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How Would You Improve Your Least Favorite/least Played Warframe?


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How would you improve your least favorite Warframe? Or, improve the frame that you just don't like to play as? We all probably have a frame that we hate to love, or we want to do so much better. I mean c'mon, what makes any frame deserve to be seen as lesser by you? What needs to happen to that frame so that you can actually look forward to dusting it off and kicking some &#! again?

For me, the frame I want to love is Banshee. She's got some seriously awesome power...on paper. In action she falls short of being the sonic boom she could be.

For instance, I would like to see sound wave actually get some power. It's a nice ragdoller but when you have Mag's Pull available for equal energy and usually an instakill, at the very least it would be nice if Sound Wave did more. What do I suggest? Sending enemies flying farther (great for CC) and when enemies hit a wall they take more damage.

As for Silence...eurgh Silence. If Silence could be saved in any way, it needs to do more than just make you quiet. We have weapons and mods that can make stuff silent. What makes Sonar stand out from Enemy Sense and Enemy Radar is the crit spot locator that is useful in high level battles. So to make silence worthwhile, I would like it if enemies immediately exited "panic mode" for a moment because they can't hear guns. But if Silence could be nixed completely, I would love a power akin to Chaos that creates a piercing noise that causes enemies to go crazy for a moment, and then they can't hear (like with silence) for a bit.

Finally, for a character that has winged shoes and manipulates sound, maybe Banshee could stand to be a bit faster.

So, how would you improve your least favorite/least played frame?

Edited by 8bit_Ghost
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my least played frame is rhino and loki (considering i odnt even own a loki)


i would fix them by making them fun to play. then i would work with numbers.


rhino is "i think im really good at this game but the frame is so easy to use"


and loki is " ive spent too much time playing this game so i may as well just troll people because ive got nothing left to do"


LOL EDIT: how could i forget nova. ever since they removed her super jump from MP i stopped using her because... well frankly there was nothing fun left about her.

Edited by Zhoyzu
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I loved all the frames at one point, but due to nerfs or newer frames being released they just started to feel.. "old".

Frames I barely play on are:


Ash > Never really liked him, I prefer Loki. (personal preference)

Banshee > Since her ult got changed x updates back I just lost all of my love for her, she was my most used frame at one point.

Excalibur > Just played him too much (I guess) and he feels like he's missing something.(strength wise)

Vauban > Not really using him anymore since the Bastille nerf. Also I'm using other frames that have better CC.

Frost > Same reason as Vauban.

Nekros > Only to spam 3 when I'm farming resources. But even that's not necessary anymore since I already have tons of resources and his skill does not work on Oxium drones.

Nova > Just boring.

Nyx > Never liked her mind control skills.. just felt too easy.

Oberon > Only use his ult.. I don't like his other skills.

Saryn > Only use her ult.. I don't like her other skills.

Trinity > Don't like any of her skills.

Valkyr > Just not my type, don't like her ult either.

Zephyr > Still dislike her from the Oxium thing.(I guess) Also the flying stuff is broken on most maps. You constantly get stuck or get re-spawned to the ground. Also hard to make a proper build on her since all her skills require duration, efficiency, strength and range.

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For Ash, remove his ultimate's teleport/stab attack. Instead, have him instantly spawn clones behind enemies to do the same thing, except all at the same time.


Or something else. Right now, it's too slow and other players just wipe everything out in an instant.

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Loki gonna be interesting even for people that hate him once melee 2.0 comes out. Radial disarm could become really fun!

My banshee is still lvl 29, she was so much no fun i couldnt bring it over me to play her again for the 200 mastery points... Maybe when i need them to reach the next rank. Maybe... :D

Her ult could be changed but not every frame needs a stunning huge ult. None of her abilities seemed like a "must have" to me. There are some warframes that need a rework but in my eyes she needs a rework the most. Maybe scrap at least 2 of her skills completely and give her some new toys.

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