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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Ok you are here to troll because you are bored right now, this is fine :D

But to the rest, you wont get excalibur prime to complete your collection... Wont happen, DE said it. End of story.

Ask for another bling bling to play around with but excalibur prime wont happen, and it wont be released as a ps4 release somehow.

DE promised it once and they promised it after 78th ps4 rant thread appeared about excalibur prime. Maybe the 300th thread will change their mind, if not then open 9000 threads about it... DE can not say no if you have 9000 threads about it open -.-

You do know that threads get closed right, and yes they can say no because they are legally obliged to.

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This picture would in theory keep warframe 2 from using this stuff in 10 years when its released... that doesn't really make any sense at all.


PS4 is a totally separate instance of the game, a different universe... I don't see why a PC "contract" should be held up in PS4... it should be held up in PC... obviously.


For the last freaking forsaken time... PER DE WARFRAME IS A PLATFORM INDEPENDENT GAME. There is no PC warframe, PS4 Warframe, Nintendo DS warframe, Commodore 64 Warframe, Tandy 800 Warframe, ColecoVision Warframe, Atari 2600 Warframe. ITS ALL THE SAME GAME.


In other words... NO

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For the last freaking forsaken time... PER DE WARFRAME IS A PLATFORM INDEPENDENT GAME. There is no PC warframe, PS4 Warframe, Nintendo DS warframe, Commodore 64 Warframe, Tandy 800 Warframe, ColecoVision Warframe, Atari 2600 Warframe. ITS ALL THE SAME GAME.


In other words... NO


go play with a kid on PS4 and tell me how actually true that is.

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This picture would in theory keep warframe 2 from using this stuff in 10 years when its released... that doesn't really make any sense at all.


PS4 is a totally separate instance of the game, a different universe... I don't see why a PC "contract" should be held up in PS4... it should be held up in PC... obviously.


The devs said in one of the past livestreams where PS4 players felt neglected that "Warframe's development is one and the same. This is just as much to PS4 as PC." The implication is that while they're on separate platforms, warframe the entity is one mass. They say it themselves in the stream - can somebody find it? 


That'd mean that it doesn't matter what platform it is; The game is platform agnostic. As a result, it's not a PC "contract", it's a warframe "contract."

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The devs said in one of the past livestreams where PS4 players felt neglected that "Warframe's development is one and the same. This is just as much to PS4 as PC." The implication is that while they're on separate platforms, warframe the entity is one mass. They say it themselves in the stream - can somebody find it? 


That'd mean that it doesn't matter what platform it is; The game is platform agnostic. As a result, it's not a PC "contract", it's a warframe "contract."

So, what you are inferring is that when they say it is all in the same in regards to development, that instantly means our playerbase is as one?


The only warframe contract is the EULA and the terms. Other than that, you guys are really starting to stretch things.

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Or they are saying the games future developments will be one and the same, and some people are desperate to stretch the meaning to something more...



So, what you are inferring is that when they say it is all in the same in regards to development, that instantly means our playerbase is as one?


The only warframe contract is the EULA and the terms. Other than that, you guys are really starting to stretch things.


No, they said -the game- is one and the same. Watch the livestream and stop reading into things to serve your own agenda.


Oh wait, if you'd watched livestreams, you'd have heard them definitively say it's not happening. Nope. NOOOOOPE.




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I have zero agenda... Ill never own a PS4 and I never want to see a re-release on PC. I was just applying logic to a situation... a random quote specifically answering a random question does not necessarily apply to all things you want it to.

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I have zero agenda... Ill never own a PS4 and I never want to see a re-release on PC. I was just applying logic to a situation... a random quote specifically answering a random question does not necessarily apply to all things you want it to.

But ps4 loves spending time with you. It wants you to come over and watch a movie, ya know, just the two of you. Ps4 and you can order pizza maybe have some beer. Just hang out as friends.
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This picture would in theory keep warframe 2 from using this stuff in 10 years when its released... that doesn't really make any sense at all.


PS4 is a totally separate instance of the game, a different universe... I don't see why a PC "contract" should be held up in PS4... it should be held up in PC... obviously.


No, it is not.

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No, it is not.


Yet it really is... who owns kappa in each game, why cant you play with the PS4 people, why is one a version behind... because in reality they are different. I know reality doesn't support your arguments... I am sorry :(

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For the sake of not having anything better to do:


"I would like to see the fine print on that. 

Nowhere does it say that they cant release it on another platform."


A platform, where it never was released? Therefore it would not be re-released, it would be released for the first time. Which makes that statement true.


A platform where.. it shouldnt bother you, but yet it does. I cant really imagine why. The only time it would even possibly affect you is if and when migration happens. But at that point the only thing you are gaining is the ability to show it off to people who never had a cahnce in the first place.


​If this is the best evidence you guys have, there are obvious of loopholes.  They wouldnt be lying if the released it to anothe platform. Just saying.

DE said it will never be available again.  It was available at one point, and now it's not.  Do the math.  DE has already said no in plenty of other threads on this exact same topic.

Edited by Aggh
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The devs' words were something to the effect of:



"There is one Warframe."




"There is one warframe development process but two separate games", etc etc



Why is that everything that supports your cause is to be taken by the letter, but anything seemingly contradictory to Team Greed is CLEARLY not meant literally?



Convenient, huh?


EDIT: Not to mention, whether they've said it or not, the end goal is going to be cross-platform play. If they ever release founders to PS4, that's out the window. There won't even be the possibility. Is this really what we want?

Edited by Seox
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This is officially, the LONGEST thread I've ever seen in this forum..... can we make it to 60 pages?

Yes, and I will help by occasionally mocking everyone. This can only be solved with light hearted silliness. Everyone involved could receive the Trollololol badge which is just the old Mr. Yuk hazard sticker.

Edit: corrected name to Mr. Yuk

Edited by (PS4)geomancer1980
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Why is that everything that supports your cause is to be taken by the letter, but anything seemingly contradictory to Team Greed is CLEARLY not meant literally.



... Team Greed?


Both sides need to calm down with the ad hominem attacks.

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Argumentum ad hominem is the logical fallacy of attempting to undermine a speaker's argument by attacking the speaker instead of addressing the argument.


"Team Greed" isn't trying to undermine the argument, by attacking the speakers? I understand the elements of an argument, and what fallacies come into play.


Read the rest of the post next time


Getting off topic, not gonna continue on this. If you had actually read the page, you'd see examples that follow the exact format of what I said anyways.

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Argumentum ad hominem is the logical fallacy of attempting to undermine a speaker's argument by attacking the speaker instead of addressing the argument.


"Team Greed" isn't trying to undermine the argument, by attacking the speakers? I understand the elements of an argument, and what fallacies come into play.

Bad Internet karma is gained by correcting someone's word usage. You must balance your Internet karma by posting adorable animal pics.
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Yet it really is... who owns kappa in each game, why cant you play with the PS4 people, why is one a version behind... because in reality they are different. I know reality doesn't support your arguments... I am sorry :(


You can't play with PS4 players because there's (not to my knowledge) ANY cross-platform game where console players can play with PC players. You are wrong.


Please, mods, just close any and every thread bringing up this topic and start issuing warnings to people who do so.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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