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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Bad move overall DE...the countdown, the cold and lacking explanation, the lock down of megathread in attempt to silence the community...then just deleting all the thread concerning about it...

Im starting to lose my faith really...I really love this game and the developers, but im gonna need some time to recover from this...


edit: yes, I guess making a thread like this to pressure DE isnt a good idea either.. but I just couldnt help but post it. Its kind of disheartening thinking DE was a really open developer that communicates well with players.

I still do care for this game, and I hope all settles well. 

Edited by khk6
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So about the new update, do we feel it is ready?


Yeah should be good... Can't wai-




What do you me-*Checks forum hype* HOLY GREEDY MILK WE NEED MORE TIME! Should we do a late release like with Update 12?




(Release the forum kubrows)

(Note this is NOT too be taken seriously, it is just a lols thread like with update 12)

(Inb4 someone does take seriously)

(Also continue to the... Story I guess?)

(Collaborated with StevangarCronox. This took too long.)

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Now before this gets locked and/or deleted, you guys genuinely and honestly need to stop hyping up so many things and constantly having nothing to show for it. You need to take a step back and focus on one thing at a time, babystep it, and start showing when you know it will be ready to show. This has been the form of play for a long long loong time in your sceduling and updating, and it needs to stop.


Look at the backlash that all of this has caused. We have been put on the fence so much. Oh just another week, oh just another week, oh just another bloody week. This though, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. You don't do such things as this massive grandeous form of hype for a new update that will literally change the way the game is played and expect us to just nod and say "oh its ok, dont worry, take your time." No, thats unacceptable.


What exactly is going on over there? Not enough employees? Too much mis-communication? More ideas with less backing? Lord if that was the case, you guys should hire more coders, modelers, level designers, whatever. Just, please people, have some decency and only show and hype more things without going overboard. Hell, its still a beta. If you needed support, release it and let the community dictate and decide what needs fixing. Like, use us. Its a beta. We're here to help. Yeah there will be people who complain but in the long run there will be a far, far better game in the end.


Few months ago, I made this post, showing my appreciation that finally, someone was able to nail a proper F2P that did it right, full of personality, everything in the game is obtainable, and my lord, a decent company who care about their fanbase. That was the bit that made me put money into this game more than others. The fact of the matter is though, you guys are doing a lot of false promises at this point. Hell even if this is all just some tom-foolery ARG S#&$ that you pulled with vay hek invading the stream, I dont even think that will fix it.


I'm not mad like other people. Im disappointed. Im disappointed that my trust keeps getting waned and stretched way too thin for its own good. I dont want these apology alerts. Hell you guys could give everyone a hundred platinum and it still wouldn't be ok. I want you guys to apologize in your stream. Tell why. I want you guys to also take a step back and finally learn that maybe, just maybe, going overboard with your ideas without properly fixing it or going on about implementing it consistently rather than leading us to months apon months of needless, disappointing hype.


Learn and grow guys. I may not get the jist of whats what over in a big company or over there, but learn and grow before you show.

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Get over yourself, OP. It's a game.

Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.
Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.
For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream.

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Before this gets deleted, dont be mad at them because they are trying to rush updates so players like you get satisfied. The pressure you put on them doesnt help.

We're not the ones who made the countdown to today.

They're the ones who put up the Grineer Systems page with the "new info till wednesday" countdown that ends today, complete with hyping the new warframe/weapon, tileset, boss and more.


So...why the countdown? That's not our fault.

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Well according to Rebecca something went horrible wrong last minute so they had to draw back the release so it was originally intended for today but I guess something went wrong nothing we can do about it. Also just keep in mind I am not mad but I am a little disappointed I understand that things go wrong but you could have handled holding of the release a bit better like posting a post that explains that something went wrong and explain to the players why you have to hold off instead of just doing a count down timer.

Edited by Archangelzz
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 Lack of explanation?

 Cold response?

 She just said they needed more time to finish it up. And she even said the 3 compensation alerts.

 Things not always go the intended path. If they need a week to deliver something so massive and with less bugs, I will gladly wait. 


 Patience is a virtue.

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