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What Frames Need Work, And How Prioritized They Should Be.


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Brief Summations of Problems each frame has-

Vanguard Rhino- Nerf/Change/Remove Vanguard. It is ridiculous, and anybody who says otherwise is delusional. The frame is fine, vanguard is not.

Vanguard stat shouldn't be removed just tweak it to be 10-15% instead of 25%, but it shouldn't be removed completely as that will mess up alot of builds that uses it in place of the maxed Rush mod. Really all they need to do is make it so Rhino prime can't put  it on instead of removing it completely.if they do removed the stat completely instead of lowering the stat, it wont stop a rhino prime from just using Maxed rush and marathron and getting the same results running like the Rhino prime drank a can of red bull  before he got on the drop ship.


 DE did say that they wasn't gonna removed it as it be unfair to those who either crafted it which I did or bought it with plat for that stat, as it would become a bait and switch. Those who spent plat on it would rage if it was removed completely and DE don't want to make those folks angry. If any thing I think they should rework the charge skill to make it feel more usefull as people really use it for a speed boost, by changing his Charge skill into a Skill that make him tad faster as he Shoulder tackle a  target  that is selected,even go as far as making him run on all 4's making actual rhino sounds. Atleast that be more usefull then the current skill, Instead of that sliding that he does now, which looks like he has neon lights tack on for some reason..


The main two warframes to me that need help is ASH and Nekro's, Which are the other two warframes I have which i used for differnet purpose's.

Edited by genclaymore
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I would like Frost snowglobe to have only HP but also be able to "move around" with him like those "Ice leaders" do, like rhino's IS but maybe weaker since it covers a bigger area and applyes debuff to all the enemies within.

It's already weaker.

Iron Skin protects from direct damage, as well as ailments and knockdown.

Snow Globe simply blocks bullets outside the globe. As hard as it's been for countless people to believe (since the HP tweak to his SG), Snow Globe is not guaranteed protection/invulnerability. Let's not forget how massive a target the globe is from the get-go.


Other than that, I would adore a Mobile SG. Gives new meaning to the term, "Mobile Defense."

Edited by MagnusFury
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I do think the nerfs are warranted. Really, they basically take the content of the game, close line it, then take a massive dump over its mouth.

No joke.


Unlimited godmode? obviously cool.

Ability to wipe out hordes larger then the massive hordes of people protesting the cancellation of twinkies in the midwest US? On demand! Its gud.


Seriously, they are pretty insane. That isn't to say you just take them and say F*** you lolol, I removed ur powers and made you less useful then a snail with a tooth pick. You have to be intelligent with how you nerf things.




i dont agree with nerfs predominately because contrary to popular belief there are people that like having the option to Godmode with trinity and you would be infringing upon their likeness to use that ability.  alot of people like things that are over powered 


my solution would be for people that think its to easy to find another frame that suits their notion to have a "challenge" or simply not use that particular strait.


the only thing i think is a grey area where we should be discussing possible changes or tweaks would be nova and i personally dont have a problem with it because I believe that the stories about her ruining participation are exaggerated.  


BUT if you were going to change nova... this would be my change to molecular prime

it would still mostly appease the nova runners and help with this nagging problem that people tend to speak about in sequences

in bold and underlined 



if you really wanted to tweak it then the thing you would to is to have it where nova sets up and before she activates you highlight 7 random enemies max in the room

you could strike the ability key to circulate through and highlight a different seven enemies

that way you would have to decide on who to highlight... the tiny lancer or the ancient/napalm gunner thats closer to you

then you would activate the ability

it could still give all the same effects slow, extra damage, explode but now you have to pick and choose. also the game wouldn't let you highlight 2 enemies right next to each other there would have to be it least 1 enemy in between them.

that way if you wanted explosion chains you would have to position youself


and others dont have to complain and moan about the 1000s of times (which in reality is only like once of twice) where a nova took all their kills 



now you could change the amount of enemies (maybe 5 or 6) but i think that seven is a reasonable number and this would be the best change 

Edited by (PS4)pmnovaroadspilot
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you could strike the ability key to circulate through and highlight a different seven enemies

that way you would have to decide on who to highlight... the tiny lancer or the ancient/napalm gunner thats closer to you

then you would activate the ability

it could still give all the same effects slow, extra damage, explode but now you have to pick and choose. also the game wouldn't let you highlight 2 enemies right next to each other there would have to be it least 1 enemy in between them.

that way if you wanted explosion chains you would have to position youself


and others dont have to complain and moan about the 1000s of times (which in reality is only like once of twice) where a nova took all their kills 


Overlly complicated, by the end you all those steps ur nova would be dead.

Simple limit it to 5 or 7 nearest or random enemies, and done.

Edited by 7grims
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Overlly complicated, by the end you all those steps ur nova would be dead.

Simple limit it to 5 or 7 nearest or random enemies, and done.

thats why you have to use that mobility that we all know and love if it was a alley way then yes probably for design sake you would do that.  


besides you can still use her other tools while you set that up


plus that way you would still have range to it too and it would provide help to someone whos close but fighting a mob of his own. it gives more utility 

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Nyx's Mind Control needs reworked. I already complained about it being underused for what it should be used for. And that people don't seem to care if you used it on a potentially useful enemy or not.

Mind Control should be more permanent (And I mean forever.) Or at least last a hell of a lot longer than it should. Make the MC'd enemy's AI change so it follows the user of the ability. In terms of how to recognize it is MC'd is still in question because other players will not care if you used it and just mow it down which was a pisser in my opinion, what if you MC'd because it benefited the entire cooperative play? Surely you would use it on a Napalm during Defense just to distract a whole bunch of more common Grineer units while the MC worked its magic on turning them into ashes, or Ancient healers healing you and your entire team. ...Nope, instead, they decide to shoot it down. Making your efforts useless, so make it impossible for friendly fire.

So simply put, Mind Control will either be a forever lasting, or at least have a gradually longer time limit. the Mind Controlled enemy not sustained by friendly fire so it can make itself useful for any Tenno but needs a better visual indication as such. And some complained before it will be a troll if someone can't kill it in Defense, Exterminate, or what ever mission that requires to kill to move ahead which I came and made it so that the said MC'd is marked off as dead until either it expired (Time or death) or another MC'd has been used, therefore leaving the previous MC'd is considered alive and hostile again.

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^Or you could just leave it as it is, considering it's her 1st power and I can get away with using it for about 15 energy without any corrupt mods, and with flow I have a massive energy store of 450, I can spam this thing all day long. Also I believe they do follow Nyx to an extent, but will target any enemies and stop to attack. 


What if I just MC Napalms and Bombards or Heavy gunners so they can't shoot me? I do it, best CC move vs a single target in the game, it's excellent for capture missions, I can empty a clip into them or hit them in the face with impunity, for about 15 seconds. 


So I MC a target at the beginning, forget to kill it/ had to move on after killing everything to  and then have to go back through the entire lvl to search for it, because it wasn't killed when MC shifted to another target, as that target can't be killed in MC so I have to wait until it expires. That's simply frustrating. Sometimes I want to kill something because I either hit the wrong enemy, or a Bombard just popped up, and it's a better target. 


Can't do much about other players unfortunately, they either won't care, or just don't pay attention. The better ones realise it and leave it alone for a while, of whittle it's HP down then leave it.

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Can say about Valkyr, she really needs a little rework:
1. Rip Line - fine as it is.
2. Warcry - think will need a little buff to energy cost or speed buff change to Attack speed.
3. Paralysis - one of the most useless skills I see here, damage from Shield is good idea, but bad in practice, in some Nightmare mode you don't have shields at all so deal 0 damage, stun - need to cat Paralysis 5+ times (if you're lucky) to stun 2-3 enemies from 6+ and for very short period in 90% of situations, it's range think is normal, so think need rework - take off damage and give better stun chance or remade its damage system, cost is good, but to stun enemies for me better cast once and stun 6/6 enemies for 0.8-1+ sec if not with 100% chance as minimum with 80-90% chance and use f.e. 30 Energy then cast it 6+ times and use for 1 cast 5 energy and totally use same 30 with stunning 2 enemies from 6 for 0.5- sec if lucky.
4. Hysteria - Think need a little animation reworks and make it more useful if not with Stalker so with Bosses as minimum, also it looks some OP for PvP and UP for boss farm and if Stalker comes, so for me it's more OK then too bad one.
5. Valkyr Armor - sounds good, but works bad 900+ armor give too low protection and for me better she will have 300+ shield then 900 armor for now on Loki and Mag I'm more protected then on Valkyr with her higher armor in the game...

It's all my opinions and ofc I can be wrong...
Also sorry for my bad English.

Edited by Eldrad-Ulthran
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Just because CC abilities/elements make Infested a laughable threat doesn't give a good reason (imo) to nerf a CC-oriented frame.


If we're making an enemy specifically designed to take Vauban out, I expect every frame to start fearing something designed for the sole purpose of killing them.

Hell, it might encourage staying together with your teammates.


We don't need a single enemy with the purpose of killing each Frame.


We just need each faction to have an ult/CC resistant enemy. Especially if he can confer that ability to others.


In case you missed it - "ancient Healer *resists* Your Molecular Prime"

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This list is in no way comprehensive, nor spellchecked perfect. If you disagree with something, keep it civil. If you support something, make sure to let DE know.


I agree with everything in the OP except that MP needs the CC removed. There is no beneficial ability that cannot be paired with an equivalent tradeoff.


Rather than removing it's upside - I think we should instead tradeoff some of MP's flexibility. Also remember, you're buffing other frames too, so it's not going to stand out quite as much.


When you cast MP, it should unprime any targets that are currently primed.

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I agree that Booben does make Infested killing rather easy. What would be an easier fix would merely be to give the infested a new infested type that was some sort of artillery-type, where it could lob AOE projectiles of poison at far range, or maybe with a projectile infested that shoots acid like an Acrid or a stream of acid like an Embolist or an acid Synapse. It would get around having to rebalance Booben while expanding the world with a new Infested type.

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