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Explain Puddle To Me


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Right, we've already seen WaterBall, SplashDash (in three different flavours no less!!), and Tentanado, and we didn't really like any of those abilities the first time around. So the only new thing Hydroid will be bringing to the table is Puddle, and I just can't imagine this ability ever being useful in any situation. Ever.


Honestly, I'm really trying to not just completely give up on this game and I'm not trying to be an &#! but I really can't conceive of any situation where turning into a puddle, lying about, and hoping that something...falls into me?...would be a good idea.

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It would likely be one of those abilities no one uses and those min/maxing Hydroid will forma out the slot for it for something more favorable.

The only situation I can think of where it could come in handy is if you are near death and want a time-out to regen your shields.

Judging from the live stream it doesn't seem to do much damage. Maybe it can be buffed enough to be useful with goading a lot of Infested to come running towards you then suffocate them in the puddle.

Edited by spidey2092
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well... imagine you are about to die horribly from an angry horde of enemies, you turn into a puddle and survive... until you go back to normal and they kill you... (unless you can move as a puddle but didnt seem to be the case) so i guess puddle it's like loki's invisivility except you can't do anything except be a puddle : D. i kinda want to give it a try though, the idea of becoming a puddle has seduced me in ways i could have not imagined... i want to be a puddle man... i wanna try it... i doubt i'll stay a puddle for long though.

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Puddle Simulator 2014


Anyway, from what I could tell it'll be a viable survival ability like certain stealth abilities. But the best thing about it may be it's future. From what I can guess, DE's insistence on bringing in new stealth-oriented abilities hints at a Stealth update/rework.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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I wonder if it will work on bosses, just imagining the joy of trolling your teammates by concealing Lephantis in a shallow little puddle of water for an indefinite amount of time.


Silly as it looks though, I think it will have it's uses (it would've looked cooler if he just formed the puddle beneath him and quickly sunk under it instead of turning into it though).



P.S. If this trend continues, I wonder if Earthframe will turn into a rock, preferable one your allies can hide behind or even throw you at people.

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the puddle is for stealth.


How can it be for stealth? From what we've seen, Puddle is a stationary ability. We already have an ability that lets us remain undetected while not moving, it's called hiding behind a box. It costs zero energy and can be equipped on any Frame.

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I wonder if it will work on bosses, just imagining the joy of trolling your teammates by concealing Lephantis in a shallow little puddle of water for an indefinite amount of time.


Silly as it looks though, I think it will have it's uses (it would've looked cooler if he just formed the puddle beneath him and quickly sunk under it instead of turning into it though).



P.S. If this trend continues, I wonder if Earthframe will turn into a rock, preferable one your allies can hide behind or even throw you at people.

+1 for "turn into a rock" ability i want that asap.

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1. Find a choke point.

2. Turn into a puddle.

3. Suck enemies into the Void.

4. Profit!


thought about that one too, does seem kinda neat to use it like that.

i have to wonder though... how effective will that really be?

i mean, if it does a whole 5 dmg per second, then its just gonna be another trash power.


with that in mind, aside from the fact that you can become "supper puddle man" and the jollies you can have from it just being funny/neat, it really does seem like it will be mostly useless... though i suppose it could be useful for pulling enemies away from an objective or something like that.


all that aside:

speculation gets us nowhere fast.

lets all just wait and give it a test before we take a stance on it.

it could very well be the best thing ever to come to warframe.

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Well, it can be an "Oh sh*t" button, allowing you to regenerate your shields, to tell your Trinity to cast Blessing, et cetera. Offensive usability? None.


Unless... What if every enemy sucked in is damaged over time, but at the same time it gives you health and/or energy with each tick?

Edited by Angius
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You haven't even tried the Frame and you are criticising it... Sigh...

Puddle will be useful as CC and Stealth. Combo it with his second ability and some range and power mods, and drag tonnes of enemies into your puddle to prevent them hitting a Defense pod and do damage to them over time. Or if you are taking a lot of fire you can use it to hide away from enemies (while damaging some of them) and regenerate your health and shields. If you like linear missions the second option will be more for you. It also works well if you are in melee mode because it seems to really benefit close quarters combat.

Imagine combo-ing Hydro-frame with Loki in Defense! Loki Radial Disarms them so they must melee the pod, but when they get close to the pod... *slurp* ... safe pod is safe!  


Keep in mind the damage figures shown on the stream are not final. They said that they were a WiP glimpse at the abilities and that they still needed balancing.

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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Right, we've already seen WaterBall, SplashDash (in three different flavours no less!!), and Tentanado, and we didn't really like any of those abilities the first time around.

We? Do you mean you? If you want to give negative feedback I suppose you have that right, but don't try and act like your opinion is more than your own..
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We? Do you mean you? If you want to give negative feedback I suppose you have that right, but don't try and act like your opinion is more than your own..


Well, more of an observation really, I just don't see anyone casting Fireball or Slash/Bash/Tail-Dash. And as soon as someone does cast Tornado they're immediately asked to stop scattering the drops all over the map.

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I can imagine it being useful in Survival or Defense missions. Just use it in front of a door and suck in all the enemies rushing through said door, giving your teammates some extra time to clear out the other enemies who've used a different entrance.


And if nothing else you could dive into a crowd of enemies that are decimating your allies and give your teammates time to recover/reload/run.

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