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Well, I'm Sad. ( The Missed Events Thread )


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oh yeah... OP wanted some other stories that could be worse than his fate.



Well... The last relationship that made me stop searching for another was really... err... dramatic.

You see, she has a heart condition where cardiac arrest can happen whenever she feels too emotional, be it positive or negative.


One day, her birthday, we were suppose to meet at a mall for a small walk-a-thon date(I don't have much money, I was a 18 and studying). It's still very special because we only meet very short and not often.


I was waiting and waiting... Three hours past the rendezvous time, I felt frustrated that I could think of many reason she didn't came. Her mom didn't allow her. Probably took me for granted. Just mixed negative and positive thought. (Hey, I was that kind of teen who didn't have much relationships in young years, and a loser-kind of teen, too, of course)

I went home. Repeatedly contact her phone just to know what actually happened.


The next day, phone rang and it was a text message. The number was from her, but the message was from her mom. Shortly it said a guy visited for her birthday, then had that cardiac arrest I was telling above.


She called few days after. I was in silence since I had a bad feels about the guy. After few sorry's and other teen relationship things... She confessed it was her "ex" who visited. My heart and mind just... broke down. Not mad-broken like laughing hysterically. I felt like just dropping the phone, be on literal silence and keep myself from grieving about it by playing on PC.



If you don't get the math, she had a heart attack when ex guy visited for her birthday. In a cheesy sense, we were on committed relationship, but her heart doesn't beat for me.


But I can't blame her. We went on in that relationship just few weeks after the breakup with that guy. Having that emotion over him, resulting a cardiac arrest, just meant she wasn't actually ready to move on... and I took the bait on registering as a duct tape.

Edited by faustias
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Sad part is I wasn't. I was there with 8 other people and we came in two groups. The people I came with left when they couldn't find me and after the other group left. Just decided to assume I went with them, despite my stuff still being in their car. Never called anyone either.

List of friends went down considerably after that night.


ouch damn, i'll drink for your swift recovery tenno.


I missed it because it never happened on our platform (PS4) >.> that... or i missed it because i wasnt paying attention. sucks if that is the case.

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Bullying and disrespectful posts removed, any further posts of that nature will not be tolerated.


Nihilum just had a traumatic experience and was extremely lucky to make it out alive. Welcome back, and don't be too bummed about missing the rewards, the mods can be acquired via trading (props to Kamal965 for his generous offer), and the Gorgon Wraith could return in a future event.


Carry on with the stories guys, and moved to the proper section.

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How about a joke.

I live in south africa and we are good at being funny. But because I live on the bottom of the bottom of the world people think very stereotypical things. Here is loller for you about the time when I met canadians.

A canadian asked me (and he was dead serious):"Does your people really hunt lions for food?"

I replied:"Yes, but first we feed the lions foreigners"

Another canadian asked me if I was australian because of my accent...

I replied:"Yes, are you american?"

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6 months ago I was hunted by a lion.

it started while me and my group were bow hunting. We got far into the "veld" and went to our respectove hides to well... Hide, it was almost starying to get dark, I finally shot a springbok. So I went out to get it. Then I saw a lion in the distance getting ready to attack. So I ran to the nearest tree. Unfortunately it wasn't a tall tree but I climbed up anyway. Soon the lion jumped on the tree, I panicked and shot the lion with my bow. I shot the lion in his front right leg. He couldn't use that leg later on. Anyway the lion fell out of the tree and could only limp. Then in thr farther distance I could see the lights of a hilux. So I ran to the hilux.

turns out the lion escaped from the farm next door(who were using lions to protect the cattle). In the end. The had story to tell and the lion turned into a house pet.

And a 4 years before that I had wrestling match with a baby lion. While I was wrestling with the cub its older cousin was measuring my neck. With his teeth. Ironically. Its the same lion 4 years later.

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I wonder if this would count as extenuating circumstances and DE would allow you to play a closed version of the event.


I'd like to post a story about missing events, but I have no life and have been able to attend all, starting with Cicero (joined during that one)


Off topic; I'm glad you're recovering and hope those guys are found.  


As far as a conceal permit, I wouldn't recommend it if you're running the risk of getting drugged.  Not only will they have your wallet and phone, but then they'll have your sidearm too.


Might consider a spare, beat up phone that you can trade out sim (Is that right?) cards with when you're out drinking.  I have a Nokia that I take to the bars so I don't run the risk of losing or breaking my fancy, overly expensive one.

Edited by Noamuth
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