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The New Water Frame (Hydroid) Hype And Anticipation Megathread


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Looks a bit like an undead knight. Definetly more knightish/paladinish than Oberon thought.


Though i have the feeling it will also be something like 600 oxium or some new material like "aquarium" that you can only get from a new Grineer enemy on the shipyard tilset.


Then I shal slay the enslaved Grineer workforce until they produce enough crab-burguers so I can build crabframe. That or sell some MODs and cough up the plat for crab-burguers in the Market, but only if Melee 2.0 fails to catch me and Shipyard enemies are not good melee oponents.

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Looks to me that the new frame is partially inspired by the leviathans from mass effect, similar features, and leviathans are supposed to be monsters from the sea. Wouldn't be surprised at all if it was named leviathan

All "water things from the deep" have the same design (leviathans, davy jones, cthulhu) its pretty common.

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I hope it's not a melee frame. sorry, valkyr was an interesting experiment and all, but I am hoping we get some more niche damage buff abilities like accelerant. maybe his could boost ice and electric damage. also hoping we get something no one was expecting. DE has been pretty good about making unique frames. oberon, valkyr, nekros, and zephyr have all had some unique aspects, hopefully DE can continue the trend

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I do hope it's actual crossbow not rapidfire dartgun.


Looking at that thing on top of that crossbow, which resembles a magazine, it seems like it might be automatic with a charge mechanic. Would love to use such a versatile primary, that is able to shoot one bolt, burst-fire, fire in full auto or charge a single bolt. Hope it's awesome <3

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hey all


so unlike most people i figured out that grineersystem.com was used to tease the new update. i mean it was obvious there were screens that had the same thing on them except the first anyways.




the third screen shows first look at the new "water" frame?


and new weapons!!!


what do you guys think?



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They said he'd have water(ish) skills.


Correction they said "it's a water based frame" how in the world would you design a frame have "water'ish" type skills lol. oxy moron bro ;D it'll basically be the aquaman frame. I hope they go with a name like MARINE! or Posiden or something epic. I imagine this frame and frost are like best friends.

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I hate to be the downer in the party, but I wish for once they had a major update where they DON'T introduce new things to keep us spending plat, and just go back and fix and refine everything that's already in place, like warframe balance, and performance.


Are they ever planning to insert a campaign? I think I've read somewhere that it's planned, but with this new things to buy for each update cycle they've holed themselves into, it seems unlikely.

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hey all


so unlike most people i figured out that grineersystem.com was used to tease the new update. i mean it was obvious there were screens that had the same thing on them except the first anyways.




the third screen shows first look at the new "water" frame?


and new weapons!!!


what do you guys think?

You can't be that self absorbed.

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