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Bows Versus Sniper Rifles... Some Remedies?


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Problem is not only bows. If you take e.g. Marelok, you can also surpass sniper damage. Snipers are supposed to be one-hit kills for most enemies. They should have punch through innately, but need a buff generally speaking. 


I'd like to see a rare mod for snipers with + damage and + punch through.


And/or a new mechanic could be introduced: kill streak. Every successful hit gives the sniper a 10% damage/stat/crit bonus which accumulates up to 100%. If one shot misses, the bonus is lost.


Oh, and Vectis Prime, please. But KEEP IT WITH A 1-SHOT CHAMBER. Only better stats, reload, fire rate. 

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No more mods to cover up for weaknesses in balance, please. 
Mods need to be transitioned to defining playstyle, not level of power.

if Sniper rifles are now weak compared to bows we need these,
a) Buffed rifle stats
b) buffed mechanics like the bows got
c) More long range situations the sniper rifle will excel in over even the bow.

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No more mods to cover up for weaknesses in balance, please. 

Mods need to be transitioned to defining playstyle, not level of power.

if Sniper rifles are now weak compared to bows we need these,

a) Buffed rifle stats

b) buffed mechanics like the bows got

c) More long range situations the sniper rifle will excel in over even the bow.


1. Make Split Chamber 100% multishot.

2. Make all snipers hitscan.

3. Make all snipers have Vectis' accuracy when zooming.

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