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Trinity Is Still Op Broken


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I have a great idea:


It's a team of crack accountants sent to audit the Grineers quarterly tax returns.

They don't have any special abilities or weapons, just those funny calculators with the ticker tape reels on them.

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Yes we do. Please dont nerf my dear Trin. If you dont like her. Dont play with her for gods sake. Have a little bit of brain in your skull. Just becoz you dont necessarily enjoy something doesnt mean you are allowed to ruin it for others. This 2 skills are barely the lethal side of Trinity which she absolutely lacks. She has rather not amusing efficiency when both are used. I can keep a Blessing up and running for 1 hour and a half with no trouble. But with link I barely make it to 45 mark in survival. Thus considering the nrg needed for the duo it aint that big a deal. And not everyone has a penta or an ogris.


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thats the problem.


at the moment I have all the frames, all the guns, MR15 and the only content I am interested in is wave 40+ Defense or 40m+ surv


Galaxy map content and voids are meaningless to me, as I have all mods maxed, so I can kill any mob in under a second with almost any gun.  or clear the map by pushing 4 on most frames



adding in, some "real" content... t4 voids that start at wave/time 40+


before this is done, corrupted mod broken builds need looking at, 


wave 100 void defense is the same as wave 1 void defense with an Excalibur, you simply shoot the helpless mobs a little more.


min 100 void survival is the same as wave 1 void survival with trinity running perma immunity, because health and shields is still meaningless.


100m ODS is as meaningless as 5m ODS with limitless energy Vauban.



the "super builds" need looking at.




I would love of DE to add another planet, and populate each mission with... JUST STALKERS and BOSS MOBS!!.. .... in packs of 10 and 20.


or simply add some mobs that use dispel, in t4 voids 


Indeed, I have been saying it for long time: we cant even have any  'endgame' until DE balances the abilities and fixes blatant exploits.

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Yes we do. Please dont nerf my dear Trin. If you dont like her. Dont play with her for gods sake. Have a little bit of brain in your skull. Just becoz you dont necessarily enjoy something doesnt mean you are allowed to ruin it for others. This 2 skills are barely the lethal side of Trinity which she absolutely lacks. She has rather not amusing efficiency when both are used. I can keep a Blessing up and running for 1 hour and a half with no trouble. But with link I barely make it to 45 mark in survival. Thus considering the nrg needed for the duo it aint that big a deal. And not everyone has a penta or an ogris.


energy siphon gives you 2.4 energy regen per second. If you have a 25 energy Blessing, you can have it refilled and ready to go in 10 seconds if I have my math right. 75% effeciency Link (18.75 energy i think) you can have it 7.5 seconds after you cast. So a grand total of 17.5 seconds to regen all the energy you expend. If you have Energy Vampire, one pulse get's you all of it back without waiting for any time to pass. That's insane, that's OP, that's too much.

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energy siphon gives you 2.4 energy regen per second. If you have a 25 energy Blessing, you can have it refilled and ready to go in 10 seconds if I have my math right. 75% effeciency Link (18.75 energy i think) you can have it 7.5 seconds after you cast. So a grand total of 17.5 seconds to regen all the energy you expend. If you have Energy Vampire, one pulse get's you all of it back without waiting for any time to pass. That's insane, that's OP, that's too much.

A single energy siphon is only .6 per second, and it is only broken because so many parties stack 4. This not the type of thing that is broken for a solo person, but is it a very real issue with parties.


This not the type of thing that should be an Aura, because 4 gives effectively unlimited energy. If DE removed energy siphon and made all Warframes just have a static trickle refill of .6, it would fix a lot of these issues with spamming.

Edited by LazyKnight
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A single energy siphon is only .6 per second, and it is only broken because so many parties stack 4. This not the type of thing that is broken for a solo person, but is it a very real issue with parties.


This not the type of thing that should be an Aura, because 4 gives effectively unlimited energy. If DE removed energy siphon and made all Warframes just have a static trickle refill of .6, it would fix a lot of these issues with spamming.

That could be one way to address this issue, but also, one pulse of Energy Vampire refills enough energy to recast both of those. And that the ability pulses 4 times...let it pulse just a couple of times and now you're golden to repeat the entire process. It's not just energy siphon, but also Vampire. And with Energy Vampire doing their thing with Well of Life...something needs to be fixed here, this is not cool or okay. Permanent god mode is not okay in any form.

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That could be one way to address this issue, .

I think the energy siphon is a separate issue that needs fixing and it just compounds the problems with Trinity.


And with Energy Vampire doing their thing with Well of Life...something needs to be fixed here, this is not cool or okay. Permanent god mode is not okay in any form.

I agree it is not ok to have god-mode permanently. I think she needs to be taken back to the drawing board by Scott, and have her skill set redone. She might be more problematic to fix then Ash or Excalibur

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Like forget everything else. Is it really alright to leave this alone?


Personally, if this is the way you play Trinity, I can see you being upset. I have never once equipped the Ogris (or any other recoil damage weapon) on Trinity, and would find little use in this.


I should also note that I am not a Blessing or Link spammer... I use them in select situations when they are needed (i.e. a friendly is about to die).

The only suggestion I might have for Trinity is to give some kind of incentive to use Well of Life aside from WoL+EV combo.

Otherwise, please do not suggest nerfing Trinity's two actually useful abilities because a few people like to do silly things with her.

Edited by Angelus_de_Mortiel
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It's not silly Angelus : if you can do it it's obvious that some will do. What's really bothering is that blessing had infinite range, at least if you have to stick or be close when the ability is casted it would add a tactical point and some teamplay, now you can run everywhere basically permanently invulnerable and that is sad because you don't have to play well and you are too much counting on 1 and only skill in order to smash all the content of the game.


I like to be able to blast all the content, but I feel better when I succed when I'm not immortal permanently as I have the feeling to have used some cheat code. Anyway I'm a gamer and the game give that, so I have to accept this fact : wave 100 + / 1 hours + are the domain of the trinity...

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A single energy siphon is only .6 per second, and it is only broken because so many parties stack 4. This not the type of thing that is broken for a solo person, but is it a very real issue with parties.


This not the type of thing that should be an Aura, because 4 gives effectively unlimited energy. If DE removed energy siphon and made all Warframes just have a static trickle refill of .6, it would fix a lot of these issues with spamming.


by your logic, take away rejuvenation and give every frame 3% total health regen, take away rifle amp and just buff every rifle by 27%, not to mention every other aura, in fact by your logic take auras out of the game, implement their abilities into the game, so perma enemy radar, increase sprint, then increase the recovery rate of every ammo type so on.


your logic is flawed, take away one aura without ample justification you might as well remove every aura.

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your logic is flawed, take away one aura without ample justification you might as well remove every aura.

My justification is not based on the Auras, just the singular Aura and how it functions with powers in a group when stacked.


The Warframe's powers are not balanced around being able to get back 24 energy every 10 second, and this is what enables permanently blinding NPCs with Excalibur and having 100% uptime on CC and/or defensive powers. I said that it would remove the ability to spam powers and that is a 100% true statement. I did not have an illogical argument because the scope of my statement was only pertaining to the energy and it was too strong to be stackable.


The other Auras are not game changers that give enough of a benefit to consider them. The closest second to energy siphon is corrosive projection, but that Aura is only good against armored Grineer and does nothing to all NPC with red health bars(most bosses have a tiny amount of armor anyway).


Even if people all stacked rejuvenation Aura, it would not stop Grineer or other NPC from easily killing people. Players do not have enough armor or health to health tank, and it is irrelevant if a party had 4 of them(it would just let them heal from bleed damage). It is a non-issue if people use rejuvenation, let alone stack them


Rifle amp and the Steel charger do not stop the NPC from being able to fight back (at least they can still try to kill a player before they are killed, and they have a chance to do so).


All the other aura are utility and are hardly worth mentioning. The NPC Radar is not going to allow a group last any longer in a mission. The ammo ones only help weapons like twin-viper and they are still not as competitive as weapons like Soma.

Edited by LazyKnight
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This is the thread n° ? 134745... i lost count


I'll repeat my opinion here aswell:


The only viable "nerf" i can see to Blessing without ruining Trinity is to give it A RANGE

and -maybe- lower its base duration to make it more like a "oh S#&$!" button and not a perma god-mode style


One day Blessing will be touched, is inevitable... like Iron Skin, like Bastille, like Snow Globe... its turn will come...

Fleeting Expertise does that. the duration, not range. I use it as a heal rather than god-mode. Sorta is godding, but def more clutch-heal

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energy siphon gives you 2.4 energy regen per second. If you have a 25 energy Blessing, you can have it refilled and ready to go in 10 seconds if I have my math right. 75% effeciency Link (18.75 energy i think) you can have it 7.5 seconds after you cast. So a grand total of 17.5 seconds to regen all the energy you expend. If you have Energy Vampire, one pulse get's you all of it back without waiting for any time to pass. That's insane, that's OP, that's too much.

EV with max efficiency give <10 energy per pulse.

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My justification is not based on the Auras, just the singular Aura and how it functions with powers in a group when stacked.


The Warframe's powers are not balanced around being able to get back 24 energy every 10 second, and this is what enables permanently blinding NPCs with Excalibur and having 100% uptime on CC and/or defensive powers. I said that it would remove the ability to spam powers and that is a 100% true statement. I did not have an illogical argument because the scope of my statement was only pertaining to the energy and it was too strong to be stackable.


The other Auras are not game changers that give enough of a benefit to consider them. The closest second to energy siphon is corrosive projection, but that Aura is only good against armored Grineer and does nothing to all NPC with red health bars(most bosses have a tiny amount of armor anyway).


Even if people all stacked rejuvenation Aura, it would not stop Grineer or other NPC from easily killing people. Players do not have enough armor or health to health tank, and it is irrelevant if a party had 4 of them(it would just let them heal from bleed damage). It is a non-issue if people use rejuvenation, let alone stack them


Rifle amp and the Steel charger do not stop the NPC from being able to fight back (at least they can still try to kill a player before they are killed, and they have a chance to do so).


All the other aura are utility and are hardly worth mentioning. The NPC Radar is not going to allow a group last any longer in a mission. The ammo ones only help weapons like twin-viper and they are still not as competitive as weapons like Soma.

Rejuvination+Rage works too. Or as long as you kill crapton of mobs, like in defence, you have enough energy.

Regen is not broken, unlimited CC/Immunity powers are. 

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This is why we can't have nice things. She's fine.


Other than having been broken over a knee a few painful times, sure. She still needs fixing. And this time not "here, we changed every skill you liked and actually used! No, we did not fix this broken skill, and certainly did not make this skill more popular! Enjoy!"

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Regen is not broken, unlimited CC/Immunity powers are. 

That statement is a contradiction. Unlimited energy allows continues usage of powers while overlapping their effects



Rejuvenation+ Rage works too.

That only works when the NPC will not one shot you. Its stops being an effective or safe means of regeneration of energy when NPC are past level 25.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Well, there's more than one way to limit permanent powers.

Yeah, using a cool down system that has hard timer that can not be altered by mods. They could even get rid of the energy system in its entirety and use power regeneration via a cool-down method.

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That statement is a contradiction. Unlimited energy allows continues usage of powers while overlapping their effects



That only works when the NPC will not one shot you. Its stops being an effective or safe means of regeneration of energy when NPC are past level 25.


Devs could  easily limit the powers, most games have mana regen and its never a problem to balance the skills with various  limits - cooldowns, limit targets, immunities etc . Necros already has limits on his skills for example, too many even. 


You can just try to run same standard Nova+Triniy+Necros survival with no Syphons, not much of a difference. Removing regen wont fix exploits.

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