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My Personal Thanks


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Thanks for the kind words - hope you dig U13!


No the thanks are for you, and all your co-workers. Please pass around the message that we appreciate them all! This world could use more kind words and happy, so I'm more than willing to shower you all with my space ninja love!

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So am I going to be waiting till 12 am EDT for the update or should I see it sooner Mr.Sinclair.

I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

And I have gotten better at predicting your evasion. HA!

Stress not mighty Steve, your pink shorts and diligently digital extremists will see you through to success!

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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.


Now the question is, is it the day for us Europeans? >:P

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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

I thought they only had a bit of clean up left on it after last week, crazy to think they are still crunching! No wonder the forums are dotted with DE_Staff, all hands on deck (pun intended for the new frame)

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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

Anyway I could help ? wait hold that thought. I think I hear something.



Bunny  ninja its ready.

Edited by Gravefire
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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

One might say that there is a lot of *sips* going around the office?


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@DE Steve. Its really nice seeing you post on the forums again, its been wasy too long. I've missed those long posts/ q&a you've done in the past. I hope the negativity tthat's always around hasn't scarred you off. Whenever I see devs communicating in the forums it makes my shorts the pink shorts. Please consider being more active in the forums.

Many thanks,


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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

Steve. We spoke about this before...

Glaive - Can it now be thrown while wall running with melee 2.0?

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Wondering, is the update coming out late for us Europeans? (That we have to wait for Thursday like every update? :o)

not only you, us asians wait for the update at thursdays too. its usually the timezones.

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Like OP and others, so will I say my thanks !


Dear Digital Extremes (aka DE), for this past year you did amazing job ! That's right ... One year and in this time, game changed ALOT ! For a better of course ! Everynow and then you throw at us amazing things. Can't realy express how greatfull I am for everything you guys at DE do. THE HARD WORK IN THIS ONE IS DAMN HIGH !


The community can be sometimes harsh, not pleased or even throw some bad words at you ...BUT don't be sad because of it,WE LOVE YOU GUYS! We love your game and will continue to play it !


Eveyrone here cheers for you !


After deploying U13 ... Please take a break, it will be much needed : )



Edited by Anzark
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I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.


Can we at least get the patch notes a bit early haha ?

Do it for Santa, do it if you want your strange Batman car from the original series with Adam West  and the little dances he makes about cat abortions.

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Like OP and others, so will I say my thanks !


Dear Digital Extremes (aka DE), for this past year you did amazing job ! That's right ... One year and in this time, game changed ALOT ! For a better of course ! Everynow and then you throw at us amazing things. Can't realy express how greatfull I am for everything you guys at DE do. THE HARD WORK IN THIS ONE IS DAMN HIGH !


The community can be sometimes harsh, not pleased or even throw some bad words at you ...BUT don't be sad because of it,WE LOVE YOU GUYS! We love your game and will continue to play it !


Eveyrone here cheers for you !


After deploying U13 ... Please take a break, it will be much needed : )



I'm glad to see there's a lot of others just like me who really do appreciate all they have done, and understand how much work actually goes into making and maintaining a game.


I wish I could do something special for them all, but I just don't have that kind of money lol. I'd buy them all a drink if I could.

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I'm glad to see there's a lot of others just like me who really do appreciate all they have done, and understand how much work actually goes into making and maintaining a game.


I wish I could do something special for them all, but I just don't have that kind of money lol. I'd buy them all a drink if I could.


Seeing these kinds of posts and threads remind me that region chat is not the entirety of this community. <3.

Edited by FeedingWolves
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Aye! One more bump for gratitude and support! Thanks DE! You guys have made the first and only game to date that has had me give full support. Some may not agree with my expenses on this game, but I wouldn't have done it if I didn't feel you guys deserved it 100%! Keep up the good work and keep the passion alive! :D




Or else!

Edited by Eruend
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