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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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I'm glad you made this forum, there are a lot of debates going on about making Excalibur prime a void reward or purchasable. Being one of the master founders, naturally i believe that excalibur should not be released again, but another argument is "money is money, so why shouldn't we get excalibur prime through purchase?" My opinion is that, we should think about the founder program as a limited time sale or a kick starter investment in warframe, the benefit and bonus we get should remain only for the people who purchase it while the offer was available. 

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Yeah, I can't imagine the PS4 community would be pleased if a load of Founders migrated over with their Excal Primes, etc if they couldn't have the chance to purchase it themselves.


Problem is, you then get the people for whom the worth of their Excal Prime comes purely from nobody else having it, and man they are loud.


You'd think if they paid because they wanted to support the game, that they'd support the pack returning--maybe even for good---so the game could get as much monetary support as possible from the people willing to pay for that stuff.


You would think that, yes.


Unfortunately, people are... people.

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Excalibur Prime features an additional 18px-V.png polarity slot, a higher shield recharge, as well as a 18px-V.png Aura slot, rather than a slot without a polarity,


Nice try.

Polarity slots are irrelevant, obtainable by the player base, same concept as constructing primes rather than crafting them.

I've yet to see a noticeable difference in shield recharge.


But I am sure you compared that side by side to.

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But you can agree that aside from one discernable difference, that the majority of the complaint is purely a cosmetic one?

However, the general complaint that its locked power is a bit much.

Well cosmetic and mastery rank related, it's a whole frame PS4 players can NEVER even try to level.

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But you can agree that aside from one discernable difference, that the majority of the complaint is purely a cosmetic one?

However, the general complaint that its locked power is a bit much.


MY main complaint, is that it's a prime warframe I'll never have.....


Collector, ME? I don't know what you're talking about...... (saying that while planning to farm for rhino prime, even though doesn't care for rhino in the slightest)


Edited by (PS4)Octodog
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Since I've been playing devils advocate on keeping it exclusive.

Honestly, I'd be fine with it being re-released. However I would still expect something else to be granted in return.

Perhaps something obnoxious and equally as enraging as an exclusive stalker skin for excalibur.



Well cosmetic and mastery rank related, it's a whole frame PS4 players can NEVER even try to level.

Unless you already have maxed everything else out, I do not have any clue how this could be an issue.

Edited by Nariala
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Since I've been playing devils advocate on keeping it exclusive.



Honestly, I'd be fine with it being re-released. However I would still expect something else to be granted in return.


Perhaps something obnoxious and equally as enraging as an exclusive stalker skin for excalibur.


I'm fine with you guys getting what-the-heck ever, as long as it's not another Prime.


Edited by (PS4)Octodog
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this thread makes me hate myself for learning to read. i hate school and teachers now!


THATS IT IM HOMELESS PRIME!! also im a street exclusive, if you dont have the cred you cant have me.(street cred foolz!)


edit. im happy that was my 200th post.*pats self on back+does cool secret street handshake, earns more cred, becomes harder to obtain*

Edited by (PS4)octus
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If they gave me a perma affinity, credit, resource drop chance, and resource doubler. Then and ONLY then would be i be cool with it.


You could get all sorts of stuff on top of that.

"Founder extractors never lose health," "founder extractors automatically claim resources," things like that.

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You could get all sorts of stuff on top of that.

"Founder extractors never lose health," "founder extractors automatically claim resources," things like that.

Things outside of simply replacing the "lost" cosmetics seem a bit much IMO.

Defeating the point of everything would be silly.

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Founders being given something in return wouldn't really sort anything out. It would be a temporary solution as other people will eventually start complaining about those features as well.

Edited by Naith
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Founders being given something in return wouldn't really sort anything out. It would be a temporary solution as other people will eventually start complaining about those features as well.

It being a skin invalidates most claims. But honestly yes, the prime thing is trivial.

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Founders being given something in return wouldn't really sort anything out. It would be a temporary solution as other people will eventually start complaining about those features as well.


Except syandanas, badges and skins have absolutely no impact on gameplay whatsoever.

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Except syandanas, badges and skins have absolutely no impact on gameplay whatsoever.

Except they are still things people will want and will not be able to obtain. 


This isn't happening anyways. Being able to trade the items is still a suitable compromise - if one is even needed - in my opinion.

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Kickstarter investment or support for the development the fact that I was late one week means I should've purchased it on PC. Does it suck I can't get ExalPri, yea! However I still support DE by purchasing platinum.


I like collecting and gaining mastery to continually try out everything has to offer, but seriously Excalibur Prime will stay exclusive. Thing is we all know about him so why not take him out of the PS4 codex since we will never get him, also the vandals and wraiths too.

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"time to pad post count"

Ya'll know, I'll never have that Lato Prime, Grand Master badge/title, my name on a solar mark and you know what? That's life in a nutshell, you don't get everything.


Mastery-Don't mean nothing once you reach the inevitable maximum.


Collectors?-Hah, you can't whine about not having one thing if you're missing other things like Primed Chamber? Badges? Candy Cane skin? If you're not missing anything else besides Founder gear, which I highly doubt except only a handful of people are, You can't be going around claiming you want the founder gear because you're a "collector."


PS4-You wouldn't have your version of the game without us. You fund the game via prime access and platinum, but by no means are you founders.


Founder pack being extended-I think that DE just didn't have time nor the resources to come up with something to replace founders after CB ended, hence it being extended into OB. You know deadlines and stuff.


1) You can't have everything...

Virtual worlds don't have to work like the real world. The only reason the Founder's items are limited is because DE stated they are limited. With a few keystrokes, there could be a virtually unlimited number of them.


I'm ok with *physical* objects being limited time deals because, well, physical objects suffer from natural scarcity.


2) Collectors

Not everyone collects everything. For example, in Team Fortress 2, I was only worried about collecting weapons, and not hats.


The decision on whether or not I eventually build any Prime warframes is largely tied up with whether or not I'd ever be able to get a full set. As it stands now, since I can't, I'm leaning towards not bothering with them.


3) PS4 players

Exclusive items divide communities. DE would like the PC and PS4 to be one big game/community, but, with inequitable access to game items and features, that's not going to happen. Its a wedge issue. I'm not saying I have a solution: I don't think any of DE's options are good, but you're not helping.


A promise is a promise, if a promise is broken... Where does that leave us? For once Tenno, you might be late to the party and the cake is gone. But thats how it is. Might be easy for me to say, but thats how life is. Grab it while you can, not matter how much S#&$ you gotta go through. If you gotta sell you'r house, yo' kids, yo' wife. A man gotta do what a man gotta do. It's all up to you. So dont complain about it. 




Virtual worlds don't have to work like the real world. The only reason the Founder's items are limited is because DE stated they are limited. With a few keystrokes, there could be a virtually unlimited number of them. I'm ok with *physical* objects being limited time deals because, well, physical objects suffer from natural scarcity.


I'm not saying I want DE to break its word, however, the game is in beta and I do think making exclusive items was a mistake. I know I don't have a solution: I don't think any of DE's options are good, but know that you're helping.


Exclusives are a hot topic for every game out there. It provides a burst of income, and leaves consumers with a -really good- taste in their mouth, or a -really bad- taste in their mouth. The Warframe guys get on stream, every other week, and communicate with us. Why is it wrong to assume that we might have a chance to bring back something a lot of people want a second chance at?


I agree.


It's amazing how much drama over items people will more than likely never use lol.


For some people, collecting is the point. For others, having game play options is important (being able to select the right tool for the right mission, having 4 extra revives). Lastly, some people actually main Excalibur, and, since the forums have a bit of a buzz going on that DE wants to make the Primes superior versions of normal frames, they have some really valid concerns if they want to continue playing their main.


Yeah, I can't imagine the PS4 community would be pleased if a load of Founders migrated over with their Excal Primes, etc if they couldn't have the chance to purchase it themselves.



It would cause a lot of community strife.


Polarity slots are irrelevant, obtainable by the player base, same concept as constructing primes rather than crafting them.

I've yet to see a noticeable difference in shield recharge.


But I am sure you compared that side by side to.


Get me an Excalibur Prime on my account and I'll do the side-by-side comparison for you.


Except they are still things people will want and will not be able to obtain. 


This isn't happening anyways. Being able to trade the items is still a suitable compromise - if one is even needed - in my opinion.


Exclusive items are bad. In all games. Across all platforms. They always divide communities. I don't like them when they are unobtainable pre-order bonuses in single player RPGs, I don't like them as limited time awards in MMOs.

Trading is almost always bad. They tend to create player run economies that work like a second game/job.


For the last time. DE considers Warframe to be platform independent. THERE IS ONLY ONE WARFRAME. Stop looking in the Codex if you cant handle the fact that YOU didnt earn something. The reason does not matter


Exclusive items divide communities. DE would like the PC and PS4 to be one big game/community, but, with inequitable access to game items and features, that's not going to happen. Its a wedge issue. I'm not saying I have a solution: I don't think any of DE's options are good, but you're not helping.

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