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Stalker Has An Upgrade?


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Just failed a T3 Def because showed up and used Nyx's  Absorb on the pod, instant fail. It was wave 3 or 4 and almost all the eneimies were dead when he showed up.Pod's health was a-ok.


Before that he also took all my energy, scrambled me al la Disruptors.


Since when does he take energy? and uses Nyx's Abosrob?  These are both new to me.


I don't mind the upgrade/changes but something needs to be fixed so he doesn't one shot the damn pod in def.  -_-

Edited by avinity8
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Th energy drain is news to me. I have seen him use absorb, teleport and dispel on a regular basis. Back with U10 they experimented with him using other warframe abilities, it was real fun not knowing what abilities he might hit you with. Think dispel on your iron skin, mag pull then one shot with hate.

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Yeah, you could learn to play.

Yea and you can learn to read.I play far better than you sure.  You're on ignore now kiddo.


Saps the energy? i thought he only saps rhino's iron skin :P


Yes, he sucked my energy and my UI went scramble mode like when Disruptors do it. There's no disruptors in T3 Def (to my knowledge) he wwas only one around and it was while he was doing Nyx Absorb.

he saps buffs and stuff... maybe you spammed ur skills, he spammed his dispell and you ran out of energy.


About absorb i dont remember exactly in which updated they give it to him... but it's months he has it


Ahh, I don't farm him and it's been awhile but forgot bout the Nyx skill. But it one shotting the pod sucks, Lol

Thanks OP now DE is gonna nerf him even more because someone died by him :(

You're welcome now go thank your reading teacher for failing to teach you proper comprehension skills, since no one died. Actually read and comprehend troll.

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Don't know and can't comment, haven't seen him in ages :(


It's just lame we had no chance vs him inside the Nyx's Absorb and so close tot he pod which was at full healt. A few mobs left around, still shooting and our sentinels by defaults shooting at him. Only helped to power his absorb too.


Again I don't mine his upgrade, but counters to him killing the pod like that needs/should be fixed.

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The problem is that people shoot Stalker while in Absorb mode. If he uses it near a pod you are essentially shooting the pod yourself.

But yeah, some more feedback on what is happening would be nice. Its not realy clear to players who maybe don't know Absorb or the fact that Stalker has it.


All these abilities were designed for PvE. DE is just starting to translate them into PvP/EvP abilities. And yes, there is a huge difference on how you design abilities against players and npc's. Mostly the fact that you have to design an ability visually and mechanic wise in a way that a player can respond to it. You don't have to care about that vs npc's since they are programmed to respond.


And here is where I think Stalker's Absorb could use an visual update to make it clear what is happening.



I remember when I was playing IO with 3 clanmates and one random player. Stalker used Absorb near the pod. Now guess which Rhino emptied his Soma on him :D

You an imagine I was kinda mad at him but then again he just didn't knew any better.

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The stalker is a joke. I killed him with a 2 forma Boar Prime.

He dropped me a Dread (my second one in a month) and later a Despair (1st one).

I managed to get all 3 of his weapons in a month. I killed him like 20 times. And gotten 4 blueprints from him.

He's a pushover and DE should buff him again.

Ask my friends on PS4, he literally dies in less than 5 seconds of appearing. Stalker is a joke.

And so is Lephantis. We killed the golem in less than 3 minutes. Doing speed runs on him just to get orokin cells and equilibrium.

While we're on topic, please buff the Harvester too. I killed him with an unranked Zephyr and a rank 12 Sicarus Prime when dat four legged fiend came into a defense mission I was on. WTF? I managed to get all his parts (barrel, receiver and blueprint) within two encounters in a single day.

Either buff them or reduce their drop rate. They are becoming a running joke among the PS4 community.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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The stalker is a joke. I killed him with a 2 forma Boar Prime.

He dropped me a Dread (my second one in a month) and later a Despair (1st one).

I managed to get all 3 of his weapons in a month. I killed him like 20 times. And gotten 4 blueprints from him.

He's a pushover and DE should buff him again.

Ask my friends on PS4, he literally dies in less than 5 seconds of appearing. Stalker is a joke.

And so is Lephantis. We killed the golem in less than 3 minutes. Doing speed runs on him just to get orokin cells and equilibrium.


Yea when i joined the game i August he was good. Then updates later he became OP, then recently he was squishy baby and everyone like 1 shot him seemingly. Even today we almost raped him then at 5% he went into Nyx absorb, and here we are -_-


He def needs a buff, but nothing glitchy or something that can lead to a Def fail. Like have him not able to do dmg to the pods. Or his Absorb at least.

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Yea when i joined the game i August he was good. Then updates later he became OP, then recently he was squishy baby and everyone like 1 shot him seemingly. Even today we almost raped him then at 5% he went into Nyx absorb, and here we are -_-


He def needs a buff, but nothing glitchy or something that can lead to a Def fail. Like have him not able to do dmg to the pods. Or his Absorb at least.

When he does his absorb ability, stay away from him, so he doesn't 1 shot you. 50 meters is a safe distance. After he does his absorb thingy, go near him again and pump his face full of lead.

Also, it helps if you can lure him away from the Pod. I always do that when I see him in a defense mission.

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When he does his absorb ability, stay away from him, so he doesn't 1 shot you. 50 meters is a safe distance. After he does his absorb thingy, go near him again and pump his face full of lead.

Also, it helps if you can lure him away from the Pod. I always do that when I see him in a defense mission.


Please read the thread  ;)

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Please read the thread ;)

The Disruptor thingy? Never seen it. Killed him even before he can do anything. And that is after U12.

Pretty much, when he shows up, we will yell "come get your freebies" to the other players in the cell.

Actually, I have never seen him using any abilities except that ability where he kneels over and says "I have failed. Friedricetheman lives".

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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The Disruptor thingy? Never seen it. Killed him even before he can do anything. And that is after U12.

Pretty much, when he shows up, we will yell "come get your freebies" to the other players in the cell.

Actually, I have never seen him using any abilities except that ability where he kneels over and says "I have failed. Friedricetheman lives".

Thing is, as we were brutally killing him, he went into Nyx's Absorb last 5% or so of his life. You can't damage him while in Absorb.


Only thing you can do to prevent this is have the person who is targeted get away from the pod. That way stalker will spawn somewhere safe and the pod won't get destroyed if he uses absorb.

This is the only solution I can think of as well. Sadly, for public matches and newcomers, people whom never met Stalker this tactic won't be used much. Especially depending on which wave he pops up on and how many enemies are around. Protect pod but also keep Stalker away incase he goes Abosrb >_<

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Yes, he sucked my energy and my UI went scramble mode like when Disruptors do it. There's no disruptors in T3 Def (to my knowledge)


There can be mag leaders who can do the same thing as the disruptors only with a aoe attack instead of a direct attack.

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