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Why Do People Hate Valkyr?


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I really have no idea, I find her to be useful through the whole game, with Ripline able to ragdoll and damage harder enemies before pummelling them with her Hysteria, agreed she's a tad OP, but when she's not in Hysteria, she's squishy as all hell, regardless of what the armour says.

Hi, Im a nova player and I approve this message, Valkyr player is like my big sister XD

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Have you even looked at her abilities?

Paralysis stuns. There's your CC (You can also go ahead and ragdoll heavy units with ripline)

Warcry gives melee attack speed and armor. There's your buff. It also works as CC to some degree, as it slows enemies too (Useful depends)

Hysteria has a lot of duration without lots of modding, and you can deal thousands of damage per hit with the right melee weapons, plus crits. If nothing else, you can use the invulnerability to revive the players that can't take the same amount of beating that you can.

So,have you understood what i wrote?

Those abiltys you name are very lackluster at best.

Everything she does, some other frame does better. Way better.

Stun is small AOE with short duration. No useful CC for the team. Only benefits yourself.

Attackspeed buff, benefits only melee users. 99% of people don´t use melee most of the time.

I´m not saying she´s bad. Don´t get all butthurt bout that. I´m just saying, she is not efficient in teamplay and thats why people don´t like seeing her in their group.

She might even be great for solo play, idk. But for teamplay, there are far better choices.

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Because people will cry about anything.  Keeping Warframe to 1 button press to kill everything and never risk dying is serious business apparently.


Keep playing the frame you want and tell the people who complain to get stuffed, or just play with friends to avoid the unwashed masses that harbor those players who would complain about your load out.  If you can hold your own and rez your teammates you aren't doing anything wrong.

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How is melee bad exactly? I've been farming on nightmare and still one shot everyone with a my glaive.

I'm starting to think people just want to be gods and never die...

I won't lie I do love the hate I get, I'm just wondering about placement.

Edited by Blutfatal
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How is melee bad exactly? I've been farming on nightmare and still one shot everyone with a my glaive.

I'm starting to think people just want to be gods and never die...

I won't lie I do love the hate I get, I'm just wondering about placement.

Glaive isn't really melee you throw it thus making it a ranged weapon.

But still you have a point, my fang primes eat face.

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Glaive isn't really melee you throw it thus making it a ranged weapon.

But still you have a point, my fang primes eat face.

I don't throw it much actually, it crashes the game if I mistime it when entering hysteria.

Just recently switched over to hate, but everyone keeps talking about the ichor so I'll check them out.

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AKA Trinity

my good friend the Trinity player agrees with this ... 


I personally have never played trinity...becuase im the stereo-typical nova player who never does anything other then nova...( thats a joke...I play Nova, Zephyr, mag and banshee)

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my good friend the Trinity player agrees with this ... 


I personally have never played trinity...becuase im the stereo-typical nova player who never does anything other then nova...( thats a joke...I play Nova, Zephyr, mag and banshee)

Yeah every trinity player I come across has a larger god complex than I do.

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Even so, its crowd control isnt nearly as viable as something like Nyx's Chaos or even Nekro's terrify or Rhino's Stomp


All those powers you listed you have to wait till they end, with Valk you can continue spamming it while having damage as well.

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Because she is a completely yelf-centered frame. She does NOTHING for the team. No Crowd Control, no (usefull) buffs.

She´s just there to pick up the goods at the end of the fight, when everybody else is dead.

Just compare her to Trinity.

Basically both have a invulerabilty, but trin gives it to the whole team, while still being able to dish out massive damage with her rifle/sidearm.

Valkyr on the other hand can only protect herself, while at the same time shes seriously lowering her damage output with hysteria (let´s face it, melee isn´t viable atm).









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Because people don't know how to use her thats why they just assume she sucks but she's really really useful.


Warcry is about the best power to have on defense if you don't already have a Nyx or Nova. Warcry slows down the enemy and buffs team melee speed and armor to ridiculous levels. Making even the squishiest of frames a little tanky. Pair this up with Hysteria and Valkyr's ult is a little more viable as the enemies speed has been debuffed so you can catch up to them. Also Paralysis is a very good move as well. Combined with Warcry and Hysteria, Paralysis can come in as very good CC and or single target damage because of Its nifty stun ability that lets you preform instant kill take downs which comes in handy for targeting heavies. Also Valkyrs Hysteria acts like Nyx absorb. Hysteria coats any enemy in a 5 meter radius with an energy outline. Any damage that is done to you by any enemy will be absorbed and cast out to selected targets when Hysteria wears off. I use this as heavy unit CC.


Rip line is just a fun moving around power :3, helps you get to the downed much quicker.


I carried my team to T3 wave 30 in defense with my Valkyr. She's really really useful, people are just to stupid to know how to use her.

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Valkyr had a pretty awful debut, with Hysteria's blows easily doing less damage than regular melee attacks and low health and shields and drastically lower armor than now making her easily the most fragile frame in the game.


Even now a lot of the concepts that she was built around (high risk, high reward mechanics and using shields to power abilities) are arguably poorly implemented in such a way as to make her a far cry from what she was supposed to be.  She's certainly useable nowadays, but she's definitely not a team player and I'd place her at the top of the list of frames that could use an overhaul.

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There are 3 types of Valkyr Players

1/ The 1 that suck with her

2/ The 1 that know how to play with her and know that he/she better with another frame

3/ The elitist pricks that assume other people don't like Valkyr because they don't know how to play

Edited by quan256
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hmm the shield is the lowest but her health can be boosted by a wage to 1000 health with over 1200 armour and warcry for attack speed with the paralysis skill for stuns and stealth attacks engage on the stunned creating 4X damage, 


overall i think valkyr is one of the most interesting frames becouse warcry also taunts the enemies on to you and buff you with 50% extra armour which also gonna give you maximum 1600 armour all together. 


and your not particulary forced to play valkyr only with hysteria. the health and her armour with paralysis that has passive 10 energy as the weakest skill but increases the chances for stuns for the intial melee damage and awesome animations. 


I dont hate valkyr i enjoy the challenge

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