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Extortion At Its Finest.....must Read For All Up And Coming Players!


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Buyers choose to pay these prices, that's all it comes down to. The value to them is clearly fine, or they wouldn't do it, and it's a choice we all have to make for ourselves. How much are things worth to us?


I prefer to keep platinum where it's from: the DE store, so I only trade, never sell or purchase. But that's my choice.

Edited by ZephyrAM
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Its a matter of supply and demand.  If you want buy it.  Is your plat.  Are you saying I cant buy the house I want or car too.  Buy and beware of what you are getting.  I farm my stuff and I am ranking up my last weps and all wfs to level 30.  You guys can fight over the scraps ;))

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OP is comparing non-Prime warframe/weapon prices to Prime warframe/weapon prices, and is amazed at the discrepancy.


Because Prime items being wholly dependent on RNG is not at all a factor in raising the price. Nope. Definitely not.

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I agree with some stuff, yet why only bp's are more expensive? they aren't any more special then any other part, and they are rare as any other part.


Also i do sell my orthos prime blade for only 100p and not less, its a rare as hell drop.


To end, it is also a free market, why wouldn't ppl pay and sell for how much they want? if there should be fixed prices DE could have made those.

Yet yes, common sense is needed for either selling or buying.

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I agree with some stuff, yet why only bp's are more expensive? they aren't any more special then any other part, and they are rare as any other part.


Also i do sell my orthos prime blade for only 100p and not less, its a rare as hell drop.


To end, it is also a free market, why wouldn't ppl pay and sell for how much they want? if there should be fixed prices DE could have made those.

Yet yes, common sense is needed for either selling or buying.

lol ihave 15 prime orthos blade not rare at all.  I don't sell because I think people should work for what they get.  Not let mommy and daddy pay for it.  noobs..........

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lol ihave 15 prime orthos blade not rare at all.  I don't sell because I think people should work for what they get.  Not let mommy and daddy pay for it.  noobs..........

looool, i see so many posts complaining about the community, now I can see why. RNG is RNG, you can have 15 after 15 runs and others can have 0 after 50 runs. i don't see why you're so hostile.

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the good thing about all of this is it doesn't really affect the gameplay. if people want to pay whatever they want you gotta just let them. hopefully they get smart and end up waiting for a better deal, but its just a game so don't stress about it.


the best thing to do is trade your friends and help each other, at least you will feel good.

Yep^^^ I give stuff to my friends and clan members.  +1

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looool, i see so many posts complaining about the community, now I can see why. RNG is RNG, you can have 15 after 15 runs and others can have 0 after 50 runs. i don't see why you're so hostile.

hostile?  The fact they are easy to farm and you are mad at me.....?  I never said 15 after 15 runs.  I just have a lot because I help my friends.  You should try it.

Edited by plumbcrazy
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there's no such thing as easy to farm, it's luck. you're being silly

Your the silly one trying to rape people with your pricing of 100 plat for a dumb blade.  It is chance / luck to get your  parts or wf.  Because I give it away and you sell your soul is why you have no luck.   Hahahahahahaha...................

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I don't know what you are talking about 150p for Prime Parts?  Maybe parts for Rhino Prime, but if you expect something that is new and desired to be cheap, you are sadly mistaken in that expectation.  As to purchasing prime pieces, I've bought multiple pieces for both Ember & Mag and none of the pieces I purchased cost me more than 35p.

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     Let me first say that i really appreciate the DEV team expanding the trading system and that I really enjoy that you can now trade for prime pieces and such...However there in lies a problem for many players.  I know farming is annoying and un-fun but honestly it will save you alot more trouble than the ridiculously crappy market ruled by children (from what it seems like).  I have been monitoring the trading channel for about 2 weeks for about 5-10min a day just kind of watching whats going on and butting out tests and offers to see  whats going on and have been really frustrated with the results.


     Short and sweet.....people are extorting the market for their gain and forcing new players to pay ridiculous amounts for plat for tiny pieces of warfarmes and guns.  New players may get taken in by the appeal of the primes but for the most degree they are only slight damage increases of their non-prime gun counterparts and the warframes are nothing special at all other than 1 more polarity and a tiny cosmetic change.  Players can get the same piece they want with alittle more farming or even a forma or two which will cost you way less than the "going rate" for most of the stuff on the market.  A regular warframe is about 200-230 plat and im being asked to pay 150 for a prime piece?.....that is ridiculous.  Please people, dont pay that for pieces and dont bend to that level of immaturity when it comes to the trading channel.  Pieces should be going for 50 or less plat and only the blueprint should be going for 100-120.  Adding its all up at each piece at 50 and the BP for 120 comes out to be 270.....which is reasonable as your gonna pay a tiny extra to skip the hours of farming.  But 150  piece?....that is 600 plat at least and not a single warframe or prime item is worth that much....EVER!!! You can get the same exact warframe for loads less than what people are asking and you can get a comparable weapon for alot less aswell.  A good example of this is people who sell off rare mods for 1000 plat and then with alittle farming get them back so now there a people (i know a few) sitting with 10,000 plat and nothing to do but let it sit there and to me thats pretty stupid.  


     So people and new players, please have some sense when trading or buying and if you've been frustrated by the lack of sense then sell with reasonable prices. Please dont be immature children and continue this pathetic pattern cuz its ruining the trading system and it is a poor reflection on your common sense.  If the tables were flipped i dont think you would want to let 150 or more plat go for a single piece.  There are a few things worth over 100 plat and they are maxed damage mods, multishot mods, and hammershot and primed chamber.  Next time your trying to buy a prime piece and you see somebody ask for 150 plat....laugh them out the door and tell them to grow up.  



if you're convinced that you should determine how the rest of the world acts then I think I know who has the maturity issues.

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Yea, greed is always ugly, even in a virtual market.


I usually sale my BPs 5-10p(tho i prefer bp for bp trades). That's just me. But if others wanna charge 30-50 okay i can see. But the 100+ crap for BP especially is just ridiculous.


People need to wait and not be rush-buyers, supply and demand makes things high and easily exploitable too.

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First off, supply and demand. 


Secondly, You're exaggerating an extreme amount of time. Mods that go for 50+ plat are so expensive because of how much time and resources go into modding them. Do you know how much it can cost to max out a serration? Over 1 million credits+ 1000+ mods, and that's low balling. Do you know how much time it would take to farm for that? At least 10 hours. Realistically more like 20-30 hours.


Third and most importantly, Prime parts and prime warframes. Every single new prime that comes out will obviously be exceptionally over priced. However, I have bought outright the parts for my mag and ember prime. Collectively, I've spent maybe 50 plat for both sets. 


Prime weapons are a different story. Obviously the new ones are going to be over priced. However, 20 plat for a full set like Fang Prime or even 30 plat is reasonable. 5-10 hours of farming for all of those parts and you're complaining about paying a little over a dollar or two for someone else's time? Come on, you pay more for someone flipping your burgers. 


In essence, stop complaining and realize that you're completely over exaggerating and making a big deal out of something you can farm for. Don't like it? Farm for the mats. Jealous that others are making large sums of money? Farm for the pricey items and undercut the market. 

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just make a market UI with buy orders and sell orders

that you can set for a given duration, tax/escrow included in the transaction process thru the UI 


special contracts can be made for combined items


then the market will take care of itself 

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Unfortunately, This is basic economy..

It's hardly immaturity. It's a question of profits.

High demand + scarce supplies = explosive price range.

The seller determine the prices & the buyer either agrees or disagrees.

Once the buyers agrees, the market is set.

The good thing is, once some people (reasonable people) put a waaay cheaper price (like 50-75 per piece),

or once the hype died down, the market will reconsider it's overly expensive price & actually reduces it.

But this won't happen anytime soon coz.. well.. profits..


An auction house would solve nothing.

Inflation would happen, but with an auction house, metadata on market trends would become visible.


Think you have a hard time getting things on the cheap now?

Wait until people try to establish a base rate.


Barter system is kinda meh, but it at least is faster to deflate/inflate than auctioning.


That being said, I do support the notion of an auction house, as I enjoy riding those economies more. However, for the "casual' user, it may become an aggressive entity that shuts out "poor" players.


These two quotes sum up all my thoughts on the subject.

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Yeah i never trade unless i have alot of stuff i know i can just sell and Get rid off, Like a Few Blind rages or something...Beyond that though i would prefer if trading was Limited to Clans only I.E member to Member....Actually for it to not exist at all would be better. I have spoken to a few people who just jump on here buy 10,000 Plat and Buy everything they need from trading, And thats it..End game in 5min for them Not even rank 2. =\



Mean while we have other people being scammed and Ripped off all at once.

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I usually give myself a limit of plat at which i am willing to sell or buy and patiently wait for the right offer to pop up. The new primes are expensive true, but there are still decent people out there who won't make you overpay (managed to buy a rhino prime full set for 100 plat and a boltor prime for 50 plat, thrown in some rare mods for the sellers as a ty for a humane price tag). Just be patient and look for those people, the current 100P for chassis or a bp alone are way too much imo (some will say different but to each his own). 

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