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Rhino Prime Golden Iron Skin Feedback Megathread


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I should have screenshotted it when I had the chance, but I didn't. I was in a Xini run with two Rhino Primes, and one of them was gold and it looks pretty damn cool. But the other Rhino Prime had normal Golden Skin. Also, the Rhino Prime with the golden Iron skin said that it was just normal on his screen. And no one else could see it but me. I for one think that if they made that an optional thing for Rhino Primes, it would be awesome. Because he looked pretty sweet. With the right color schemes you could look cooler than ever. And I want to let everyone know it wasn't his energy.The pulsing lights and colors weren't able to be seen like normal Iron Skin, he was just straight up metallic gold skinned. Hopefully De makes this something that isn't buggy and is an actual option because I am 100% down for it. I was pretty disappointed that Rhino prime Iron Skin was normal, honestly. 

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Lol When i try to use iron skin [that is now on 1 and still have the Rhino Charge icon] I [on my friends screen] glide forward and have a golden iron skin HOWEVER.... I do not see iron skin and if i get hit, my shields/health go down.

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Before I start, I'd actually like to say much thanks to DE for actually listening to us fans who clamored for Rhino Prime to look distinct from the normal counterpart during Iron Skin, and that they actually took the time and effort to give Rhino Prime a different Iron Skin now. We appreciate the gesture very much. Also, love that Iron Skin is smooth now, without the odd bumps.


That said, I do honestly think that as currently implemented, the new "Golden" Iron Skin somewhat looks horrid. I think I can speak for the rest of us that when we were asking for Rhino Prime to get a Golden Iron Skin, we expected it to be actual Gold, the same as the actual gold on Prime items.


For actual screenshot examples, here's the base Rhino Prime, wielding a Boltor Prime:




As can be seen, the gold on both the Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime are bright yellow and shiny, with much "fuller" chromatic colors that properly reflect the light off it. This is what gives Prime items their majesty.


In comparison, this is what the new "Golden" Iron Skin looks like:




The "Gold" Skin hardly looks gold at all, and looks more like a algae-greenish Iron Skin, with lots of dark spots. This is more apparent due to the immediate comparison with the bright gold on the Boltor Prime, which actually does look golden. In my opinion the new Iron Skin more resembles the Viral proc than the majestic Gold that you'd see on Primes.  


(Another smaller issue with the new Iron Skin is how it now covers parts it didn't before, like the belly).


Do wish for the new Iron Skin to look more Golden than it is now, more Boltor Prime and less Viral.

Edited by LGear
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It is gold, but due to the high specularity and reflectivity of the Iron Skin material, it's reflecting all the blue around you, which is why it doesn't look gold. If you guys want it to be GOLD GOLD, the suggestion you should put forth is that it's reflectivity be toned down so that we can see more of it's actual material colour.

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It is gold, but due to the high specularity and reflectivity of the Iron Skin material, it's reflecting all the blue around you, which is why it doesn't look gold. If you guys want it to be GOLD GOLD, the suggestion you should put forth is that it's reflectivity be toned down so that we can see more of it's actual material colour.


While that is actually kind of true, it still actually looks greenish even in a place like Phobos:




Suggesting that there's also something off about the base color.


Now yellow is close to green in the color spectrum, and thus why even the gold on the Boltor Prime has a very small hint of green, but the Gold Iron Skin is much closer to green than yellow, which is yet again apparent due to the Boltor Prime's gold standing out a lot more.


Given that the gold on Prime items and Warframes are quite capable of staying gold no matter what environment you go to, from Grineer Asteroids to Phobos to Orokin Derelicts, the new Golden Iron Skin should be up to the same as well.

Edited by LGear
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While that is actually kind of true, it still actually looks greenish even in a place like Phobos:

Do you use Colour Correction? I know Phobos often has a filter that makes some colours appear slightly greener than they are normally.

There is also the chance that the base colour is indeed a little too on the olive side, but I still think this is mainly to do with the reflectivity.

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Do you use Colour Correction? I know Phobos often has a filter that makes some colours appear slightly greener than they are normally.

There is also the chance that the base colour is indeed a little too on the olive side, but I still think this is mainly to do with the reflectivity.


Huh. I turned off color correction, and for some reason everything looks better.


That doesn't really solve the "green" Iron Skin though. In fact, here's what Iron Skin looks like to me in an Orokin Void mission, aka the place with the whitest light sources in game, with color correction off:




In a place with lots of gold and white light, the Iron Skin's green tint is actually even more apparent, indicating that the base color is more greenish.


Edit: It's also apparent that no matter where you bring it, the Boltor Prime's gold remains vibrantly gold and shiny.  

Edited by LGear
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IMO, DE should just go back to the standard Iron Skin look because it was fine as it was. There is no reason for Rhino Prime to be getting all this special attention when the other primes are barely different than their non-prime counterpart.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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IMO, DE should just go back to the standard Iron Skin look because it was fine as it was. There is no reason for Rhino Prime to be getting all this special attention when the other primes are barely different than their non-prime counterpart.


A reason for why Rhino Prime's Iron Skin should be gold is because unlike the other Primes, Rhino's Iron Skin is an ability that replaces a significant amount of its appearance during normal gameplay. It also has the unfortunate effect of obscuring the color features that differentiate Rhino Prime from its normal counterpart. When you see a Mag Prime, its golden tints make it apparent that it's a Prime; and Ember Prime's gold is physically designed differently enough that you can tell it's a Prime at a glance, not to mention its flaming head. (Now I do think Frost Prime needs more obvious gold in its body, as replacing its helmet makes it nearly identical to the normal). Hence, why not make Rhino's most visible ability - Iron Skin - more obviously "Prime"?


Thinking about it some more though, having the Gold Iron Skin have the same level of specularity as the Boltor Prime - or other Primes - gold would be a bad idea. While the level of shine on Primes is perfect, that's only because they're trims and thin parts. Given how much of the Rhino's body is covered by Iron Skin, having a very shiny Iron Skin on the same level as Prime Gold would make Rhino a literal eyesore especially in bright environments like Phobos and Orokin Void.


I still think the current implementation of Iron Skin doesn't look too good, mostly because of its base color, which appears more dark green rather than yellow. As someone who's personally experienced trying to replicate gold in digital art, it's too easy to make gold look green due to how close the two colors are in the color spectrum. Thus, most gold in digital art is made out of a bright yellow with dark orange, brown, or white mixed in, which makes for better golden colors. A fix I can suggest is to reduce the reflectivity of the Iron Skin as noogums suggested (so it doesn't reflect environment colors so easily), increasing specularity to give it shine (not to the same level as Prime Gold though), and finally changing the base color to remove the greenish tint.


Now that I think about it, the reflectivity and specularity changes to the Gold Iron Skin could also benefit the normal Rhino Iron Skin, to make it truly look Chrome.  

Edited by LGear
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hi, i just made rhino prime and i had a surprize, a bad one, my iron skin is just and only golden... and tbh is not that i hate it but i would prefer to let me choose my colour of choice like in normal rhino, if iwant it gold i can choose yelow, if i want it another  then i chose whatever, so pls make it as before, thx

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