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Fun's Over De, Remove Broken Lights Already.


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If DE had at least had the light hanging down in a broken manner, shorter range, able to be walked around more easily even unknowingly. Maybe people would accept this. I haven't had issues with it. Infact oddly enough I only walked into one, and didn't have any issues.

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Ever put that to the test? The broken lights shoot through walls. See screenshot 3, where I'm getting zapped by the bulb on the other side of the doorway.


Why am I mad? Because I can't level up new frames on Grineer maps anymore, because they consistently get one-shotted. Because these aren't challenging or fun traps, they're just annoying. And because supporting these as a means to cull rushing is treating a symptom but ignoring the disease, and that's the fundamental problem right there. Why do people rush in the first place?

Because the game is repetitive with all the farming involved? at least that's how I feel, and I am not even someone who rushes through the levels but it certainly doesn't help me either, sometimes one needs to go to the exit ASAP, sometimes one just has no revives left, little HP, almost no shields but a load of good loot not worth risking a confrontation.

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I think the light trap concept should be removed.


In its place should be something like the laser room in the first Resident Evil movie. Tenno enters room> door seals> Tenno has to hack a terminal (no insta-ciphers allowed) or be diced by lasers. This cipher should be of a new batch that are more complicated, but not ridiculously so. At the least this would hopefully satiate those players who don't like rushers.

The reason people like me not liking rushers for example has little to do with them going full speed and leaving me behind, it is their constant nagging when the others don't open a door for them, don't hack the consoles for them or don't get to the extraction point so they can "go on with their lives" and so on.

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I absolutly HATE those messed up lights,...



I dont care if they were put up to mess with rushers, i dont care if they actually work,

(which im pretty sure they dont, the rushers will keep rushing in a rhino or trin)

They are messing with everybody else too, and its gettin really annoying...

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The whole point of adding them was to stop people from rushing.

When you're in a war, you dont just run through a battle zone with out a care in the world, you go from cover to cover scanning the area for threats.

you're complaining because you're using Loki, and just rushing to the end of the map, without caring about anything.

That's your own personal fault.

I find it fun, it finally adds some sort of need to actually scan the area now (scan as in look, not actually codex scan, though it does help)

TL:DR Stop complaining, they're fine. you're just noob

so you say we have to slow down? (it's not like I'm bothered by the lightning I didn't rly even notice them since I'm playing wf halfhearted, 1 hand there, 1hand on the tablet.)


you say we should go from cover to cover? the zap forces you to slow down more? hmm.. fast paced game warframe? naaaahhh never...


why not just add a cover system if we have to slow down already?

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Running through Mimas with a freshly forma'd Loki, check every doorway for lights.

*zap* Death was waiting for me on the other side. -1 revive.


Just buy a refill for 12 plat... or at least conspiracies would suggest that's the reason for them to exist.

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Rushers are a real annoyance. Sadly these aren't the only people offended by this : solo/ non-OP players too...

Those who aren't bothered by this must have a 900+ shield,or iron skin all the time,etc...I ask these people to think about a fresh excalibur lvl 1 with mk1-braton and skana He was one day too!...

Removing them? I don't think so, or maybe they could change it to visible mines or something. But a more visible thing.


Moreover, if it has to stay, I have a Very Simple solution : make them deal as low damage as Laser corpus doors !

It can at worst take out your shield and a very few health, and even beginners can survive! The "enter-a-room-press-4-soma-everything-rushers" (grrrr they disgust me >.< ) will notice their shields lowering (a lil bit if they are high-leveled) & will understand the message and care more (I hope).


So in My opinion, it should not be as punishing as now (beginners and average players are one-shot by nap..Sorry, neon lamps.) :

telling rushers to enjoy the game a little more,not forcing them to ragequit. :)

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Rushers are a real annoyance. Sadly these aren't the only people offended by this : solo/ non-OP players too...

Those who aren't bothered by this must have a 900+ shield,or iron skin all the time,etc...I ask these people to think about a fresh excalibur lvl 1 with mk1-braton and skana He was one day too!...

Removing them? I don't think so, or maybe they could change it to visible mines or something. But a more visible thing.


Moreover, if it has to stay, I have a Very Simple solution : make them deal as low damage as Laser corpus doors !

It can at worst take out your shield and a very few health, and even beginners can survive! The "enter-a-room-press-4-soma-everything-rushers" (grrrr they disgust me >.< ) will notice their shields lowering (a lil bit if they are high-leveled) & will understand the message and care more (I hope).


So in My opinion, it should not be as punishing as now (beginners and average players are one-shot by nap..Sorry, neon lamps.) :

telling rushers to enjoy the game a little more,not forcing them to ragequit. :)

don't @(*()&#036; slow down grps by being a slowpoke rush if rush is needed, some people like rushing, some people like speedruns, why else do people try to do speedruns? it's fun and their own challenge. just because you don't like it fast doesn't mean you have to force your gameplay down others throats.

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don't @(*()$ slow down grps by being a slowpoke rush if rush is needed, some people like rushing, some people like speedruns, why else do people try to do speedruns? it's fun and their own challenge. just because you don't like it fast doesn't mean you have to force your gameplay down others throats.

Man, you don't understand what I'm trying to say : I mean, they should get a mechanic such as the laser doors, for grineer. That is All.


I don't see much complaining about these.

Edited by unknow99
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I don't mind them.  Are you all low level that they bother you?


Honestly i think falling off things should kill you and not respawn you.  The game is very easy as it is.  I don't see why this something to cry over though.


It doesn't seem poorly implemented.  Just that players don't like it, so they think their always right.  Then say it was poorly implemented?


How else would they add it?  Draw a picture.  Show it on forums.  Show it on livestream.  Get a voting system.  Have the lighting experts observer it.  Get voted in by devs.


The ai doesn't have to hack through doors.  The ai teleports around the map to catch up to you.  Warframe run out of oxygen on earth.  You're character reset to safety when they fall to their death.  And players are trying to find logic in lights attacking them?

Edited by Pure
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don't @(*()$ slow down grps by being a slowpoke rush if rush is needed, some people like rushing, some people like speedruns, why else do people try to do speedruns? it's fun and their own challenge. just because you don't like it fast doesn't mean you have to force your gameplay down others throats.

Speed is different from rushing. The combat in Warframe is supposed to be fast, but you aren't supposed to rush it.


My definition of "rush" is "get through THE LEVEL as quickly as possible". And when a rusher leaves three teammates behind, kills everything (in a cooperative game), and rushes the objective, then who is "forcing gameplay down others [sic] throats"?


Speedruns are generally for singleplayer games or in a group where ALL the members of the group are cooperating to do the speedrun. Rushing is one person speedrunning and everyone else having to run through an empty level. Not the same thing.


Lastly, slowpokes often can't do anything about being slowpokes. There are some people who like to take their time, true, or some newbies who don't realize that they're being completely left behind in the dust. But if you're like me and you don't equip stamina mods or Rush on your Volt (gasp!), or you're using a not fully modded frame in a low level mission and you don't have space for Rush/stamina mods (wow, what a surprise /sarcasm), then there is LITERALLY nothing you can do to catch up. Numerically speaking, a Trinity, for example, with no speed mods and no 'coptering weapons cannot catch up, ever, to someone who has those things (namely, rushers) as long as the latter keeps moving.


Rushing is a legitimate playstyle, but sometimes rushers don't realize that they're making their teammates have less fun. In a co-op game. But the reason why I hate broken lights is that they blend in with the scenery. Every other trap in the game is highly visible. Corpus cameras project blue beams outwards, fire is obvious, the energy zapping doors have the same blue beams, and the Corpus lighting turrets are usually in the open. These, on the other hand, zap you when YOU CAN'T SEE THEM, except they look exactly like regular lights (aka the background) so you wouldn't be able to see them anyways.


The thing about traps in video games is that you never make them the way you would a trap in real life. They have to be obvious, especially in such a fast-paced game as Warframe.

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It doesn't seem poorly implemented.  Just that players don't like it, so they think their always right.  Then say it was poorly implemented?

"The customer is always right".


There's a difference between challenging, and annoying. Right now, the lights are annoying, not challenging for me. Not being able to avoid the lights is annoying, not a challenge.



Also, there's a difference between easy games, and hard games.



You might be fine with these lights, but I, and many others, are not.


I vote to have them removed. Not nerfed, not toned down, just completely removed.

Edited by EChondo
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It doesn't seem poorly implemented.  Just that players don't like it, so they think their always right.  Then say it was poorly implemented?


But they are poorly implemented. They are often in places where it's impossible to take them out before you are in their zone of influence. In a supposedly skill based game that's just a gearcheck. 

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Seriously, the broken lights suck. It's impossible to hear any kind of sound cue when mid-gunfight, which is typically when I run across broken lights that drain my shields and cost me revives. There's no way to shoot them out to disable them, either.


The mechanic is, bluntly put, totally @(*()&#036; unfair, and needs to be removed ASAFP.

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+1 for removal. These were poorly thought out and even more poorly implemented. It's inexcusable.


If they're meant to slow down rushers then why do they spawn on defense missions? Or survival for that matter?


If they're meant to be countered by destroying them first then why can they spawn behind doors, pipes and other decorative objects where they can't be seen, and most often can't be attacked before they trigger?


If they were actually thought through then why do they spawn in clusters? Why do so many of the blasted things spawn in the first place? Why is the damage so high? Why do they not attack anything in range? Why, oh why, do they spawn in the starting rooms and kill people before they've even loaded?


These are questions that someone should have asked before the feature went live. As the lights stand, they're just cheap fake difficulty. A frustration measure, not a gameplay challenge. And they're not going to redeem themselves in the eyes of the people who've run afoul of them.


My personal theory, once again: these lights were originally intended for the Corpus tilesets. Justification:

- Electric damage fits the Corpus toolset much better than the Grineer.

- Corpus tiles are less cluttered, so the lights would have been much more visible.

- Corpus tilesets aren't constructed of claustrophobic tunnels, so the traps could have been bypassed by range.

- Personal judgment, but the broken light items even have a Corpus-ish look to them.


The lights might have been better served by tweaks in these conditions, rather than outright removal as is now required. I suspect that what happened is that some bright spark (ha ha) pointed out that the Corpus already had traps, and the feature was hurriedly added to the Grineer ships instead - too hurriedly, as it turns out.

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Speedruns are generally for singleplayer games or in a group where ALL the members of the group are cooperating to do the speedrun. Rushing is one person speedrunning and everyone else having to run through an empty level. Not the same thing.

you can say that to slowpokes too, all your points can exactly pointed on slowpokes too, also slowpokes don't make it fun either for me or my mates, 


in the end it's not the playstyle which is the problem it's the person itself. stop blaming everything on rushing. and I often bring one of my slowest frames to the runs, (saryn) yet I'm still in front of the team or at least close to it, the walls ever seen them? that's your jumping point to gain speed.

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Speed is different from rushing. The combat in Warframe is supposed to be fast, but you aren't supposed to rush it.


My definition of "rush" is "get through THE LEVEL as quickly as possible". And when a rusher leaves three teammates behind, kills everything (in a cooperative game), and rushes the objective, then who is "forcing gameplay down others [sic] throats"?


Speedruns are generally for singleplayer games or in a group where ALL the members of the group are cooperating to do the speedrun. Rushing is one person speedrunning and everyone else having to run through an empty level. Not the same thing.


Lastly, slowpokes often can't do anything about being slowpokes. There are some people who like to take their time, true, or some newbies who don't realize that they're being completely left behind in the dust. But if you're like me and you don't equip stamina mods or Rush on your Volt (gasp!), or you're using a not fully modded frame in a low level mission and you don't have space for Rush/stamina mods (wow, what a surprise /sarcasm), then there is LITERALLY nothing you can do to catch up. Numerically speaking, a Trinity, for example, with no speed mods and no 'coptering weapons cannot catch up, ever, to someone who has those things (namely, rushers) as long as the latter keeps moving.


Rushing is a legitimate playstyle, but sometimes rushers don't realize that they're making their teammates have less fun. In a co-op game. But the reason why I hate broken lights is that they blend in with the scenery. Every other trap in the game is highly visible. Corpus cameras project blue beams outwards, fire is obvious, the energy zapping doors have the same blue beams, and the Corpus lighting turrets are usually in the open. These, on the other hand, zap you when YOU CAN'T SEE THEM, except they look exactly like regular lights (aka the background) so you wouldn't be able to see them anyways.


The thing about traps in video games is that you never make them the way you would a trap in real life. They have to be obvious, especially in such a fast-paced game as Warframe.


Exaaactly. Average players,solo players,stealth players,beginners,explorers and even rushers should enjoy the game, not feel frustrated towards OP broken lights. And rushing is not cooperative playing for those you left behind.

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The broken lights do 0 damage guys.

Yeah, in your dreams. I did Saturn invasion yesterday, sided with Grineer. Made it to extraction with 38 health and full shields, got one-shot by a broken light in one of the extraction pods.


Dude, of course they are annoying - that's their purpose.

Just as annoying as the laser doors  the corpus have... so what? remove them to now?

Laser doors are connected to cameras. Cameras, that can be seen even from the other side of an open door - and other than broken lights, can't see or attack you from that position. Cameras and laser doors are less harmful and can be easier detected than broken lights. Yes, laser doors are annoying, especially when one of your teammates is standing in front of a camera and you get the short end of the stick. But they can't one-shot you from 10m away like broken lights can.



I'd rather see the Grineer have autonomous turrets (like the Corpus ones, just without the need of a camera and shooting standard bullets instead of lasers) than those broken lights that defy almost all laws of electricity.

By the way, an interesting way to change the lightbulbs without needing to outright remove them would be to make them sort of like Corpus windows, i.e. they only break if you deal damage to them, and once broken, they will affect anything regardless of faction.

They still hurt if you're just carelessly blowing things up, but at least they don't punish you with the force of a thousand suns for trying to focus on the mission. Similar function to Corpus windows.

I support this idea. :)

Edited by Bibliothekar
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You know, just spitballing here Rebecca, but if instead of a stage hazard, they were like the volatile barrels found all over the levels. If you see a 'faulty light', you shoot it, and you basically get a free volt shock on nearby enemies. Reduce the range to something more reasonable, and it'll move from hair-pulling annoyance to something to be careful of while shooting, while being something to kill things with.

Give this man a medal already!

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#4 - WRONG, u CAN avoid them, and anyone who says otherwise is WRONG


As was posted earlier in the thread:



Feel free to explain how they can be avoided when they can be triggered before the intro cutscene.


Hell, atleast I'll be honest about it and say that my inner sadist finds it hilarious when guys spawn into the mission dead. :-P


The lights still need to be removed though.

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