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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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the problem with founder's pack (and i believe DE made a mistake, and they know it, but is my opinion in the end) is that every player will miss excalibur prime, and we will never get dual versions of skana and lato prime.


seeing how the game is being developed, having a large (almost everyone who joined later) part of the players missing the oportunity of getting a prime, just because someone else payed for it, is a bad move.


honestly, having all farmable primes and weapons, my favourite frame for almost a year ( and i would change every prime i have for it if i had the chance) is excalibro, but i will not have the chance to have the prime version.


TL:DR. founder's pack will remain exclusive? YES, was an early development mistake to give primes as exclusives for paying customers? YES.

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Because DE learned their lesson.


Hopefully, they won't do this again.


Because people cannot be pleased. They want more. Now. They want things they haven't earned and will screw up anything they can to get them. Because they can. Contracts mean nothing to these people.  Customer loyalty means nothing to these people. They want, so that is all that matters.


If DE DOES come out with some kind of exclusive PS4 pack, the screams will be even worse. PC players will demand the items be on PC as well, PS4 will demand the other -older- items be added 'because they deserve it'. Etc. Etc. Etc ad nauseum. (Just look at how many threads are here for this topic already!)


I HOPE AND PRAY that DE does NOT add any more 'exclusive' items anytime soon. This is bad enough as it is.


Now if they made some kind of BOTH platform 'Supporter' pack...

That is why i think we will see Misa and Noru again.

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Should take Excalibur off the game then in do time most likely every body will have a prime form but the only one ps4  players cant have or play with is Excalibur prime not a good idea this is the first time in life in my video game history something like this happen you PC players over looking that this is the same game but not as good as the beta because they let PC support the game before it came out on a other system so PC gets exclusive stuff. 

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the problem with founder's pack (and i believe DE made a mistake, and they know it, but is my opinion in the end) is that every player will miss excalibur prime, and we will never get dual versions of skana and lato prime.


seeing how the game is being developed, having a large (almost everyone who joined later) part of the players missing the oportunity of getting a prime, just because someone else payed for it, is a bad move.


honestly, having all farmable primes and weapons, my favourite frame for almost a year ( and i would change every prime i have for it if i had the chance) is excalibro, but i will not have the chance to have the prime version.


TL:DR. founder's pack will remain exclusive? YES, was an early development mistake to give primes as exclusives for paying customers? YES.

Sticking to your guns no matter how devastating the results are so to speak?

This is the mistake right here. Blizzard for example could have pushed for always online Diablo 3 on consoles, which would have been epic fail and a heap of burned money for them.

Anyhow, whenever there's a problem, there's a solution. Just don't go listening to forum trolls who post in all caps and start troll threads. Trolls can be banned. You bet they know they were wrong otherwise I'd guarantee you there would have been a sticky thread around here clearly stating that Founders prime gear will never be avilable for purchase on PS4 and on PC. They won't do that - if I myself knew about he issue beforehand I'd never even download Warframe, Vita is hogging my free time and PS4 is an accessory.

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In my opinion, the problem with the Founder's Pack is that they actually decided to include Prime Weapons and Warframes to the game outside of it. What they are then left with is "sets" that hopelessly remain incomplete for everyone but the founders. If they had given the Founders Warframes and weapons that weren't directly related in name and style to the rest of the content, it'd be less problematic.


So instead of offering them an Excalibur Prime, they'd offer them an "Excalibur Deluxe." It would still reflect exclusivity, an inaccessibility to non-founders, but it would do so without ripping loose a part of a "set" from non founders.

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A deal sounds nice like a said before people really just want Excalibur prime the full Founders pack ain't needed the guns our nice but new guns are always coming with new updates so we really not missing out.       some people want them but not a lot  not like Excalibur prime and they could make a new Founders pack but the thing is we never had Founders pack so it wouldnt really be coming back it would be new to us even tho we already know about it now but Excalibur prime blue in the void people want it let him join the ranks with the other primes on ps4 because he is dead right now not even real in a way for ps4.

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It's easy to defend.


Founders were for those people that significantly helped fund the game in it's EARLY development.  They ended it likely once they decided that program was no longer needed and as a nod to those who committed early on as leaving it up indefinitely would lower the meaning of early commitment.  That said it had and end date from the git go and they even extended it from there by popular demand.  


That's all there is to it.  Late is late.  you can justify or torture logic but it is what it is and now it's gone.  But it's not much to lose sleep over.

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It's easy to defend.


Founders were for those people that significantly helped fund the game in it's EARLY development.  They ended it likely once they decided that program was no longer needed and as a nod to those who committed early on as leaving it up indefinitely would lower the meaning of early commitment.  That said it had and end date from the git go and they even extended it from there by popular demand.  


That's all there is to it.  Late is late.  you can justify or torture logic but it is what it is and now it's gone.  But it's not much to lose sleep over.


And if they ever do bring it back for whatever reason, you will be the first person I laugh at.


You never assume what you have is 100% exclusive forever.  DE can always change their mind.


Not saying they will, not saying they should, but assuming the right set of variables, they absolutely CAN bring back the founders program...and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it.

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And if they ever do bring it back for whatever reason, you will be the first person I laugh at.


You never assume what you have is 100% exclusive forever.  DE can always change their mind.


Not saying they will, not saying they should, but assuming the right set of variables, they absolutely CAN bring back the founders program...and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it.


Yes they can. After all, EA does all the time. Blizzard does all the time. Ubisoft wouldn't know an ethic if it bit them on the butt.


You want DE to act the same way? REALLY?

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And if they ever do bring it back for whatever reason, you will be the first person I laugh at.


You never assume what you have is 100% exclusive forever.  DE can always change their mind.


Not saying they will, not saying they should, but assuming the right set of variables, they absolutely CAN bring back the founders program...and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it.


I don't even really care.  They bring back tomorrow I'll shrug and go whatever.  At the end of the day it doesn't bother me.  I didn't say they couldn't bring it back, I say they did end it and for cause.


People are way to worked up about this.  My response stems from the pseudo intellectual BS, the self-interested tripe, and Tortured logic used in these stupid arguments.  The well implied sense of entitlement never helps the cause either.


But again I don't really care about exclusivity since I only ever play with my clan any way.  For all I care every player could be given a clone of my arsenal and mod collection and it wouldn't affect me one bit.

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And if they ever do bring it back for whatever reason, you will be the first person I laugh at.


You never assume what you have is 100% exclusive forever.  DE can always change their mind.


Not saying they will, not saying they should, but assuming the right set of variables, they absolutely CAN bring back the founders program...and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it.


But they haven't brought it back and they won't. 

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And if they ever do bring it back for whatever reason, you will be the first person I laugh at.


You never assume what you have is 100% exclusive forever.  DE can always change their mind.


Not saying they will, not saying they should, but assuming the right set of variables, they absolutely CAN bring back the founders program...and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it.

I think the damage of bringing it back would outweigh any potential profit.

Better off releasing a new prime access pack and letting this kinda stuff die down without commenting.

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Sticking to your guns no matter how devastating the results are so to speak?

This is the mistake right here. Blizzard for example could have pushed for always online Diablo 3 on consoles, which would have been epic fail and a heap of burned money for them.

Anyhow, whenever there's a problem, there's a solution. Just don't go listening to forum trolls who post in all caps and start troll threads. Trolls can be banned. You bet they know they were wrong otherwise I'd guarantee you there would have been a sticky thread around here clearly stating that Founders prime gear will never be avilable for purchase on PS4 and on PC. They won't do that - if I myself knew about he issue beforehand I'd never even download Warframe, Vita is hogging my free time and PS4 is an accessory.

You aren't very observant. Please read: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/191300-march-7th-community-hot-topics/


That's not only a sticky thread, it's posted at the very top of the forum, right now, in fact, with a big "2)" next to it. First thing they want you to know after you read the rules.

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Sooner or later they will be released, they are waiting for most active founders to leave the game. By the time they do it, Most greedy selfish founders will be gone and the impact will be much smaller. in the end, Excal Prime and his guns will be avaiable to everyone, it doesn't matter how much you say" it will never happen" "its mine only mine" or "Get over it they will be mine and only mine forever", Sooner or later, when most of us are gone, they will release the Founder stuff to the common Tenno (read: Everyone)

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