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What Exactly Is Ash's Role In The Game?


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Ash is pretty much a disabler/finisher

Needs a new 1 skill though, an energy-using power version of a weapon we have several better variants of is pretty useless

Sneaky bit: His ult hits the same as melee finishers, so it hits for like 2k damage on anything it hits.

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Theres vids of Ash soloing stuff like T3 Def so hes not exactly worthless, I personally like him over Loki but he does seem to get hit by fall off at higher levels worse than Brakk... I personally feel that his Ult should auto kill, I mean its only up to what, 15 mobs at max?

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He's a motherfliping ninja. A true ninja. Not a hammerhead shark dressed as a ninja. Throwing smoke bombs and shurikens like there's no tomorrow. 

Ps: i own both him and Loki, and love them both for different reasons.

PPs: Loki will never look as cool as Ash, though :p

Edited by latarzanla
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I think out of all the frames he needs some of the most rebalancing/reworking. I think changing his invisibility to say making him appear to be a fellow corpus/grineer/infested. (infiltrator type) say as long as you don't shoot your weapon you remain disguised. would be a good start to making him feel more usefull and to be quite honest that power would be AWESOME!!

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no because all of his abilities are meant for himself and have no effect on other people or provide others with support

even Excalibur has more support


If only his ultimate had a faster animation and diverted aggro...

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That strikes me as a bit unlikely. Loki would need buffs elsewhere to compensate for his lack of use, trust me.


Loki's lack of use?  LOL.


Do you even Warframe?  (just kidding)


Run some missions with a good Loki player.  You'll see.


Back on topic...  I play all frames, but really my favorite two frames are Ash and Loki.  First really being Ash.


I run and gun mostly, and Ash's shuriken is nice for playing up to mid level content, especially if I'm using an ammo hungry weapon and need to take targets out from far away.  (I do have a low ranked blind rage and intensify build on my Ash)


Surprisingly I hardly use Ash's invisibility and teleport.  I don't have those two abilities equipped on my main config. I'm thinking about messing with invisibility again though.


Yeah from an ability standpoint, I guess yeah you can say that he doesn't have anything better than most of the other frames.  But that's a player preference thing.  I don't usually depend so much on AOE damage abilities to get my kills, and I do just fine in the game.

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So yeah going back to the redirection of this topic: I had this brainfart of an idea on Ash's Bladestorm:


Pretty much it'd hold more true to his Ninja nature; and be more of a channeled ability where he'd summon 15 shadow clones (for hilarity make them look like Stalker). The targeted enemies would become untargetable and look stunned (or the blinded animation). After the short maybe.. 3sec casting; the clones simultaneously executed the targets before disappearing in a puff of smoke; with the player regaining control of Ash.


Really rough idea; but at least it's something that'd look cool and have an excuse for Ash to finally start being a real ninja and do some damn hand signing >:C

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Loki's lack of use?  LOL.


Do you even Warframe?  (just kidding)


Run some missions with a good Loki player.  You'll see.


Back on topic...  I play all frames, but really my favorite two frames are Ash and Loki.  First really being Ash.


I run and gun mostly, and Ash's shuriken is nice for playing up to mid level content, especially if I'm using an ammo hungry weapon and need to take targets out from far away.  (I do have a low ranked blind rage and intensify build on my Ash)


Surprisingly I hardly use Ash's invisibility and teleport.  I don't have those two abilities equipped on my main config. I'm thinking about messing with invisibility again though.


Yeah from an ability standpoint, I guess yeah you can say that he doesn't have anything better than most of the other frames.  But that's a player preference thing.  I don't usually depend so much on AOE damage abilities to get my kills, and I do just fine in the game.


I know how good loki can be, and I've been in quite a few games with good players using him. But he is seriously underused. Same with ash.


While they both have different reasons for being underused, they're both really fun frames. Like you said, ash has fun powers and is good up to mid level, but he gets vastly underwhelming as his powers just can't keep up with the level of enemies you come up against past level 40. Also, his teleport is bad.


Loki can definitely go a lot further due to his survivability, but you don't see a lot of folk doing so. Probably because he has to focus on using invisibility, decoy and radial disarm almost constantly, which can be difficult to maintain. He makes a good medic because of his long-lasting invisibility, and it's good for extra melee damage and (once again) survivability.


Unfortunately, we all know that being full-on support is very dull to a lot of folk, and I don't blame them. Being versitile with Loki is incredibly fun, but really hard to pull off effectively without running out of energy. And while mods do exist to prevent this, I still happens. More than ever now with new mini-bosses and grineer doors.

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What is Ash supposed to do, I wonder? Is he a distraction Frame? That's what Loki does. Is he a stealth Frame? Any Frame with a Shade and silent weapons can do that. Is he an offensive Frame? Sure, but he's not very good at that. Nova is much better for offense.


I want him to be a CC/damage/stealth hybrid, designed for stunning and slicing enemies to death without being seen. But for that to happen he'd need vastly different, and better, abilities.

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What is Ash supposed to do, I wonder? Is he a distraction Frame? That's what Loki does. Is he a stealth Frame? Any Frame with a Shade and silent weapons can do that. Is he an offensive Frame? Sure, but he's not very good at that. Nova is much better for offense.


I want him to be a CC/damage/stealth hybrid, designed for stunning and slicing enemies to death without being seen. But for that to happen he'd need vastly different, and better, abilities.


His power selection tries to take a bit of everything, it just doesn't work so well in practice.



 Nova is much better for offense.


Well of course she is.

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Full of crappy jokes in here huh... Pfft

I wish ash's skill will be fixed so he can be useful on high lvl missions

If he's gonna be fixed,I think the question is...

How to make ash's ability is useful for higher lvl without make it broken?

It's not just as simple as "make shuriken deals 5k dmg" or "bladestorm deal 10k dmg every target"

I think ash's skill should given some utility that useful for high lvl enemies...for example giving some nasty debuff on impact that useful like slow/temporary disarm that useful for his own/teams

And maybe bladestorm with capability like loki's radial disarm,because on high lvl utility plays important part...

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