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Honor Amongst Tenno


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There are a lot of people playing Warframe, I don't think anyone would argue that. Most of us will do things for a common goal, be it hunting a boss or doing void missions to get certain rewards. We tend to just walk past one another and part ways without a word or care, it's just business like that. We talk to our clans, missing together, and sometimes mess around with friends to have fun.


But there are times when that doesn't happen. People lend a hand for no other reasons other than they simply can at that time. Maybe it's a mod you've searched for but cant find they gave to you or a blueprint someone traded to you to finish one of your weapons. Share your stories where someone did something kind and honorable to help.

I'll go first with something I myself did today. I decided to get a mod to give my twin vipers a nice boost: Lethal Torrent. I had one but maxing it would ruin my kunai build so I needed a second. I started a nightmare mode on earth, simple exterminate. Two people jumped in and we went to work. Simple stuff. We lose a man and gain a Nova. This Nova spoke broken English, enough so I could understand, but not enough to where they could understand me well. He's looking for a Hammer Shot. No problem, let's go to work.

A few fruitless rounds later and the first guy drops out. Now it's me and this Nova with me on my Ash. Occasionally he falls, I smokescreen and get him up, we have a good system going. A Loki joins and is the 1% of Loki that is slow, not good to keep up with us so he's gone too. Mission after mission, the two of us destroying the grineer and getting mods we don't want. Finally it drops, my Lethal Torrent. Now my Vipers will really shine!

Normally this is where I'd say bye and leave. I could hunt the harvesters or G3 or do void missions with my clan. I got what I wanted right, that's what Warframe is about. But this guy still didn't get his Hammer Shot, and I know he really wants it.

"you leave now?"
"No. I stay."
"You dont have Hammer Shot. I stay till you get it."

We ran dozens more missions. Literally dozens looking for Hammer Shot. I got another Lethal Torrent in the process. I killed all the grineer with an energyless Ash after he died early on, ran out of revives eventually and switched to my Excalibur. When I ran out of revives again Oberon came into play. We trudged on looking for this elusive mod, but time was not on my side and I had to leave. I stayed till someone else joined, and the last thing he said to me was "farewell friend, thank you". I gained little from helping him, but I'd have done it again if I had the chance. I can only hope he found his mod.

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I could be wrong but I think this post is about community spirit.

My son and I put out a call for help on a mission and received two willing helpers.

I don't usually do multiplayer, more of a solo player, but something about Warframe is different.

I know, I've been around games and game culture for a long time, since the Hanimex console was king with Pong. (That was before the Atari 2600 btw). I'm not ancient but I know my way around games and this one is different for some reason.

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One night, right after i started, I didn't know anything about the game at the time. I was running public maps unlocking planets, got in with 3 people, 

a nova, a frost and a trinity, i was on banshee. they farmed 5 worlds with me that night. was great.

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I remember once playing hundreds of missions to help one of my clan mates get the burston prime receiver... again, and again, and again... Then they left... and then I got it in the very next mission, and built a burston prime. lol...

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I enjoy helping out, gave a Mastery Two guy a Streamline, Flow, and a Split Chamber a couple of days ago. It's fun to me as I've already got my fill of the game, thus my endgame is augmenting their Early-Mid game :D


(Heads back to Interception missions, they kill newbies hardcore man)

Edited by un1337ninj4
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This isn't about something that I did for someone else, it's about what someone did for me. I started the mission where you are sent to kill the Jackal. The people that were thrown in together to form a squad were doing well until two of them left. It got harder as I kept going through and then the last person afk'd. I basically ran and snuck my way past the Corpus soldiers to get to the Jackal room. Then I saw that someone had joined the game. It was a player that had a sentinal, so I'm assuming they were quite a ways ahead of me. We both got killed several times and we eventually ran out of ammo but we still hadn't killed Jackal. I expected the player to leave, but he stayed and we ended up killing the Jackal.

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Back when vets went to Mercury and got teamed up with newbies... Standing in the boss room letting Dethcube take out the waves and letting the new guys fight the boss. Very simple to just follow them around and Radial Blind the crap out of everything, let them get some killing. I main Excal Prime and thats what I do all day basically, just Radial Blind spam. Let them PROFESSIONAL KILLERS do their job.


Radial Blind>Radial Disarm. Especially with melee 2.0 coming. Loki is gonna cause a whole lotta cells to get wiped in a few days...

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Saw a newbie stuck in the Parkour parts on a Grineer asteroid.


Stuck with him and tried to give him pointers.


Eventually they got it. 


Also once cleared out a T3 EXT with a friend so they could have an impromptu tutorial for movement and parkour and coptering.

Edited by Ziegrif
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A favourite game of mine, when I am levelling some formaed weapons, is join a public game somewhere in Earth. Hopefully when we finish the mission some-all of the players stay and want to do the next mission. 


I stay with them and see how far they want to go.


Normally these will be mastery 1-3 players trying to make their way in the star chart. My record is to take two cool dudes from the start of earth all the way to near the end of Saturn. I don't kill everything for them, mainly just try and keep them up and moving. 

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  • 2 months later...

While there are a few times that come to my mind, one of those occasions not only had the honor you speak of but also just relaxing while chatting.


Me in my banshee, a valkyr, a loki and a rhino with the rhino insisting we remained near the cryopod while he basically defended the main stairways at the start (bottom while the pod is up i guess).

He only asked for help with the buffs and a decoy when needed from us while the valkyr explained a few things to me, while we were basically munching on popcorn while standing there and picking up the mods. ^_^

The few times that our defender had to leave his position or got killed, valkyr and my banshee took over the fighting while Loki was the healer somewhat with the reviving part. We got to wave 35 three times in a row with that one too ^_^

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Someone joined up in an apollodorus mission looking for flow. I offered him a free flow as I had about 40 of them at the time. He declined and half an hour later flow dropped, popped a wp on it told him go get it and we extracted soon afterwards. It was a good day.

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One time when I first started I was in a defense against the corpus, there was a newer loki that wasn't quite sure what to do. I helped with using his abilities to further enhance out corpus killing fun and helped him with issues and questions he had. Another player noticed this and gave me a full reaper prime set. Guys it made my day. Now I always give out to those willing to help.

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