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[Devstream 25] Old Helmets Losing Stats : De, There Are Better Ways To Do This


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In the event DE decides we're both right, making it exclusive to older players is not the answer. In that scenario, everyone who is saying that stats should simply be a separate slot that act exactly the same as helmets without the helmet are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. This is one of those scenarios that makes literally everyone involved happy, because functionally nothing has changed.

i'll just quote that cause that's the way to go imo

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It is easier for DE to just remove stats, than to balance them. And that is the biggest issue here. They dont wanna listen about "Essence helmet is ugly, but has great stats" or "Vanguard is to OP, nerf it" stuff, so they are taking easier way.

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It is easier for DE to just remove stats, than to balance them. And that is the biggest issue here. They dont wanna listen about "Essence helmet is ugly, but has great stats" or "Vanguard is to OP, nerf it" stuff, so they are taking easier way.


But, the stats still exist. IF Vanguard is OP, why the hell is it for sale for money? (Oh, no pay to win, right? Yes, of course.) So, they warn everyone the benefits of being in a beta is getting access to these exclusive items, just to boost sales, even more?


DE needs to remove ALL stats. A person should not have bought a helmet, unless they liked the way it looked. An item shouldn't have been for sale, if it was overpowered, in the first place.

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Because we were there :D


That are  words by scott .


So you don't see anything wrong with that a subset of people are going to be given gameplay exclusives?


Or, do you not just care, because you're part of that subset?

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i believe they should erase all the stats from cosmetics, was a bad idea to begin with,


like the brokk hammer skin or the dagger axe skin should be a different weapon and not a skin.


also DE needs to understand that, if warframe is still in beta (debatable),  things will change.


DE needs to stop with the apologies, and the exclusive items to bandaid the vet's egos (legendary cores fiasco to name one).


something is wrong, boom, erased, something is bad implemented, boom , replaced.



in the end just refund the plat to those who bought the helmets, is not real money when DE gives it back to an account, so they as a company are losing nothing.


TL:DR. is a beta, everything can change, we should get used to it and stop whining.


we are asking all the time for changes, but when they come we whine because we lose something, come on.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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I will just... leave this here...




If you don't, them REMOVE the damn stats from your own helmet and be happy! 


Ehehe... Using a lie, as a meme, makes it sound like a lie.


Do you not see the fact that these stats are now 'exclusive' to those who own them? Gameplay altering exclusives, that give an advantage, that no longer can be obtained? That's okay to you?

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So you don't see anything wrong with that a subset of people are going to be given gameplay exclusives?


Or, do you not just care, because you're part of that subset?


Excalibur prime is pay exclusive and these helmets are play in right moment exclusive :D


So yes i dont find that wrong blame me  i am evil smurf, ^^

Edited by SALE94
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First, none of the frames are unviable in any content; you might not be able to solo a T3 survival to 2 hours with your ember, but that doesn't mean you can't use it.  It'll work perfectly fine against almost any content (though Frosts slow speed is annoying as hell, making it less fun to play.  Making other frames as slow won't make Frost more fun to play, just the others less fun to play.  Surely you see that?).  Second, you should be arguing for improvements to the frames you like that are 'weaker' in your eyes, not weakening the items you don't want to play with so they're weaker than your chosen favorites.


That's how the game will die, mediocrity, because nerfers can't handle their favorite thing not being the best at everything, so they have to whine to make everything else worse, rather than making the thing they like BETTER.


Next up, you'll start talking about 'power creep', as if that's an important thing in a game where you fight the AI and not other players.  Who cares if you're more powerful than the grineer lancer?  YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE.  If you want more of a challenge, argue for more challenging mission types and enemies and content, not weakening everything.


Take a step back and look at what you're asking for, and ask if it increases player options or decreases them.  If it decreases them, you're actively asking to ruin the game.


I love you man, in a bro kinda way.

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Ehehe... Using a lie, as a meme, makes it sound like a lie.


Do you not see the fact that these stats are now 'exclusive' to those who own them? Gameplay altering exclusives, that give an advantage, that no longer can be obtained? That's okay to you?


YES, that's OK with me, actually i would like if all helmets had some stats. I would also like if Syndanas and other cosmetics had stats. Damn i would be OK if these stuff even had MOD slots! That's my opinion. 

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YES, that's OK with me, actually i would like if all helmets had some stats. I would also like if Syndanas and other cosmetics had stats. Damn i would be OK if these stuff even had MOD slots! That's my opinion. 

But.. Syandanas are... $$$ only...


Do, do you understand, that gaming blogs would quickly rip such a game apart for being Pay to Win?

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Well the only helmet whose stats really break balance is of course the bacon helmet. That creates a pretty gross imbalance, which of course a lot of players won't say anything about because.. you know, selfishness.

Or alot of players will say things about beacuse... you know, jealousy.

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Once again, I'm going to have to shoot an issue in the face.


Let us take a look at the situation rationally and not turn to blind hatred:





Those who want their Warframe to look different purchased/got the alert and built helmets based on visual appeal. They put looks first. Those who wanted their frame to play a little different and used their helmet like a corrupted mod like the changeup to gameplay. They put stats first. There are elements of both in most people, but we all lean one way or another.


That out of the way:


DE's handling of the stats situation is knee-jerk and inane, with a multitude of simpler, less confounding solutions for everyone. The reaction is just as much so, but there's nothing we can do about that, this is the internet. Their solution involves scrapping the entire gameplay mechanic in favour of making them purely cosmetic, but in an attempt to appease old players, they will allow them to keep their old statted helmets.


I, personally, like the fact that different helmets allow for me to play my frames differently, and allow me to think outside of the box. I'd love more of these positive/negative bonuses on my frames that inherently affect the way I build. I also hate that there are some really worthless stats on some of the nicest helmets, such as Trinity's Meridian.


Others hate the stats, and want them gone completely. They don't want their aesthetic choices to dictate their play style.


In the event DE decides we're both right, making it exclusive to older players is not the answer. In that scenario, everyone who is saying that stats should simply be a separate slot that act exactly the same as helmets without the helmet are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. This is one of those scenarios that makes literally everyone involved happy, because functionally nothing has changed.


The only argument that should be had at here at all is if stats should stay or go. If they should all go, then it's an all-or nothing decision. If, however, DE decides to appease those who care about the technical aspects as well, then EVERYONE gets what they want, DE gets another aspect of gameplay to tinker with, and everyone wins. Personally, I stand on the 'keep stats' side of the fence, but ultimately, this is the only discussion this thread should be having. No name calling, no acting like a bunch of &!$$ants, and enough using the word 'entitled'. You sound like Bioware devs when you do that.


I'd say 'Illuminatus has spoken' again, but I'm sure this thread is going to continue burning for several hours more.


Despite the ego drivel (yes I understand its sarcastic:P) I actually think you are correct to a point. However you failed to factor in two other groups with a dog in this fight,


Group A) They want Vanguard nerfed specifically (yes theres a cabal of these people.) and see this is the way to do it.

Group B) They want to enforce their viewpoint of game balance (armchair devs) onto others. They want all the stats gone because it fits thier idea of balance.


And i am sure more types of people and their reasoning are out there.

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this seems like such a bad solution ,  not the worst solution mind you but  wow it's really turned into a screw the new players type of game  


Don't worry, I'm sure your 10 man Ghost Clan is going to be totally viable, even without any of these exclusives that seem to keep entering the rotation.


Luckily DE was kind enough to warn us of their intent, so you can buy a stock of Vanguard helmets, to trade to your buddies after they're removed! :^)

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I don't see this having any problems with the incoming focus system, at all. Bravo DE, bravo. (I'm referring to the bacon helm here, the rest are not stupidly OP)


Unless you have it all planned out and are balancing it now, I see this as being incredibly shortsighted, like stone blind shortsighted. Is this actually a fixed position, I'm not sure, more likely it may be changed as the game evolves, but I don't know what's going on in Scott's head at them moment.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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All i see is Loki vs Rhino prime threads and  clash because speed . ^^


Funny thing in warframe abbilities section people dont have major problem with this solution about helmets.

Edited by SALE94
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Don't worry, I'm sure your 10 man Ghost Clan is going to be totally viable, even without any of these exclusives that seem to keep entering the rotation.


Luckily DE was kind enough to warn us of their intent, so you can buy a stock of Vanguard helmets, to trade to your buddies after they're removed! :^)


You really have a talent for this dont you. You can probably make some good money on capitol hill.

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You really have a talent for this dont you. You can probably make some good money on capitol hill.


Can you believe I actually want to be a game designer? Anyways, I think everything that's needed to be said, has been said. We'll see if they continue with this plan, or not. I voiced my discontent, others have, and others have voiced their favor for it. If people want exclusives, so be it.

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