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Who Plays Melee Only?


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I have been playing almost entirely melee so far. But I usually bring at least a pistol with me to take care of things like security cameras and regulators if I need to.


Though it is fun taking them out with flying spin attacks or wall attacks if you can.

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I have done several missions melee only. I love the feel of it even with the few flaws that is has. I am currently running the orthos prime with this build http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Orthos_prime/t_30_000000030_31-2-5-225-1-3-240-5-3-243-4-3-244-0-5-245-7-5-247-3-5-266-6-3-312-8-3_244-9-225-7-31-7-247-9-243-9-240-7-266-7-245-6-312-5/en/4-0-47 

On a side note first mission I went on was with orthos prime on a t3 survival went from level 1-19 with no other weapons equipped that was crazy  

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who of you guys plays melee only? and what's your build?

I do, and i mostly use the Nikana.  Once did i go into survival somewhere in Ceres, and when the G3 showed up, i took them all down with my Ether Reaper in less than half a minute.  That was fun.  So glad they added Melee 2.0.  Just wish they would put charged attacks back into the game.  2.0 (the weapons) feels incomplete without them.

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I've been using Just Excal Prime and Dakra Prime with the Crimson Dervish stance and I've been doing pretty well so far. I have a setup that gives me a large amount of Stamina so I can block,deflect, and close the distance, almost always have a chance to parry and execute, and still doing amazing combo damage.


Been going to Ceres Survivals and doing pretty well. A good sign. :D

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Used to shoot once in a while before Damage 2.0 got released. After Damage 2.0, I've only been Melee-only.

Now with the Melee 2.0, yep, still Melee-only!


Melee FTW!



you can jump slide melee


Did they fix it for the Void drones? Void drones used to be completely immune against melee weapons. Jump-slide or even hitting them with long range weapons, such as Orthos, didn't deal any damage.




Unless it's been fixed, no you can't. They're just straight melee-immune aside from the splash on downward jump attacks.


Only Void drones were immune to melee attacks. Had no problem killing them with jump-slides. The hit should land somewhere between the middle and the end of the slide. Otherwise, it won't hit.

Edited by KingTaro
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Only Void drones were immune to melee attacks. Had no problem killing them with jump-slides. The hit should land somewhere between the middle and the end of the slide. Otherwise, it won't hit.


Yeah, my bad. I meant the Void ones specifically.

Edited by Worira
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