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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Don't know what is reason but... I don't see anything bad on it" Mirana said "Though it does wake up some suspicions doesn't?" Riegyr said "You are right on that. How about we go have a look on the library?" Mirana replied "Fine by me" Riegyr said and turned his head to Xionico and Quicksilver.

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Group arrives to library entrance where they are able to see Anrek (Corpus man) talking with a Nova who works as assistant in there. They seems to be talking normally but conversation subject made Anrek confused and he is scratching behind of his head. Anrek is wearing casual library work outfit. He finally just shrugs as Nova goes back to duty and Anrek departs back to his office. There is nobody at reception booth of the library. "Corpus guy? In here? This smells fishy" Riegyr said.


"I have my suspicions but I need to meet the person so I really can form up my opinion" Mirana said "Hmm... True... Who knows that guy might be part of Perrin Sequence" Riegyr said.

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"What do you three think should we go have a chat with that guy then?" Riegyr asked "Not really the thing what we should rush on my part but it doesn't hurt to have a conversation" Mirana said "I would like to have a chat just in case that there is nothing to see red about in here" Riegyr said.

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"Well sounds like we have come on agreement then" Riegyr said. Riegyr and Mirana departed to look for Anrek and found the headmaster of Library office door. "I think he might be in here" Riegyr said a loud. Mirana came to him soon.

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Nova is sorting books while Riegyr and Mirana looked at Quicksilver "Are you coming or not?" Riegyr asked. Nova is wearing her warframe and even helmet so it is quite difficult to say is she in what mood after the conversation with Anrek.

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Mirana knocks on the door "Come in" Anrek says. Mirana opens the door and goes in first then went Riegyr. "Well... I assume that is... Nova Prime" Anrek said "First time of seeing my kind of warframe?" Mirana replied "Exactly and I have to say. Orokin designs still keeps surprising me" Anrek said from his eyes was easy to see that this is first time he sees a Nova Prime. "So you are headmaster of the library I assume?" Riegyr asked "Yes I am. I will let you create a picture of me. I just want to live my own life" Anrek said.


"My name is Mirana. How about you?" Mirana says and bobs. "Name is Anrek. I might be Corpus from my origin but I am different person and I am not part of the faction anymore" Anrek said "So you are Perrin Sequence member then?" Riegyr asked. "That would violate one of the headmaster of library rules. Rest I leave to your imagination" Anrek said.

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"Greetings" Anrek said to Quicksilver. "Can you quickly turn around Mirana?" Anrek asked Mirana did what Anrek asked and Anrek quickly looked "Hmm... Really interesting design" Anrek said "From what angle?" Mirana asked as turned to Anrek again. "From Orokin perspective. I am myself in to the culture and art of the Orokin. There is much to find out still" Anrek said "Huh.... I thought you would be like rest of the Corpus" Riegyr said "That tells me how open minded you are" Anrek said. "Ouuu! That got to hurt" Mirana said.


"Actually... Yeah that is kind of true..." Riegyr said. "Is there something you wanted to ask?" Anrek asked "Just wanted to know are you up to something fishy nothing else" Riegyr said. "Expected that one" Anrek said "I just wanted to know what kind of person you are. Do you have family?" Mirana said "Rarely I hear somebody wanting to get known of me and yes I have a family. Daughter and wife" Anrek said.


Meanwhile at library.


"Yes. Right here" Nova said and aligned the book not even looking at Xionico.

Edited by Revel72
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"It is against the rules. We don't want the books get wet even by accident. It has had been quite a lot of work to get this all in here" Nova says and sorts rest of the books and just quickly looks at Xionico and goes to reception booth.


"I run a food and water supply and delivery company. I own it and lead it. That is another thing what I do. Mainly I upkeep library and keep eye on how my business is doing" Anrek said.

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