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Should De Provide An Auction System?


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Why would it be? It's the concept of competitive pricing. Every market place features this. I personally do this in the chat system now just to speed things along. I'd rather play the game.


Oh sure, that's why maxed serration costed 300 plat three months ago and it still does.


The day you have public prices you can expect every seller label his stuff the same price.

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Nope.. People would spend their time in action house reselling crap instead of playing + Economy would be destroyed


I'd say auction house would allow us to play more rather than sitting in front of the trade chat for days untill we finally meet that one guy with the right stuff.

So far, I haven't seen a game where a correctly implemented AH broke the economy. Do you have any examples?

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Oh sure, that's why maxed serration costed 300 plat three months ago and it still does.


The day you have public prices you can expect every seller label his stuff the same price.

That's because it's a high end item competitive pricing only works so much, idk what all this diablo 3 talk is about but I play plenty of games and this auction system works wonders ...those serrations aren't going to go down much but It will keep the huge fluctuation in prices. The auction hall wouldn't be for reducing prices it will be meant for keeping the prices more consistent.

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That's because it's a high end item competitive pricing only works so much, idk what all this diablo 3 talk is about but I play plenty of games and this auction system works wonders ...those serrations aren't going to go down much but It will keep the huge fluctuation in prices. The auction hall wouldn't be for reducing prices it will be meant for keeping the prices more consistent.

= killing any chance of finding cheap stuff.

= only benefits sellers.

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and how could he decide if he doesn't know about prices of other sellers?

You don't get it, price is established by what ppl want to offer, items may be worth more or less to you, but that's a matter of opinion, for me every single mod/bp/bp part is worth at most 5 plat, won't matter really, you will still sell a boltor bp for 60

You do not decide how much things are worth, the buyer does. (for that specific instant and for that specific trade)


If you tell me i need to sell things instead of giving them away, i would ignore it, it's my decision, not yours.


Issue? it's you, who trying to sell it more expensive / buy it cheaper than others.

You probabbly weren't here when i gave mods for free were you?


I never bought things for cheap to sell for more, best i can do is buy a serration and then sell a maxed rank one. Obviously i will sell it for more.


I always buy mods for cheap, takes some time but i always find players selling mods and parts for cheap and now given that i have everything i need, selling stuff is the way to go, sure i may give away parts and full sets here and there but some things have to be sold, namely rank 10 mods.

You don't need to buy plat with $, you can simply sell your junk and then bid big to gain the item you wanted, then you farm more and repeat the process.


In the end the more you play the less you need to buy and the more you can sell.


The problem is that without a bid system players end up missing requests and offers that are really good, unless ofcourse you visit the trading section and forums on all regions, 24 hours a day.


I'm unsure if pc users can trade with ps4 players, but if we can, let me know what parts or mods you need, i may be able to give them for free ;)

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Those who are referencing Diablo 3, you're forgetting that they had both an in-game currency and Real Money auction system.  The problem was the system did not factor in players who were able to amass billions of gold to buy top tier items and just sell them for real money.


If any sort of Auction system were to be implemented, I say keep it strictly credits only.  This will help newer players that don't have an option to buy plat, and it will keep the better/rare mods out of their reach unless they buy plat or farm the item themselves.  ie. A rank 2 Tenno cannot have maxed split chamber/serration (unless bought with plat).


Of course, keep trade available to those who wish to sell/buy/trade items for plat.

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Nope.. People would spend their time in action house reselling crap instead of playing + Economy would be destroyed

What economy? No one knows any pricing on anything.

I bought a bronco P blueprint for 3 plat. What were the other prices? 5, 20, 40, 90, 50, 80.

There's no actual correct price on anything. I just ignore any prices over 20 and I managed to get Frost Prime and 3 prime weapons on my first week.

The only things with SOMEWHAT of a price system are the mods, and that's the ones that have been maxed. Unranked mods are just as random in prices as anything else.

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Warframe's ... Item system isn't conducive to an auction/market system.


Trading needs to be improved, first. Why the hell do we need to go into a dojo to trade? Make it happen in the starmap, seriously.


Also, I'd rather see the Steam Market used, before there is an auction/market system implemented.

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Game improvements should be focused on giving players a better playing experience, not about giving traders better tools to exploit the RNG design flaws.


Trading is secondary to gameplay.


And there's already an auction house. It's called "Trading forum".


Why is it that only players who want to sell stuff ask for this? You won't see players looking for stuff asking for this, because we all know it would only hike prices.



Also: learn from other people's mistakes makes you wiser. Diablo 3 fiasco, etc.


I keep seeing people mention Diablo when it comes to Auction houses in warframe.


So it's worth pointing out why Diablo's Auction house was removed and why it has nothing to do with warframe.


Diablo 3 was designed from the ground up for people to make real money off the auction house, they designed the loot drops in the game to always be useless, every loot you got was 10-20 levels below your current level, even if you got a legendary, you just put it in your bank to use on an alt, not a single loot drop in that game was ever useful to anyone. to progress in the game you had to get your loot from the auction house.


I cannot think of anyway in warframe that I cannot progress thought the content without using an Auction house. All weapons and frames start at lvl0 and can be leveled up, The main issue of diablo dropping lvl40 loot for lvl60 characters cannot happen in warframe.


Please stop saying Auction houses will ruin warframe like it did diablo. 

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a UI with buy and sell orders would be superior to any auction system


u could make Darvo's Marketplace (just a UI screen), there u can place buy and sell orders with him for all tradeable items, he will take escrow and charge tax in the transaction process, all players can place a buy order for something they want or put up sell orders at whatever price they want

then we wont need the trading channel anymore, no more spam and haggling , items will only move if the price is right 


then u can sell and buy stuff even when not online, its more efficient and flexible 


when we have different faction u can mission for, u can increase your loyalty with Darvo and receive trading tax/order discounts 

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u could make Darvo's Marketplace (just a UI screen), there u can place buy and sell orders with him for all tradeable items, he will take escrow and charge tax in the transaction process, all players can place a buy order for something they want or put up sell orders at whatever price they want

then we wont need the trading channel anymore, no more spam and haggling , items will only move if the price is right 


then u can sell and buy stuff even when not online, its more efficient and flexible

It's called "Auction", you know?

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Yes, Warframe needs an auction house, or at least some sort of user-made markets that players can set up in their Dojos. I just hope that something better replaces the WTSWTTWTB compulsive chat because as it is right now is disturbing.

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I think an auction house/system would be the ultimate kick in the nuts for active players looking to make some plat. People will post up everything they've got at ridiculous prices (low and high alike) and come back bi-weekly to check them. 


No thanks. 

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a UI with buy and sell orders would be superior to any auction system


u could make Darvo's Marketplace (just a UI screen), there u can place buy and sell orders with him for all tradeable items, he will take escrow and charge tax in the transaction process, all players can place a buy order for something they want or put up sell orders at whatever price they want

then we wont need the trading channel anymore, no more spam and haggling , items will only move if the price is right 


then u can sell and buy stuff even when not online, its more efficient and flexible 


when we have different faction u can mission for, u can increase your loyalty with Darvo and receive trading tax/order discounts 



It's called "Auction", you know?


This is incorrect


Auction means - "a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder".

See here for education: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/auction


Sell and Buy orders would just be direct sales, there would be no bidding at all.

This results in a more stable market/prices.

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I feel an auction system would improve the way we trade significantly, as opposed to the ever sophisticated "wts.. wtb.. wtt" system we have in chat. Think mechanics similar to Forza, or Fifa. It will help clarify prices as comparison is made easier, and also would make it less of a chore.  Yes, this would render the trading kiosk pointless, but is this a better direction? Maybe the trading kiosk could become an 'auction kiosk' or something. What do you think?

This is odd coming from you given the fact you made a previous post trying to figure out ways to manage future inflation though adding a platinum tax.

The goal of trading is just that... Trade.


Auction Houses are a double edged swords. They allow people to sell items offline, but also create inflation and invite unsavory elements.


Prices are generally higher because barter and trade no longer play a part. They also open the door for organized re-sellers and RMT groups to come here and set up stakes. Because then trade would become organized enough for them to very quietly game the system.

That would be a very bad thing.

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The trade system is utterly terrible in this game, and I suppose I can't fault DE; it's not a core part of the experience. Perhaps I've just been spoilt rotten by Eve, or even the somewhat-organized Diablo 3 auction house (RIP, you useful yet game-breaking bastard.)

At the same time, though, a 'solution' is complex, and I'd recommend looking at implementations of other auction systems to gauge the pro/con ratio for a game like Warframe.


EDIT: Some people seem to be suggesting an amalgamation of a market and an auction house. Keep in mind that this will make prices plummet, and could hamstring DE's eventual profit out of the setup. One thing I've learnt with MMORPGs and markets is that there is always someone who values their time less than you do.

Edited by SilentCynic
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This is incorrect


Auction means - "a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder".

See here for education: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/auction


Sell and Buy orders would just be direct sales, there would be no bidding at all.

This results in a more stable market/prices.

Good game auction usualy can use both ways - bids and "buy now" button.

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Yes, it needs an Auction House.

With Bid / Buy Now options...


There is no downside to auction house apart from random people crying because they cant rip noobs off anymore...

It will create a stable economy and it will get more people trading...

Because honestly I bet not ever 2% of the community use the #Tradespamchat system...


Tried posting WTB once and ended up closing PM tabs for about 2min before just logging out and back in to get rid of them...

We want to be harassed, we want to go to a "Shop" (Auction house) and make a purchase then walk off...


Personally I'd rather not trade than post anything or message anyone in #Tradespamchat.


If DE dont want us to trade then remove the option altogether... If they do then make it comfortable and easy!

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Or a broker system where people list the price they want to buy an item at and the sellers can then sell item for the highest listed price right away.


Or the game informs the player that his bid was accepted and then both players can begin the trade process in the trade room to complete transaction.

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