2) If a warframe uses some kind of a damage mitigating ability (like iron skin for example), debuff that ability and knock him back.

No need to take away all your power

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All in all, I like the new doors.  They're awesome, unique, and truly force you to think ahead instead of rushing headlong like an idiot.


And something I'm sure people have missed...did you know that the Corpus laser walls are now unable to be slid under?  You get hurt if you try.

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All in all, I like the new doors.  They're awesome, unique, and truly force you to think ahead instead of rushing headlong like an idiot.


And something I'm sure people have missed...did you know that the Corpus laser walls are now unable to be slid under?  You get hurt if you try.


Let me guess : Unless you play Rhino, huh ? Then I don't see how it solves people rushing as they just have to pick the frame that don't care.

Edited by Hyunsai
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All in all, I like the new doors.  They're awesome, unique, and truly force you to think ahead instead of rushing headlong like an idiot.


And something I'm sure people have missed...did you know that the Corpus laser walls are now unable to be slid under?  You get hurt if you try.

does your mistress know your on the internet? i'd hate for her to whip you some more...but maybe thats your goal?

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