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Fun's Over De, Remove Broken Lights Already.


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I agree...

Unless you are freaking rhino or frost they will even kill you if there's a big combo of them

But why add this kind of silly thing in the 1st place? It's not like in real life broken lights shoot a @(*()$ lightning bolt at you!

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The logic behind these make no sense, they only attack Tenno (For broken lights to have targeting, the Grineer must have some sort of Orokin Technology that enables lights to only attack Tenno)


I was playing invasion today: I went to Saturn, sides with corpus for 35,000C, and finished it up. Not once when I was siding with the corpus did broken lights ever spawn, nor zap me. I could see where the broken lights WOULD be, but they had no HP bar and no electrical FX.


But, when going to a different invasion and SIDING WITH GRINEER, there were broken lights everywhere. And as I pointed above, never zapped one Corpus or Grineer.


This is seriously starting to &!$$ me off, and they need to be removed already. They make no sense and why they should even be in the game. I'm tired of reading posts like these here and on the fourms, and out of all of them no one seems to like them.


The jokes over, DE. Get rid of them already





Maybe you should slow down and pay attention to what's around you, instead of just gogogorushrushrushhurryhurryhurry to the end.  There are some that are unavoidable, yes, but most of them can be identified and shot before you trigger them if you slow down and pay attention.  Frankly, if they get people to slow down, I say make 'em deadlier.


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Moral of the story, let your fellow Tenno go forth... before you do  =D



the lights are stupid

just yet another cheap shot from DE

'we need something new to hit players'

'i know, how about electrical zaps that only target players?'

'how to implement...hmm, they could be mines'

'no no, then they'd know it was just another cheap shot, and we would have to make those able to target enemies of the grineer, like infested and corpus, too much work'

'ok, how about broken lights? we don't understand electricity and how it works, so they don't either, we could get away with that'

'good idea, lets go with that'


don't try to make excuses for the lights, don't try and make excuses for DE. they're big boys and girls, they can defend themselves and you won't get any brownie points anyway.

it was a bad idea, with even worse implementation. it doesn't follow any of the known laws for electricity. it doesn't follow any sort of logic that the grineer would leave something so dangerous broken, much less that they'd use that high of voltage in just LIGHTS. to arc 1 inch (2.5cm) the voltage required is approximately 75,000


that's right, 75,000 volts. and how far does the arc on those lights reach? much less why would grineer even be using lights that require that kind of voltage when even incandescents in this era 120v and light just fine. not to mention car headlights...12v

You know too much!


i heard grineers stopd using guns and replace them with lamps


Lmao! Lamps are fully forma'd with two catalysts.


NO DE KEEP THEM! I must feed on more tears.

Sharing is caring   =D

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It's fine that there are hazards on the map. Though conceptually that they're called broken lights, that's the most $&*&*#(%& thing I've ever heard!


How about you call them, oh, I don't know, Storm mines or give them some other silly name. Make them into some new kind of ceiling mounted Grineer trap.


Just don't call it broken lights. 

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Maybe you should slow down and pay attention to what's around you, instead of just gogogorushrushrushhurryhurryhurry to the end.  There are some that are unavoidable, yes, but most of them can be identified and shot before you trigger them if you slow down and pay attention.  Frankly, if they get people to slow down, I say make 'em deadlier.



Crawl, you mean. Because that's the speed needed to spot all the lights. And even so, you can't spot a good number of them or shoot them before they hit. I'm not even complaining about the damage, it's the effect that's very unpleasant. I certainly do not intend to crawl through a map, looking left, right and above before I set foot into a room just because of this. It takes long enough to solo a mission with non-op weapons.

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Mastery Rank 16 test will be "Lightbulb Replacement" which will require a good amount of manual dexterity and wall running to accomplish. 


Lol, Stalker, Zanuka and G3 will be getting 'Light Bulbs' ugrades soon.

Edited by avinity8
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Was leveling my Nyx a few days ago and i got hit by two lights in the spawn, left me with double digits of HP. Nothing i could have done to avoid that.


And yesterday i counted 7 broken lights in a single room.


The broken lights do 0 damage guys. They've changed them about 20 times already, because people keep whining about them. They're supposed to be a hazard that you're supposed to try and avoid.


When did they change that? They were still dealing damage (around 300 damage) when i played last night.

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Before the nerf, I was cheaply killed three times by them. Each time there was absolutely no way for me to see, let alone shoot, the damned thing.

Now they do less damage, and the Volt (oh the irony) I am currently leveling has way more shields, so I don't get killed anymore.

They are still annoying as hell, because they are cheap shots. You can't avoid them.

There's no skill involved, just the game trolling you.

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 As you said, that is just rant. Well, most of it. I do agree that some lights are a pain, but those are the ones that you can't shoot or avoid without getting shocked. As for the rest, they are fine.


 As for your examples, the corpus probably shot or got zapped by the time you spotted them. The grineer do not shoot them and do not get zapped (maybe their armor is made of plastic or something)


 Just moving the lights that are in places you can't avoid should be good, although I see it hard to accomplish due to the player being able to come from any door.


 I like random hazards on the game. Adds fun and makes the player to PAY ATTENTION to the environment and not just shoot all that moves.

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Just a horrible idea with poor implementation.  A mechanism to stop people from rushing?  So let's get this straight.  DE makes a game about "SPACE NINJAS" that wield incredible powers and weaponry.  The game is based on cover and mobility, parkour, no less and they want us to go SLOW?  Yeah OK that makes all the sense in the world.  I can see the new mods now...  "Wall walk", "Belly Crawl", "Rubber Boots", "Slow Motion" all in the name of avoiding those pesky lights.

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Remove the ones that you can't avoid, and I'd happily keep them to watch all the careless rushers being zapped.

See that is the problem here.  They can't.  The lights spawn randomly and not only that they spawn in clusters at times.  So no matter how you do this unless they are in fixed positions similar to Corpus motion sensors and turrets they will never be able to do that.  Essentially this whole thing is defective by design, kind of like the Yugo, and should be removed.

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The whole point of adding them was to stop people from rushing.

When you're in a war, you dont just run through a battle zone with out a care in the world, you go from cover to cover scanning the area for threats.

you're complaining because you're using Loki, and just rushing to the end of the map, without caring about anything.

That's your own personal fault.

I find it fun, it finally adds some sort of need to actually scan the area now (scan as in look, not actually codex scan, though it does help)

TL:DR Stop complaining, they're fine. you're just noob

First of, "Just a noob," ok I have 400 hours on this game and that's very insulting. I find them poorly implemented I actually don't rush, thats the thing. If you try to do a solo mission your going to have to take it slow, one way or another.

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