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Continual content releases instead of legitimate work towards core gameplay experience is what killed the game. Really, there is nothing. Diablo has more depth than Warframe as far as its core goes, and the two games are in essence the same thing; an rpg-esque looter game with character that have special power.


Warframe is in its infancy, and it's being smothered in the crib beneath a pile of garbage weapons and mods that no amount of 2.0ing will fix until the parents make the crib at least three times bigger than they did when the baby first got here. If I were to offer one bit of advice to its parents, I'd say to salvage the baby and throw the crib out with the garbage weapons and mods. You can always build a new one and try again...

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As far as higher rank players I think they just want higher level and harder content. After you can solo outer terminus, got all the corrupted vault mods,nightmare modes, done all the t3 voids to the point it's not very challenging then theres not much left to do, except taxi people and wait for nightmare alerts (I do enjoy those)


Give us t4 void (with the amount of new primes coming out it would help desaturate the loot tables), another planet that has lvl40-60 mobs to give people something challenging to do until badlands, proxywars etc comes out

Bless you.

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It's a whole host if different factors all rolled up into one big bundle that we call the gaming experience. No one particular issue is to blame, but put them all together and you get something people generally aren't fond of for long. Plenty of great games are 90% story, others are 90% action, and everything in between.


The problem with Warframe is that it doesn't excel in any of these areas to any sort of profound fluency that can be compared to most other games that are similar to it. People looking for character development won't be fulfilled, people looking for PvP won't be fulfilled, and people looking for challenging and rewarding endgame to pursue won't be fulfilled.


It's not that these things don't exist, it's just that why play something that tries to cover all of them at once poorly when you can find something else that fits exactly what you're looking for, whether it be story, action, or what have you, in it's particular division perfectly?

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I log in and have nothing left to do, que up a forma, then log out. One of these days they'll make a patch I can't quite swallow in a week, but, yeah. It's not a completed game, so, that's okay, I just hope eventually they work some replayability in there so I can be like "I play Warframe," and not "I beat Warframe," because that's how it feels right now.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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we....need...better....enemies......and better....ai


Enter a room with 20 of the smartest AI ever made, get ready for the battle of your lives. Nova presses 4.The room is clear.  Everyone gives her a dirty look. Nova shrugs. what?

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I guess it's that time of the month for yet another "this game is dying" thread.

More anecdotal evidence to add to the pile: my clan keeps growing and growing, with more active players all the time.

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Enter a room with 20 of the smartest AI ever made, get ready for the battle of your lives. Nova presses 4.The room is clear.  Everyone gives her a dirty look. Nova shrugs. what?


Nova has nothing to do with smarter/better AI.  I'm not the one to scream derailment, but it seems like you have your own personal issues with Nova.


Edit:  Also to shut down your statement.  A sub-boss and/or boss and/or General Leader who can't be "primed."

Edited by Ishki88
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It basically suffers from what all primarily PvE games seem to suffer from: Having a finite number of things to do. A pure PvP game can last practically forever since the challenge is supplied by other humans who can do things like struggle, rally, and try unexpected things that AI cannot. Most every match plays out differently in some fashion. Warframe, however, is in the same boat that WoW, GW2, etc is when it comes to keeping players. You have to keep making new things to do in the PvE part to keep those people interested. In between big batches of shiny unique things to do, people are going to take a break or quit. New weapons/frames/tilesets  don't solve the problem because they don't really change gameplay enough to bring back the bored people. People may stop in to see them or come back briefly to craft them, but they'll likely be gone again soon after.


Warframe is going to have to keep adding new bosses, or raid-like missions to keep people coming back for PvE, just like all the big boy MMOs do. It's either that or make an end-game PvP system that is compelling to play and make the PvE just part of the journey to the top. The game Ragnarok Online has managed to milk their game for something like 10 years because the guild v guild PvP that you do at end game is actually fun, even though the PvE component is repetitive. And that game doesn't have near the polish and feel of Warframe.

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For me it's the lack of one's options to WORK for what he wants.



1). I wanted the Hammer Shot mod.

 - asked on clan chat

 - went to wiki

 - decided that I am not strong enough to do Nightmare missions

 - worked and became strong enough (warframe + wep)

 - did Nightmare missions for 2 weeks (not 23 hours/day, but as much as my RL allowed me to)

 - never found one. 

 - I gave up.


2).I wanted the boltor BP.

 - I had no T3 MD keys. 

 - I went to the wiki / forums / youtube / reddit in search of ways to find T3 Keys.

 - Wrote down where and how to do it.

 - Went and did it.

 - 4 days later I have 0 (zero) T3 MD keys that I found.

 - I gave up.


3). Heard about Stalker

 - went to wiki / forums / etc

 - started doing 1 assassination -> 1 normal mission

 - he came for me 3 times

 - he died 3 times

 - he rewarded me with 4-5 Slash Dash mods

 - I gave up.


Unlucky me? Buggy drop table? DE wanting me to buy plat? A combination of the previous?

Edited by senmurai
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For me it's the lack of one's options to WORK for what he wants.



1). I wanted the Hammer Shot mod.

 - asked on clan chat

 - went to wiki

 - decided that I am not strong enough to do Nightmare missions

 - worked and became strong enough (warframe + wep)

 - did Nightmare missions for 2 weeks (not 23 hours/day, but as much as my RL allowed me to)

 - never found one. 

 - I gave up.


2).I wanted the boltor BP.

 - I had no T3 MD keys. 

 - I went to the wiki / forums / youtube / reddit in search of ways to find T3 Keys.

 - Wrote down where and how to do it.

 - Went and did it.

 - 4 days later I have 0 (zero) T3 MD keys that I found.

 - I gave up.


3). Heard about Stalker

 - went to wiki / forums / etc

 - started doing 1 assassination -> 1 normal mission

 - he came for me 3 times

 - he died 3 times

 - he rewarded me with 4-5 Slash Dash mods

 - I gave up.


Unlucky me? Buggy drop table? DE wanting me to buy plat? A combination of the previous?

All 3 problem can be solved with farming plat by flipping mods on the market. 

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For me:

The new experience buzz has worn off a bit, and now is that time where the strength of the dev's plans and the attitude of the community will truly make or break the game.

The good news is: The game isn't P2Win and is Free 2 Play. Devs are active and they listen, awesome art, animations, and graphics, Has a unique feel.

The bad news is : Grindy, Stingy RNG, Expensive cash shop, Limited variance of content.

I think everyone will be able to tell if it's a Dodo or an Eagle by summer's end.


For my part, I'll still be around if they are still giving it their best. It won't be my only game though. I enjoy actually having a game world to run around and explore in and this game doesn't have it.

Much of the stuff they have slated for later in the year holds no interest for me.  I won't be working with other Clans to get to special areas, so I'll never see them. The alliance with NPC style consortiums is interesting and I can't wait to experience it. The Focus thing sounds like more RNG and I'm kinda burned out on that aspect of the game presently... We'll see.

The big determiners for me will be the frequency, quality, and length of events. The quality and quantity of dev interaction with the community. And, the community. If it's a reasonably happy place with a community that's finding stuff to do and looking for ways to make the game better from inside, I'll be around alot. 

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The problem is that the missions are under developed.  I suspect that the reason why they are under developed is because they are not targeted to player psycology.  Many of the missions are "go there do that".  Which makes them pretty much the same.  It does not matter If I'm destroying a ship's core or fetching some data packets.  It's still "go there do that".  It's the same action.  All of those style missions will appeal to anybody who likes "go there do that".  Whoever likes respawning hordes has survival, defense, and MD.  But, there are no missions for players interested in other actions and perspectives.  There are no missions that are well suited to stealth players.  There is no mission well suited to people who hate AoE spam.  There are no missions suited to people who want a high or low TTK, for the players or the enemy.  There are no missions for people who think the game is too slow, or too fast paced.  There are no missions for payers that want to feel necessary to the team.  Or, they exist but are hidden behind RNG or waves of lower level enemies.  Etc.


Many forum commentators don't accept the concept of sharing the game.  Anything they dislike, they incessantly call for the removal of even if they are aware that it would ruin a lot of other player's fun.  Such players cannot be negotiated with.  They have to be kept separate.  They need missions that suit them.


DE, like most video game companies, resists seeing the fact that player/customer bases are inherently fractured.   DE, like so much of the video gaming industry, tries to avoid having separate sandboxes for players.  They try to make compromises that cause the least amount of player loss.  But, that doesn't really work for long.  Eventually, all it does is &!$$ everyone off because no one gets what they truly want.  Everyone gets compromises, game after game after game..............., just compromises. 


Eventually, players learn to just play Rocksmith 2014, where there is no grind, no nerfs, and it's entirely skill based, but there is fun to be had regardless of your skill level, and stay away from other games which are just doomed to be nerfed from the start and get worse because they are not built to satisfy.  Most games are built with the notion of the developer getting away with as much dissatisfaction as possible.  It's as if game developers want to be gold farmers.  Advertise "End Game", the knight in shining white armor, but start the player off in tattered underwear, wielding a rusty shiv against rats the size and disposition of pitbulls, in tavern basements.   Keep them in that state as long as possible until they buy an account ready for endgame so they can get past the long gauntlet of boredom.  If games didn't have boredom blocking "end game" there would be no gold farmers.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Nova has nothing to do with smarter/better AI.  I'm not the one to scream derailment, but it seems like you have your own personal issues with Nova.


Edit:  Also to shut down your statement.  A sub-boss and/or boss and/or General Leader who can't be "primed."


Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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just waiting for melee 2.0.

the game has lots of people coming back to it every major update.


Unless Melee 2.0 adds new, substantial content where we can use that new system, then no. It won't.


People come back for major updates and then go back to not playing until the next major update. There is nowhere where we can test our skills outside of breaking the game: long defenses and survivals. There's also competing with friends for most kills/damage at the end of a mission, but there's really not much else.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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several reasons this happens

Generation gap

Culture gap

Video gaming gap

Age gap(which goes to generation gap sorta)


Problem is you have different generations of gamers, different cultures seeking different game styles, ages where older people like repetive stuff like Mario, younger people tend to lean more towards games with 99% cutscenes and 1% gameplay... Its kinda like how older people prefer Final Fantasy VII over XIII which was awful to be honest...


Me personally? here is an example of me. I played Predator concrete jungle till I collected everything in the game and then went to training mode with all that gear, and with infinite ammo, and infinite victims... I just went on a never ending killing spree... you can also do this in the xenomorph level, but killing humans is always more entertaining then killing Xenomorphs. Seriously shooting human heads off with a spear gun, and try to hit certain targets, or just get fancy with mines, and disc never gets old... repetitive... but if I am having a blast why stop? Heck I could play any GTA game and just spend the day mindlessly screwing around... Heck in Zelda Ocarina of time, I beat the game 100%... had it all... and then roleplayed with myself LOL... I am easily entertained... which is why I stick to warframe, and RARELY complain if ever... usually about 99.99% of the things DE does I don't complain about because I am happy about it. which is why you see me white knighting against the rest of you guys all day because I am happy... lol. Anyway please do continue talking about why people are leaving. I am just a crazy person that turns boredom into something fun.

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HEy. A little birdie told me there is ALOT coming. Seriously. We should be patient. That focus/badland stuff is GOING TO BE DOPE. The lore IS THERE. Please. Trust me. BE PATIENT. They want to do this right.



Unless it brings a planet with missions starting with lvl60 mobs I won't be back like I used to.

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Endless grind. Lack of balance. Boring missions. Lack of teamplay. RNG. Disconnects. No lore. Too much RPG and too less twitch shooter. Useless pakour element. Bad matchmaking.


Honestly, the hype surrounding this game astonishes me, to say the least.

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Endless grind. Lack of balance. Boring missions. Lack of teamplay. RNG. Disconnects. No lore. Too much RPG and too less twitch shooter. Useless pakour element. Bad matchmaking.


Honestly, the hype surrounding this game astonishes me, to say the least.


The fact that people is interested in paying 140€ and more astonishes me a lot more.

Edited by Phantasmo
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Endless grind. Lack of balance. Boring missions. Lack of teamplay. RNG.  No lore. Too much RPG

endless grind=good

lack of balance= better

Boring missions!?= someone needs to play around more

lack of team play?= yeah... in pugs.. but even then you get lucky with team players

RNG= better than tokens

no lore?= should've been at every event, livestream, and listened in on what was said in game, and read around... plenty of it.

Too much RPG?= what rpg? I WISH we had RPG.

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The problem is that the missions are under developed.  I suspect that the reason why they are under developed is because they are not targeted to player psycology.  Many of the missions are "go there do that".  Which makes them pretty much the same.  It does not matter If I'm destroying a ship's core or fetching some data packets.  It's still "go there do that".  It's the same action.  All of those style missions will appeal to anybody who likes "go there do that".  Whoever likes respawning hordes has survival, defense, and MD.  But, there are no missions for players interested in other actions and perspectives.  There are no missions that are well suited to stealth players.  There is no mission well suited to people who hate AoE spam.  There are no missions suited to people who want a high or low TTK, for the players or the enemy.  There are no missions for people who think the game is too slow, or too fast paced.  There are no missions for payers that want to feel necessary to the team.  Or, they exist but are hidden behind RNG or waves of lower level enemies.  Etc.


Many forum commentators don't accept the concept of sharing the game.  Anything they dislike, they incessantly call for the removal of even if they are aware that it would ruin a lot of other player's fun.  Such players cannot be negotiated with.  They have to be kept separate.  They need missions that suit them.


DE, like most video game companies, resists seeing the fact that player/customer bases are inherently fractured.   DE, like so much of the video gaming industry, tries to avoid having separate sandboxes for players.  They try to make compromises that cause the least amount of player loss.  But, that doesn't really work for long.  Eventually, all it does is &!$$ everyone off because no one gets what they truly want.  Everyone gets compromises, game after game after game..............., just compromises. 


Eventually, players learn to just play Rocksmith 2014, where there is no grind, no nerfs, and it's entirely skill based, but there is fun to be had regardless of your skill level, and stay away from other games which are just doomed to be nerfed from the start and get worse because they are not built to satisfy.  Most games are built with the notion of the developer getting away with as much dissatisfaction as possible.  It's as if game developers want to be gold farmers.  Advertise "End Game", the knight in shining white armor, but start the player off in tattered underwear, wielding a rusty shiv against rats the size and disposition of pitbulls, in tavern basements.   Keep them in that state as long as possible until they buy an account ready endgame so they can get past the long gauntlet of boredom.  If games didn't have boredom blocking "end game" there would be no gold farmers.

There is so much truth in this statement. All of the things I've felt that I could have never put into words.



Endless grind. Lack of balance. Boring missions. Lack of teamplay. RNG. Disconnects. No lore. Too much RPG and too less twitch shooter. Useless pakour element. Bad matchmaking.


Honestly, the hype surrounding this game astonishes me, to say the least.


TL:DR of the current state of the game.

Edited by kaboomonme
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You say you're recruiting new players... have you looked at the new player experience? It's a mess.

- Awful weapons that feel bad to use

- Poor mod drops when progression is based around extremely rare damage increase mods

- Inability to craft anything before Saturn/Jupiter/Mars

- Those planets being gated by Earth, and Earth's difficulty regularly becomes a nightmare - see presently Eurasia and Lua being impossible for new players after they were supposedly fixed.


We see a thread about once a week when someone goes back and tries starting a new account, and it's always the same: "wow, I didn't realise newbies had it this bad!". Yet nothing's been done about it.


Given up on trying to recruit friends. Unsurprised fresh subs are dropping like flies.

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