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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Per DE Rebeccas post in one of the many other threads about this


"The topic is closed as DE has no plans to return the Founder's Program. But, DE is actively planning/discussing future milestone/token gear/sets for players."


This effectively stops all of these posts FOR GOOD. In addition we all learned something new and delicious sounding about what DE is going to do about this ongoing. Face it, from what this sounds like it appears its gonna be good.

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How cute this whole my girlfriend is never gonna dump me thing, i almost dropped a tear.

Back into the real corporate world, yeah, she will leave you son.


You again. What does this have to do with girlfriends? Just deal with the fact that you aren't getting the Founders stuff. Be content with Prime Access and stop wasting forum space.

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Per DE Rebeccas post in one of the many other threads about this


"The topic is closed as DE has no plans to return the Founder's Program. But, DE is actively planning/discussing future milestone/token gear/sets for players."


This effectively stops all of these posts FOR GOOD. In addition we all learned something new and delicious sounding about what DE is going to do about this ongoing. Face it, from what this sounds like it appears its gonna be good.


Are these new milestone/token gear/sets also gonna be only offered for a limited time? If so we will get to have this whole discussion again when it ends.

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Are these new milestone/token gear/sets also gonna be only offered for a limited time? If so we will get to have this whole discussion again when it ends.


Okay to reiterate by way of a disclaimer: I don't really care about exclusives one way or the other, but i am curious as to why people seem to think it's a big deal.


What exactly would be wrong with further limited time Milestone/Token gear/sets.  Why is this a big deal?  I have in my life time missed all kinds of stuff because i showed up late why should video games be any different.  Especially when you are dealing with a perpetual game-as-service type paradigm?

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Are these new milestone/token gear/sets also gonna be only offered for a limited time? If so we will get to have this whole discussion again when it ends.


All I can say is... you get your shot to catch this this time, dont miss it. advance warning has been given

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And they have regretted it ever since. They want to release them to the public, but due to the way they promoted the program, they cannot do it, and i feel very bad for them. And i want them to be happier than when they finnaly were able to make this game, the game of their dreams, WARFRAME©



The devs realized their mistake. They will not likely offer such 'exclusive' items again because of all the crap that has been thrown around by all sides.



the problem with founder's pack (and i believe DE made a mistake, and they know it, but is my opinion in the end) is that every player will miss excalibur prime, and we will never get dual versions of skana and lato prime.

Where was this stated? I can believe it, I just want to hear/see it for myself.


I'd also be okay with them rereleasing the founders pack gear, if the founders get some other in game perk, maybe one a bit more useful than prime versions of two terrible weapons and a starter frame.

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It's too late to change anything about the Founder gear imo. Sure hope DE has learnt from this and does not release exclusive Valkyr Vandals or something anymore.

What is there to learn? They made boat loads of money to produce more content. Exclusives are NOT hard to defend. Think of all the Call of Duty exclusives per platform or retailer. Think of all the ones that EA does and other companies "Preorder and get blah blah blah exclusive." It was almost as if we preordered this game.


I still do not understand why everyone is STILL talking about this, seems to be a every day thing on the forums. The founders supported this game and helped them get DE where they are now. If it were not for them, warframe would be very behind of where we are now. It kills me when a company does something to their benefit and the benefit of their players who want to show support, and they get grilled for it EVERY DAY on their own forum.


I really wish mods would shut theise threads down.

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What is there to learn? They made boat loads of money to produce more content. Exclusives are NOT hard to defend. Think of all the Call of Duty exclusives per platform or retailer. Think of all the ones that EA does and other companies "Preorder and get blah blah blah exclusive." It was almost as if we preordered this game.


I still do not understand why everyone is STILL talking about this, seems to be a every day thing on the forums. The founders supported this game and helped them get DE where they are now. If it were not for them, warframe would be very behind of where we are now. It kills me when a company does something to their benefit and the benefit of their players who want to show support, and they get grilled for it EVERY DAY on their own forum.


I really wish mods would shut theise threads down.


People are allowed to discuss whatever they want. If people want Excalibur Prime and all those other exclusives, again, they're free to voice their opinion.


Anyways, the post in the other thread pretty much guaranteed that such things aren't returning, so I'm tossing my hat into the ring. We'll just need to focus on future exclusives, so we can at least somewhat keep up with the rat race of red-stripe/blue-striped exclusive weaponry.

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The thing with the founders pack is that, while it is easy to say a person who supports the game and is active now is more of a "founder" than someone who joined a month earlier and got the founders pack yet rarely plays the game. You need to consider the comparison of even that same new person who is currently supporting the game compared to the people who supported the game yeeeears ago. At that point I don't think you can deny that the older person probably does deserve an exclusive. Yes whenever there is a hard cutoff there will always be people on the edge who may or may not deserve to be there (think of someone who gets a grade of 92.9% and as such doesn't get an A) but you still have to cut it off at some point. To use the grade example again, imagine a teacher bumps that 92.9 up to a 93 and the student gets an A. But what if a person gets a 92.8 and they are now .1 away from an A. Should the teacher change the standard now for that person? DE had to make a decision to cut off the founders pack at some point and obviously people who joined after that date unfortunately won't have access to that pack but that's just how it played out.


A final hypothetical for you: pretend that the founders pack was brought back even for a few days. What would DE do for people who sign up right after those two days are over? would the founders pack eventually return for those people? Once you stop keeping concrete dates and barriers concrete you begin down a slippery slope of contradictions that is in the long term toxic for the developers and the health of the game

Simple:  They missed the boat.  (This counts for me, as I missed the Founders pack purchase.)


Its like this:  The founders perks, the way I see it, were for people who found a new business venture called 'Warframe'.  There was no way to prove this venture would SUCCEED except through proof of concept gameplay (closed beta).  Asking for money to help fund this, it was fully understood that the game had no guarentee of success, so the Founders were essentially being asked to step over a cliff on blind faith.  Those that did so, received a rare reward for their faith this concept would succeed (Founders Swag).


People who came along later (guys like myself) found a nice running game called 'Warframe'.  The game had it some of its CB problems licked, was a bit more polished, and ready for a bit more mass consumption.  Word of mouth from those who got in CB stated this as a fun addictive game, and generally the reviews/news/word-of-mouth was positive enough that these people bought in.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  We have to be cautious in today's world in order to not get ripped off.


Here's the key difference (to me): the founders stepped off the cliff on blind faith.  We (Im included here) didnt.  The Founders' Swag is a 'Thank you' for trusting DE enough to step off that cliff, wallet open.  IMO, they deserve the exclusive stuff for doing that, if for no other reason.  Its really not about closed/open beta, or any other matter.  Its a 'Thank you for trusting us' reward.


I think its well deserved and deserves to remain exclusive.

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Sooner or later they will be released, they are waiting for most active founders to leave the game. By the time they do it, Most greedy selfish founders will be gone and the impact will be much smaller. in the end, Excal Prime and his guns will be avaiable to everyone, it doesn't matter how much you say" it will never happen" "its mine only mine" or "Get over it they will be mine and only mine forever", Sooner or later, when most of us are gone, they will release the Founder stuff to the common Tenno (read: Everyone)

How is it greedy or selfish to desire something we were promised? Oh it's cause you can't get it? So you want DE to go back on a promise made to people who decided to support them while the whole venture could far more readily crash and burn making our investment a lamentably bad one. Who is the selfish and greedy one here again? From my perspective it's not the founders.

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I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have to admit, it took a lot of fancy budgeting to get my founders level. If I had GOSH FOREVER on it, then it would've been very easy. Instead it was a lot of very very careful timing. It actually took a lot of work, planning, calculating, and scrimping to get it.


To have you going "oh, because we want it, that's why" as a reason that all of my hard work and planning and skimping and saving should be utterly meaningless, I cannot accept that.


I didn't have a few hundred dollars laying around and decide "gosh, what do I blow this on?"


It's rather insulting to hear the repeated cries of people that they should be rewarded for their lack of effort, just because they can type a lot of nonsense on a forum post.

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How cute this whole my girlfriend is never gonna dump me thing, i almost dropped a tear.

Back into the real corporate world, yeah, she will leave you son.


She'll leave you for sure with an attitude like that to deal with. *Rimshot*


Edited by Ionus
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How is it greedy or selfish to desire something we were promised? Oh it's cause you can't get it? So you want DE to go back on a promise made to people who decided to support them while the whole venture could far more readily crash and burn making our investment a lamentably bad one. Who is the selfish and greedy one here again? From my perspective it's not the founders.


It's greedy for non-Founders to desire the Founders stuff that they didn't get.

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or people can grow up stop trying to be greedy and live with the fact that they will never get the founders pack


plus if the founders pack was there for people to show their support towards this game in its earlier days why would it be released again? Cause honestly I hardly see anyone trying to support this game anymore all the community wants to do is b**** and complain cause dev's arnt giving everyone what they want when they want it. So if it was released again the only reason 90% of the people would end up buying it is not to show support but because they want the exclusive items that were included in it

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